How often shall the Congress of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of the Rights of Film and Television Films be held?

How often shall the Congress of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of the Rights of Film and Television Films be held? What are tasks of the Congress of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Film and Television Rights? What are duties and powers of the Executive Board of the Congress of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Film and Television Rights?

Thank you!

How often shall the Congress of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of the Rights of Film and Television Films be held?

Pursuant to Clause 1 Article 13 of the Charter of the Association for Protection of the Rights of Film and Television Films in Vietnam promulgated together with the Decision 840/QD-BNV in 2021 stipulating as follows:

1. The highest governing body of the Association is the Term General Congress or Extraordinary General Congress. The term congress is held once every 5 (five) years. The Extraordinary General Congress is convened when at least 2/3 (two thirds) of the total number of Executive Board members or at least 1/2 (one-half) of the total number of official members are requested.

2. Term General Congress and Extraordinary General Congress shall be held in the form of a General Congress or a General Congress of Delegates. A plenary meeting or a congress of delegates is held when there are more than 1/2 (one-half) of the official members or more than half (one-half) of the official delegates are present.

Therefore, the Congress of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of the Rights of Film and Television Works is held every five years.

What are tasks of the Congress of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Film and Television Rights?

Pursuant to Clause 3 Article 13 of the Charter of the Association for Protection of the Rights of Film and Television Films in Vietnam promulgated together with the Decision 840/QD-BNV in 2021 stipulating 06 tasks as follows:

- Discuss and approve the final report of the term; directions and tasks of the new term of the Association;

- Discuss and approve the Association's Charter; Charter (amended, supplemented) of the Association; name change, division, separation, merger, consolidation, dissolution of the Association (if any);

- Discuss and comment on the report on reviewing the work of the Executive Board and the financial report of the Association;

- Decide the number and elect the Executive Board, the Association's Inspection Committee;

- Other contents (if any);

- Approve the resolution of the General Assembly.

What are duties and powers of the Executive Board of the Congress of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Film and Television Rights?

Pursuant to Article 14 of the Charter of the Association for Protection of the Rights of Film and Television Films in Vietnam promulgated together with the Decision 840/QD-BNV in 2021 stipulating duties and powers of the Executive Board of the Congress of the Vietnam Association for the Protection of Film and Television Rights as follows:

1. The Association's Executive Board is elected by the General Assembly from among the Association's members. The number, structure and criteria of members of the Executive Board shall be decided by the General Meeting. The term of the Executive Board is the same as the term of the General Meeting.

2. Duties and powers of the Executive Board:

a) Organize, supervise and direct the implementation of the General Meeting's Resolutions, the Association's Charter, and lead all activities of the Association between the two congresses;

b) Prepare and decide to convene the General Meeting;

c) To decide on the program, work plan and annual financial plan;

d) Decide the organizational structure of the Association's apparatus. To promulgate the operating regulations of the Executive Board and the Standing Board; Regulations on management and use of finance and assets of the Association; Regulations on management and use of the Association's seal; Regulations on reward and discipline; other rules and regulations in the internal activities of the Association in accordance with the provisions of the Association's Charter and the provisions of law.

d) Elect and dismiss the President, Vice Presidents, General Secretary and members of the Standing Board of the Association; elect additional members of the Executive Committee and the Inspection Committee. The number of additional elected Executive Board members must not exceed one third (one third) of the number of Executive Board members decided by the General Meeting.

e) To decide on commendation and discipline according to the provisions of the Association's Charter and the provisions of law.

3. Operating principles of the Executive Board:

a) The Executive Board operates in accordance with the Regulations of the Executive Board, in compliance with the provisions of law and the Association's Charter;

b) The Executive Board meets 02 (two) times a year, managed by the President of the Association or a person authorized in writing by the President. The Executive Board may hold an extraordinary meeting at the request of the Standing Board or more than 1/2 (one-half) of the total number of Executive Board members at the request;

c) Meetings of the Executive Board are valid when more than 1/2 (one-half) of the total number of Executive Board members attend the meeting. The Executive Board may vote by show of hands or secret ballot, the regulation of the voting form shall be decided by the Executive Board;

d) Resolutions and decisions of the Executive Board are approved when more than 1/2 (one-half) of the total number of Executive Committee members attending the meeting vote in favor;

dd) Meetings of the Executive Board of the Association must be recorded in minutes and kept at the Association's Office

Pursuant to the above provisions, the duties and powers of the Executive Board of the Association are as follows:

- Organize, supervise and direct the implementation of the Resolution of the Congress, the Association's Charter, leading all activities of the Association between the two congresses;

- Prepare and decide to convene the General Meeting;

- Decide on the program, work plan and annual financial plan;

- Decide on the organizational structure of the Association's apparatus. To promulgate the operating regulations of the Executive Board and the Standing Board; Regulations on management and use of finance and assets of the Association; Regulations on management and use of the Association's seal; Regulations on reward and discipline; other rules and regulations in the internal activities of the Association in accordance with the provisions of the Association's Charter and the provisions of law.

- Elect and dismiss the President, Vice Presidents, General Secretary and members of the Standing Board of the Association; elect additional members of the Executive Committee and the Inspection Committee. The number of additional elected EExecutive Board members must not exceed one third (one third) of the number of Executive Board members decided by the General Meeting.

- Decide to reward and discipline according to the Association's Charter and the law.

Best regards!

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