Are nurses eligible to be issued with medical practice certificates in Vietnam?

Are nurses eligible to be issued with medical practice certificates in Vietnam? What are conditions for Vietnamese to obtain a medical practice certificate in Vietnam?

Hello Lawnet. I graduted from university majoring in nursing. Can I obtain the medical practice certificate. What are condition for me to obtain the certificate?

Thank you!

Are nurses eligible to be issued with medical practice certificates in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 17 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment in 2009 stipulating applicants for medical practice certificates in Vietnam as follows:

1. Doctors, assistant doctors.

2. Nurses.

3. Midwives.

4. Technicians.

5. Herbalists.

6. Owners of family herbal remedies or treatment methods.

As regulations above, you are eligible to obtain the medical practice certificate as long as you satisfy some specific conditions.

What are conditions for Vietnamese to obtain a medical practice certificate in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 18 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment in 2009 stipulating conditions for Vietnamese to obtain a medical practice certificate in Vietnam as follows:

1. To possess any of the following diplomas and certificates relevant to the form of medical practice:

a/ Professional diplomas in health granted or recognized in Vietnam:

b/ Certificates of herbalists;

c/ Certificates of owners of herbal remedies or treatment methods.

2. To possess a written certification of the practice duration, except for herbalists and owners of herbal remedies or treatment methods.

3. To possess a health certificate for practicing medical examination and treatment.

4. Not to fall into cases of being banned from professional practice or work related to the medical or pharmaceutical profession under court rulings or decisions; being examined for penal liability: serving penal sentences or rulings of courts or administrative sanction decisions on confinement to educational or medical treatment establishments: being disciplined by caution or a higher level related to professional medical examination and treatment; or losing civil act capacity or having civil act capacity restricted.

Best regards!

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