Regulations on the sequence of economic-technical norms development are managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Vietnam

What are regulations on the sequence of economic-technical norms development managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Vietnam? What are regulations on the review of economic-technical norms development managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Vietnam?

What are regulations on the sequence of economic-technical norms development managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Vietnam?

Based on Article 9 of Circular 06/2021/TT-BNNPTNT, the regulations on the sequence of economic-technical norms development are as follows:

The head of the unit, based on their functions and assigned tasks, is responsible for organizing the development of economic-technical norms for each product or public service, including the following steps:

1. Establishing a Drafting Team (if necessary).

2. Developing a draft Proposal and a draft Decision on the issuance of economic-technical norms (according to the template in the Appendix attached to this Circular); organizing meetings, discussions, and surveys (if necessary) to develop economic-technical norms.

3. Seeking opinions from the Department of Science, Technology, and Environment, the Department of Finance, and relevant organizations and individuals regarding the draft Decision on the issuance of economic-technical norms; consolidating, incorporating, and explaining the received feedback.

4. Reviewing the economic-technical norms according to the provisions in Article 10 of this Circular; incorporating and explaining the reviewing comments.

5. Seeking opinions from the Deputy Minister in charge.

6. Adjusting and completing the documentation according to the provisions in Article 11 of this Circular for submission to the Minister for review and issuance of the economic-technical norms.

Regulations on the sequence of economic-technical norms development are managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Vietnam - image from internet

What are regulations on the review of economic-technical norms development managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Vietnam?

According to the provisions in Article 10 of Circular 06/2021/TT-BNNPTNT, the regulations on the review of economic-technical norms are as follows:

1. The head of the unit leading the development of economic-technical norms establishes a Review Council consisting of 7 to 9 members: 1 Chairman (representing the leadership of the leading unit), 1 Vice Chairman (if necessary), and council members (representing the Department of Science, Technology, and Environment, the Department of Finance, and relevant units).

2. The documentation for the Review Council is sent to its members at least 3 working days before the meeting, including: draft Proposal, draft Decision on the issuance of economic-technical norms, a summary table of incorporating and explaining the feedback from relevant organizations and individuals, and other relevant documents (if any).

3. The Review Council is responsible for advising the head of the leading unit on improving the draft Decision on the issuance of economic-technical norms before submission for review and issuance by the Minister.

4. Review Council meeting:

a) The Review Council meeting is conducted when at least two-thirds of the members are present. The council members discuss and evaluate the quality of the draft Decision on the issuance of economic-technical norms through a secret ballot according to the following levels:

Level 1: Meets the proposed requirements for issuance;

Level 2: Meets the requirements but requires amendments before proposed issuance;

Level 3: Does not meet the requirements and needs to be reconstructed.

b) The Chairman of the Review Council consolidates the opinions of the council members and concludes on the quality of the draft Decision on the issuance of economic-technical norms based on the consensus of the majority of the council members (according to one of the three prescribed levels).

Best regards!

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