What is the cost of health insurance medical examination services in Vietnam?

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Question date: 01/12/2023

What is the cost of health insurance medical examination services in Vietnam? - Ms. Tu (Khanh Hoa)

    • What is the cost of health insurance medical examination services in Vietnam?

      Based on Appendix 1 of the Medical Examination Service Price issued together with Circular 22/2023/TT-BYT, the cost of health insurance medical examination services is as follows:


      Health facilities

      Price includes direct costs, salaries



      Special class hospital



      Level I hospital



      Level II hospital



      Level III hospital



      Level IV hospital



      Commune medical station



      Consultation to determine difficult cases (expert/case; Only applicable to cases inviting experts from other units to consult at medical examination and treatment facilities).


      What are the direct costs included in the price of medical examination services in Vietnam?

      Based on Article 3, Clause 1 of Circular 22/2023/TT-BYT, the structure of the price of health insurance medical examination and treatment services is as follows:

      Structure of the price of health insurance medical examination and treatment services

      The price of health insurance medical examination and treatment services specified in this Circular is built on the basis of direct costs and wages to ensure the medical examination and treatment, specifically as follows:

      1. Direct costs included in the price of medical examination services:

      a) Costs of clothing, hats, masks, sheets, pillows, mattresses, blankets, stationery, gloves, cotton, bandages, alcohol, gauze, saline solution and other consumables for medical examination;

      b) Costs of electricity; water; fuel; processing of domestic waste, medical waste (solid, liquid); washing, ironing, steaming, drying, washing, sterilization of linen, examination equipment; costs of cleaning and ensuring environmental hygiene; disinfectants and disinfectants in the process of medical examination;

      c) Costs of maintenance and maintenance of houses, equipment, purchase and replacement of assets, tools, and equipment such as: air conditioners, computers, printers, dehumidifiers, fans, tables, chairs, stretchers, cabinets, lighting, other necessary tools and tools during the medical examination.


      Therefore, the direct costs included in the price of medical examination services include:

      - Costs of clothing, hats, masks, sheets, pillows, mattresses, blankets, stationery, gloves, cotton, bandages, alcohol, gauze, saline solution, and other consumables for medical examination;

      - Costs of electricity; water; fuel;

      - Processing of domestic waste, medical waste (solid, liquid);

      - Washing, ironing, steaming, drying, washing, sterilization of linen, examination equipment;

      - Costs of cleaning and ensuring environmental hygiene;

      - Disinfectants and disinfectants in the process of medical examination;

      - Costs of maintenance and maintenance of houses, equipment, purchase and replacement of assets, tools, and equipment such as:

      + Air conditioners;

      + Computers, printers;

      + Dehumidifiers;

      + Fans;

      + Tables, chairs;

      + Stretchers, cabinets;

      + Lighting;

      + Other necessary tools and tools during the medical examination.

      What is the cost of health insurance medical examination services in Vietnam? - Source: Internet

      What documents are required to be presented when seeking medical care with health insurance in Vietnam?

      Pursuant to Clause 1 Article 28 of the Law on Health Insurance in 2008 stipulating procedures for health insurance-covered medical care as follows:

      Procedures for health insurance-covered medical care

      1. An insured seeking medical care service shall present his/her health insurance card attached with his/her photo; a card without photo must be produced together with a written proof of persona identity of the card holder; for children under 6 years, only health insurance cards need to be produced.

      2. In case of emergency, an insured may seek medical care services at any medical establishment and shall produce his/her health insurance card together with papers defined in Clause 1 of this Article before he/she is discharged from hospital.

      3. In case of treatment-line transferal, an insured shall obtain a transferal dossier from the concerned medical establishment.

      4. In case of re-examination to meet treatment requirements, an insured shall obtain a note of appointment from the concerned medical establishment.

      Pursuant to Article 15 of the Decree 146/2018/NĐ-CP (amended by Clause 6 Article 1 of the Decree 75/2023/NĐ-CP) stipulating procedures for insurance covered healthcare services as follows:

      Procedures for insurance covered healthcare services

      1. When visiting healthcare establishments for medical examination or treatment services, health insurance policyholders must present photo health insurance cards or citizen identity cards; in case of absence of the photo, they shall be required to present one of their photo identity documents issued by competent bodies or authorities, or certificates endorsed by commune-level police authorities or others endorsed by educational institutions in charge of management of pupils or students; other legitimate personal identification documents or level-2 electronic identification (VneID) according to the provisions of Decree No. 59/2022/ND-CP dated September 5, 2022 of the Government on electronic identification and authentication.


      As regulations above, health insurance participants must present a health insurance card with a photo when going for medical examination and treatment. If the health insurance card does not have a photo, the health insurance card must be presented together with the identity document of the person; for children under 6 years of age, only the health insurance card must be presented.

      The following identity documents can be presented:

      - Personal documents with photos issued by competent authorities;

      - Confirmation letter from the commune police;

      - Other documents with confirmation from the educational institution where students and students are managed;

      - Other legal identity documents;

      - Electronic identification documents at level 2

      Best regards!

    Above is legal advice provided for customers of LawNet . If you require any further information, please send an email to nhch@lawnet.vn
    "This English translation is for reference purposes only and not a definitive translation of the original Vietnamese texts"

    • Decree 146/2018/NĐ-CP Download
    • Decree 75/2023/NĐ-CP Download
    • Circular 22/2023/TT-BYT Download
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