What are the penalties for failure to install an electric meter at the centralized wastewater treatment plant of the dedicated area for production in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, what are the penalties for failure to install an electric meter at the centralized wastewater treatment plant of the dedicated area for production? In Vietnam, what are the penalties for failure to collect rainwater of business establishments in the dedicated area for production to the rainwater collection and drainage system? In Vietnam, what are the penalties for failure to have a rainwater collection and drainage system in each investment phase of the operating dedicated area for production?

Thank you!


In Vietnam, what are the penalties for failure to install an electric meter at the centralized wastewater treatment plant of the dedicated area for production?

Pursuant to Clause 4.d Article 15 of the Decree 45/2022/NĐ-CP stipulating penalties for failure to install an electric meter at the centralized wastewater treatment plant of the dedicated area for production in Vietnam as follows:

a) A fine ranging from VND 10,000,000 to VND 20,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to assign personnel to take charge of environmental protection as prescribed; failure to promulgate regulations on environmental protection of the dedicated area for production, business and service provision in conformity with required environmental protection requirements; failure to cooperate with a competent authority in organizing environmental protection activities or inspecting environmental protection by investment projects and business establishments at the dedicated area for production, business and service provision as prescribed;

b) A fine ranging from VND 30,000,000 to VND 50,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to request a competent authority to take actions upon discovery of an offence against environmental protection committed by an organization or individual; failure to maintain an adequate ratio of green space as prescribed; failure to provide separate spaces for different types of business and services as prescribed; failure to have a manhole for sedimentation or separate oil scum in rainwater before discharge into a receiving body; keeping a centralized wastewater treatment system operation logbook which insufficiently records one of the following pieces of information: flow (input, output), typical parameters of input and output wastewater (if any); amount of electricity used; type and amount of chemicals used, sewage sludge generated; failure to archive a centralized wastewater treatment system operation logbook as prescribed;

c) A fine ranging from VND 50,000,000 to VND 60,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to have a logbook which records operation of the centralized wastewater treatment system;

d) A fine ranging from VND 60,000,000 to VND 80,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to install an independent electric meter at the centralized wastewater treatment plant of the dedicated area for production, business and service provision;

dd) A fine ranging from VND 80,000,000 to VND 100,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to collect or connect or completely connect rainwater of business establishments in the dedicated area for production, business and service provision to the rainwater collection and drainage system as prescribed; failure to have a rainwater collection and drainage system in each investment phase of the operating dedicated area for production, business and service provision as prescribed; failure to dredge, maintain or care the wastewater or rainwater collection and drainage system as prescribed; failure to have a treated wastewater collection and drainage system that satisfies the prescribed requirements; failure to the discharge of wastewater by business establishments into the rainwater drainage system of the dedicated area for production, business and service provision;

e) A fine ranging from VND 100,000,000 to VND 150,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to have a rainwater collection and drainage system in each investment phase of the operating dedicated area for production, business and service provision as prescribed; failure to have a rainwater collection and drainage system separated from the wastewater collection and drainage system as prescribed; failure to have a treated wastewater collection and drainage system that satisfies the prescribed requirements; failure to collect or connect or completely connect wastewater of business establishments in the dedicated area for production, business and service provision to the wastewater treatment and collection system as prescribed;

g) A fine ranging from VND 150,000,000 to VND 180,000,000 shall be imposed for accepting a new project not included in the list of industries and business lines in which investment is encouraged as prescribed; accepting a new project or increasing capacity of the operating project that generates wastewater in the dedicated area for production, business and service provision without having environmental protection infrastructure or having environmental protection infrastructure that fails to satisfy regulations or is not suitable for the wastewater receipt and treatment capacity of the centralized wastewater treatment system as prescribed;

h) A fine ranging from VND 200,000,000 to VND 250,000,000 shall be imposed for building or installing a centralized wastewater treatment system that fails to satisfy regulations or environmental protection requirements as prescribed;

i) A fine ranging from VND 800,000,000 to VND 1,000,000,000 shall be imposed for building or installing equipment, pipes or other systems used for discharging untreated waste into the environment; failure to have a centralized wastewater treatment system as prescribed.

In Vietnam, what are the penalties for failure to collect rainwater of business establishments in the dedicated area for production to the rainwater collection and drainage system?

Pursuant to Clause 4.dd Article 15 of the Decree 45/2022/NĐ-CP stipulating penalties for failure to collect rainwater of business establishments in the dedicated area for production to the rainwater collection and drainage system as follows:

a) A fine ranging from VND 10,000,000 to VND 20,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to assign personnel to take charge of environmental protection as prescribed; failure to promulgate regulations on environmental protection of the dedicated area for production, business and service provision in conformity with required environmental protection requirements; failure to cooperate with a competent authority in organizing environmental protection activities or inspecting environmental protection by investment projects and business establishments at the dedicated area for production, business and service provision as prescribed;

b) A fine ranging from VND 30,000,000 to VND 50,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to request a competent authority to take actions upon discovery of an offence against environmental protection committed by an organization or individual; failure to maintain an adequate ratio of green space as prescribed; failure to provide separate spaces for different types of business and services as prescribed; failure to have a manhole for sedimentation or separate oil scum in rainwater before discharge into a receiving body; keeping a centralized wastewater treatment system operation logbook which insufficiently records one of the following pieces of information: flow (input, output), typical parameters of input and output wastewater (if any); amount of electricity used; type and amount of chemicals used, sewage sludge generated; failure to archive a centralized wastewater treatment system operation logbook as prescribed;

c) A fine ranging from VND 50,000,000 to VND 60,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to have a logbook which records operation of the centralized wastewater treatment system;

d) A fine ranging from VND 60,000,000 to VND 80,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to install an independent electric meter at the centralized wastewater treatment plant of the dedicated area for production, business and service provision;

dd) A fine ranging from VND 80,000,000 to VND 100,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to collect or connect or completely connect rainwater of business establishments in the dedicated area for production, business and service provision to the rainwater collection and drainage system as prescribed; failure to have a rainwater collection and drainage system in each investment phase of the operating dedicated area for production, business and service provision as prescribed; failure to dredge, maintain or care the wastewater or rainwater collection and drainage system as prescribed; failure to have a treated wastewater collection and drainage system that satisfies the prescribed requirements; failure to the discharge of wastewater by business establishments into the rainwater drainage system of the dedicated area for production, business and service provision;

e) A fine ranging from VND 100,000,000 to VND 150,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to have a rainwater collection and drainage system in each investment phase of the operating dedicated area for production, business and service provision as prescribed; failure to have a rainwater collection and drainage system separated from the wastewater collection and drainage system as prescribed; failure to have a treated wastewater collection and drainage system that satisfies the prescribed requirements; failure to collect or connect or completely connect wastewater of business establishments in the dedicated area for production, business and service provision to the wastewater treatment and collection system as prescribed;

g) A fine ranging from VND 150,000,000 to VND 180,000,000 shall be imposed for accepting a new project not included in the list of industries and business lines in which investment is encouraged as prescribed; accepting a new project or increasing capacity of the operating project that generates wastewater in the dedicated area for production, business and service provision without having environmental protection infrastructure or having environmental protection infrastructure that fails to satisfy regulations or is not suitable for the wastewater receipt and treatment capacity of the centralized wastewater treatment system as prescribed;

h) A fine ranging from VND 200,000,000 to VND 250,000,000 shall be imposed for building or installing a centralized wastewater treatment system that fails to satisfy regulations or environmental protection requirements as prescribed;

i) A fine ranging from VND 800,000,000 to VND 1,000,000,000 shall be imposed for building or installing equipment, pipes or other systems used for discharging untreated waste into the environment; failure to have a centralized wastewater treatment system as prescribed.

In Vietnam, what are the penalties for failure to have a rainwater collection and drainage system in each investment phase of the operating dedicated area for production?

Pursuant to Clause 4.e Article 15 of the Decree 45/2022/NĐ-CP stipulating penalties for failure to have a rainwater collection and drainage system in each investment phase of the operating dedicated area for production as follows:

a) A fine ranging from VND 10,000,000 to VND 20,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to assign personnel to take charge of environmental protection as prescribed; failure to promulgate regulations on environmental protection of the dedicated area for production, business and service provision in conformity with required environmental protection requirements; failure to cooperate with a competent authority in organizing environmental protection activities or inspecting environmental protection by investment projects and business establishments at the dedicated area for production, business and service provision as prescribed;

b) A fine ranging from VND 30,000,000 to VND 50,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to request a competent authority to take actions upon discovery of an offence against environmental protection committed by an organization or individual; failure to maintain an adequate ratio of green space as prescribed; failure to provide separate spaces for different types of business and services as prescribed; failure to have a manhole for sedimentation or separate oil scum in rainwater before discharge into a receiving body; keeping a centralized wastewater treatment system operation logbook which insufficiently records one of the following pieces of information: flow (input, output), typical parameters of input and output wastewater (if any); amount of electricity used; type and amount of chemicals used, sewage sludge generated; failure to archive a centralized wastewater treatment system operation logbook as prescribed;

c) A fine ranging from VND 50,000,000 to VND 60,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to have a logbook which records operation of the centralized wastewater treatment system;

d) A fine ranging from VND 60,000,000 to VND 80,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to install an independent electric meter at the centralized wastewater treatment plant of the dedicated area for production, business and service provision;

dd) A fine ranging from VND 80,000,000 to VND 100,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to collect or connect or completely connect rainwater of business establishments in the dedicated area for production, business and service provision to the rainwater collection and drainage system as prescribed; failure to have a rainwater collection and drainage system in each investment phase of the operating dedicated area for production, business and service provision as prescribed; failure to dredge, maintain or care the wastewater or rainwater collection and drainage system as prescribed; failure to have a treated wastewater collection and drainage system that satisfies the prescribed requirements; failure to the discharge of wastewater by business establishments into the rainwater drainage system of the dedicated area for production, business and service provision;

e) A fine ranging from VND 100,000,000 to VND 150,000,000 shall be imposed for failure to have a rainwater collection and drainage system in each investment phase of the operating dedicated area for production, business and service provision as prescribed; failure to have a rainwater collection and drainage system separated from the wastewater collection and drainage system as prescribed; failure to have a treated wastewater collection and drainage system that satisfies the prescribed requirements; failure to collect or connect or completely connect wastewater of business establishments in the dedicated area for production, business and service provision to the wastewater treatment and collection system as prescribed;

g) A fine ranging from VND 150,000,000 to VND 180,000,000 shall be imposed for accepting a new project not included in the list of industries and business lines in which investment is encouraged as prescribed; accepting a new project or increasing capacity of the operating project that generates wastewater in the dedicated area for production, business and service provision without having environmental protection infrastructure or having environmental protection infrastructure that fails to satisfy regulations or is not suitable for the wastewater receipt and treatment capacity of the centralized wastewater treatment system as prescribed;

h) A fine ranging from VND 200,000,000 to VND 250,000,000 shall be imposed for building or installing a centralized wastewater treatment system that fails to satisfy regulations or environmental protection requirements as prescribed;

i) A fine ranging from VND 800,000,000 to VND 1,000,000,000 shall be imposed for building or installing equipment, pipes or other systems used for discharging untreated waste into the environment; failure to have a centralized wastewater treatment system as prescribed.

Best regards!

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