In Vietnam: What are procedures for recognition of medical practising licenses issued by competent foreign bodies or entities?

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Question date: 28/03/2023

In Vietnam: What are procedures for recognition of medical practising licenses issued by competent foreign bodies or entities? - Ha Thanh (Hoa Binh).

    • In Vietnam: From 01/01/2024, what are procedures for recognition of medical practising licenses issued by competent foreign bodies or entities?

      Pursuant to Article 29 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment in 2023 (effective from 01/01/2024) stipulating procedures for recognition of medical practising licenses issued by competent foreign bodies or entities as follows:

      Recognition of practising licenses issued by competent foreign bodies or entities

      1. Practising licenses issued by competent foreign bodies or entities shall be considered for recognition when fully meeting the following conditions:

      a) These practising licenses are recognized under international treaties of which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member state, or international agreements to which Vietnam is a signatory; are issued by competent foreign bodies or entities that have been assessed and recognized by the Ministry of Health as prescribed in clause 3 of this Article;

      b) These practising licenses remain valid at the time of application for recognition;

      c) These practising licenses contain information about professional titles that shall be equivalent to one of the professional titles specified in point a, b, c, d, dd, e, g and h of clause 1 of Article 26 herein.

      2. Recognition procedures shall be as follows:

      a) The practising license holder sends the application package for recognition to the Ministry of Health, including the application form for recognition and the valid copy of the practising license in question;

      b) Within 30 days of receipt of the application package, the Ministry of Health is obliged to send a response stating acceptance or refusal of grant of recognition;

      c) Where it is necessary to verify matters relating to the applicant’s training in foreign countries, the duration of decision to grant recognition shall be 30 days from the day on which verification results are available.


      As regulations above, from 01/01/2024, procedures for recognition of medical practising licenses issued by competent foreign bodies or entities are as follows:

      Step 1: Submission of application

      The practising license holder sends the application package for recognition to the Ministry of Health, including:

      - the application form for recognition

      - the valid copy of the practising license in question

      Step 2: Return of results

      - Within 30 days of receipt of the application package, the Ministry of Health is obliged to send a response stating acceptance or refusal of grant of recognition;

      - Where it is necessary to verify matters relating to the applicant’s training in foreign countries, the duration of decision to grant recognition shall be 30 days from the day on which verification results are available.

      Do people with medical practising licenses issued by competent foreign bodies or entities have to practice as medical interns in Vietnam?

      Pursuant to Clause 1 Article 23 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment in 2023 (effective from 01/01/2024) stipulating as follows:

      Practicing as medical interns

      1. Any person applying for a practising license as a doctor, physician assistant, nurse, midwife, medical technician, clinical nutritionist, out-of-hospital paramedic or clinical psychologist shall be required to practise as a medical intern to provide medical care according to the principles specified in clause 2 of this Article, except if:

      a) he/she has completed a training course in specialization;

      b) he/she has been awarded a practising license issued by a competent foreign body or entity, and recognized pursuant to Article 29 herein.


      Pursuant to Clause 4 Article 29 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment in 2023 (effective from 01/01/2024) stipulating as follows:

      Recognition of practising licenses issued by competent foreign bodies or entities


      4. Holders of the practising licenses issued by competent foreign bodies or entities that are recognized in Vietnam shall be exempted from the requirement for practising as medical interns that are set forth in Article 23 herein, and taking qualification tests that are specified in Article 24 herein.


      As regulations above, people with medical practising licenses issued by competent foreign bodies or entities don't have to practice as medical interns in Vietnam.

      Is it permissible to use medical practising licenses issued by competent foreign bodies or entities having been recognized in Vietnam for renewal of doctor practising licenses in Vietnam?

      Pursuant to Clause 2 Article 30 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment in 2023 (effective from 01/01/2024) stipulating conditions for renewal of doctor practising licenses in Vietnam as follows:

      Issuance of practising licenses

      1. A practising license may be issued to:

      a) a person who first applies for the practising license;

      b) a medical practitioner whose professional title specified in his/her practising license is changed;

      c) a person whose practising license is revoked as prescribed in regulations on issuance of practising licenses of the Government;

      d) Other persons as decided by the Government.

      2. Conditions for issuance of practising licenses applied to those holding the professional titles as doctors, physician assistants, nurses, midwives, medical technicians, clinical nutritionists, out-of-hospital paramedics or clinical psychologists shall be as follows:

      a) Applicants are accredited for the practice of medicine by passing qualification tests specified in Article 24 herein, or hold practising licenses recognized pursuant to Article 29 herein;

      b) Applicants have good health to practice medicine;

      c) Foreign applicants satisfy Vietnamese proficiency requirements under the Government's regulations;

      d) Applicants do not get into the situations specified in Article 20 herein, or are punished for administrative offences involving the unlicensed practice of medicine within the time limit assigned for deeming that they have not yet been punished for administrative offences.


      As regulations above, it is permissible to use medical practising licenses issued by competent foreign bodies or entities having been recognized in Vietnam for renewal of doctor practising licenses in Vietnam.

      Best regards!

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    "This English translation is for reference purposes only and not a definitive translation of the original Vietnamese texts"

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