What is solution for implementing the program of thrift practice and waste combat in 2022 in Vietnam?

What is solution for implementing the program of thrift practice and waste combat in 2022 in Vietnam? What is implementation of the program of thrift practice and waste combat in 2022 in Vietnam? Please advise. Thankyou.

What is solution for implementing the program of thrift practice and waste combat in 2022 in Vietnam?

In Section III of the Program on thrift practice and waste combat in 2022 of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, promulgated together with Decision 960/QD-BKHDT in 2022, the following provisions are made:

1. Units under the Ministry are responsible for coordinating with organizations, mass organizations and the masses in promoting the role of Party committees, cell branches, trade unions and youth unions in leadership, advocacy and union members in the agency continue to regularly maintain their study and mastery of the Law on Accounting and Control, the Government's Decree No. 84/2014/ND-CP dated September 8, 2014 detailing a number of articles of the Law on thrift practice and waste combat and documents related to all civil servants, public employees and employees in the unit.

2. To step up the propaganda, education and awareness raising in the thrift practice and waste combat. Newspapers, magazines, electronic portals of the Ministry and the websites of units under the Ministry have increased articles and news related to thrift practice and waste combat in areas prone to complaints and denunciations such as: investment, bidding, enterprise,...

3. Maintain operation of hotline phone numbers and e-mail boxes to receive information and reflect violations of the law on thrift practice and waste combat of organizations and individuals on the Portal. of the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

4. Units under the Ministry take the initiative in formulating annual plans for self-inspection and self-inspection at their units and implementing the regime of summarizing and reporting in accordance with the provisions of the law on thrift practice and waste combat.

5. With regard to violations of regulations on thrift practice and waste combat through inspection, the heads of units must promptly remedy and handle or propose and recommend competent authorities to take measures. 

6. For civil servants, public employees and employees who violate regulations on thrift practice and waste combat, they must resolutely handle administrative and public duties, and at the same time must clearly define the responsibilities of the head of the unit for violations at the unit in accordance with regulations. In case of serious violations, exceeding their authority, they should urgently report to the leaders of the Ministry directly for handling or report to functional agencies for handling in accordance with the law.

7. For collectives and individuals that have made achievements in the work of thrift practice and waste combat will be rewarded according to the regime's current regulations of the State.

What is implementation of the program of thrift practice and waste combat in 2022 in Vietnam?

In Section IV of the Program on thrift practice and waste combat in 2022 of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, promulgated together with Decision 960/QD-BKHDT in 2022, the following provisions are made:

1. On the basis of the main tasks in this Program, based on their assigned functions and tasks, the heads of units under the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall have to coordinate with mass organizations and groups. they disseminate the contents of the Law on Savings, CLP and guiding documents, Resolutions, Conclusions, Directives on thrift practice and waste combat of the Party and State and thrift practice and waste combat Program of the Ministry of Finance to each cadre, civil servant, public employee and employee of the unit.

The heads of the units are responsible to the Minister at home for the implementation and the implementation of the Program of thrift practice and waste combat in 2022 of the Ministry of Planning and Investment; encourage all cadres, civil servants, public employees and employees in the unit to be exemplary in the observance of the Law on thrift practice and waste combat; resolutely handle and completely handle cases of violations of regulations on thrift practice and waste combat.

Assign the General Statistics Office to be responsible for promulgating the thrift practice and waste combat Program in 2022 in accordance with the specific management characteristics, functions and tasks of the units under the General Statistics Office for implementation.

2. Reporting mode:

a) Central Institute for Economic Management, Foreign Investment Department, Enterprise Development Department, Business Registration Management Department, Cooperative Development Department, Legal Department: According to the functions and tasks assigned assigned to be in charge of reporting on the implementation of contents related to the thrift practice and waste combat specified in the Law on Investment, Law on Enterprises, Law on Cooperatives, Government Decrees and guiding documents.

b) The Procurement Administration Department shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant units in, reporting on the implementation of the provisions of the Bidding Law, the Government's decrees and guiding documents. 

c) Departments: National Economic General, Monetary Finance, Investment Supervision and Appraisal, Local and Territorial Economy, Foreign Economic Relations and specialized departments according to their functions and tasks assigned in charge of evaluating and reporting the following contents:

- The organization and implementation of annual public investment plans of ministries, central and local branches in accordance with the Law on Public Investment, Decrees guiding the implementation of the Law and related documents.

- The work of guiding, inspecting and supervising central and local ministries and branches in the formulation, allocation, management and use of the annual public investment capital plan; results of settlement of arrears in capital construction.

- The situation and progress of disbursement of development investment capital of the ministries, central branches and localities assigned to be in charge.

- Status and results of implementation of national target programs and important and urgent projects .

d) The Department of Planning Management shall report on the implementation of planning activities in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Law and the compliance with the Planning Law in the ministries, central branches and localities.

e) The Ministry Inspector shall assume the prime responsibility for:

- Contents of inspection and examination of the implementation of the provisions of the law on thrift practice and waste combat in the implementation and integration of the annual inspection and examination plan.

- Coordinate with the Investment Supervision and Evaluation Department and related units to report on the inspection, examination and supervision of the observance of the Law on Public Investment and the provisions of the law on public investment, especially projects using state budget capital, ODA capital, development investment credit capital of the State.

g) The People's Inspectorate Board is responsible for supervising the implementation of the thrift practice and waste combat within the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

h) The Department of Personnel and Organization shall report on the situation and results of the thrift practice and waste combat in the organizational apparatus, management and use of labor within the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

i) The Ministry's Office is responsible for urging the units under the Ministry to seriously implement the thrift practice and waste combat in the management of recurrent expenditures; act as the focal point to report on the implementation of the Law on thrift practice and waste combat in 2022 by the Ministry and submit it to the Ministry's Leaders to the Ministry of Finance.

3. The Department of Emulation, Commendation, and Communication puts the results of the implementation of the Program of thrift practice and waste combat of the Ministry of Planning and Investment into a criterion for evaluation, classification of emulation and commendation, and a basis for commending and rewarding employees, organizations and individuals that have initiatives and achievements in the field of thrift practice and waste combat.

4. In the course of implementation, if difficulties and problems arise, the heads of the units should promptly report them to the leaders of the Ministry for consideration and decision.

Best Regards!

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