Who are full members of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Copyright for Motion Pictures and Television?

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Question date: 02/10/2023

Who are full members of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Copyright for Motion Pictures and Television? What are the conditions for joining the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Copyright for Motion Pictures and Television? What are the rights of members of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Copyright for Motion Pictures and Television?

Thank you!

    • Who are full members of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Copyright for Motion Pictures and Television?

      Pursuant to Clause 1 Article 8 of the Regulations of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Copyright for Motion Pictures and Television issued by the Minister of Home Affairs and attached to Decision 840/QD-BNV in 2021 stipulating as follows:

      Full members:

      - Organizational members: Vietnamese organizations established in accordance with the law and operating in the field of copyright protection for motion pictures and television in Vietnam, who endorse the Association's Regulations and voluntarily join the Association, may become full members of the Association.

      Each organizational member has one legal representative participating in the Association. The legal representative of the organizational member must be the legal representative of that organization and be a Vietnamese citizen;

      - Individual members: Vietnamese citizens who are engaged in or related to the field of copyright protection for motion pictures and television in Vietnam, who endorse the Association's Regulations and voluntarily join the Association, may become full members of the Association.

      Who are full members of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Copyright for Motion Pictures and Television? - Source: Internet

      What are the conditions for joining the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Copyright for Motion Pictures and Television?

      Pursuant to Article 11 of the Regulations of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Copyright for Motion Pictures and Television issued by the Minister of Home Affairs and attached to Decision 840/QD-BNV in 2021 stipulating as follows:

      Procedures and authority for admitting members; procedures for leaving the Association

      1. Procedures and authority for admitting members

      a) Conditions for joining the Association: Organizations and Vietnamese citizens who meet the criteria specified in Article 8 of this Regulation who wish to join the Association must submit an application, together with an application file for joining the Association, including:

      - Application for joining the Association;

      - A copy of the Business Registration Certificate (for organizational members);

      - A membership application form (in the format specified by the Association's Standing Committee).

      b) According to the resolution of the Executive Committee, the President of the Association issues a decision to recognize new members.

      c) After receiving the decision to admit members of the Association's Executive Committee, members pay membership fees in accordance with regulations and are issued membership cards of the Association.

      Therefore, the conditions for joining the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Copyright for Motion Pictures and Television are that organizations and Vietnamese citizens who meet the criteria specified in Article 8 of the Regulations issued together with Decision 840/QD-BNV who wish to join the Association must submit an application, together with an application file for joining the Association, including:

      - Application for joining the Association;

      - A copy of the Business Registration Certificate (for organizational members);

      - A membership application form (in the format specified by the Association's Standing Committee).

      What are the rights of members of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Copyright for Motion Pictures and Television?

      Pursuant to Article 9 of the Regulations issued together with Decision 840/QD-BNV in 2021 and Article 10 of the Regulations issued together with Decision 840/QD-BNV in 2021 stipulating the rights of members of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Copyright for Motion Pictures and Television:

      1. To be protected by the Association in accordance with the law.

      2. To be provided with information related to the Association's field of activity, and to participate in activities organized by the Association.

      3. To participate in discussions and provide opinions on the Association's policies and directions; to propose and submit opinions to the competent authorities on issues related to the Association's field of activity.

      4. To participate in discussions, propose and submit opinions to decide on the Association's work policies in accordance with the Association's Regulations; to propose and submit opinions to the competent authorities on issues related to the Association's field of activity in accordance with the law.

      5. To attend the General Assembly, nominate, elect the Association's governing bodies, leadership positions, and Audit Committee in accordance with the Association's regulations.

      6. To introduce new members.

      7. To be rewarded in accordance with the Association's regulations.

      8. To be issued a membership card.

      9. To leave the Association if they deem it impossible to continue as a member.

      10. Honorary members enjoy the same rights and obligations as full members, except for the right to vote on Association issues and the right to nominate, elect, and vote for the Executive Committee and Audit Committee.

      Best regards!

    Above is legal advice provided for customers of LawNet . If you require any further information, please send an email to nhch@lawnet.vn
    "This English translation is for reference purposes only and not a definitive translation of the original Vietnamese texts"

    • Decision 840/QD-BNV in 2021 Download
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