How much royalties for works must an electronic press to pay authors in Vietnam?

How much royalties for works must an electronic press to pay authors in Vietnam? Where does the money to pay royalty bracket for works on electronic press come from in Vietnam?

I am the author of a Political commentary that has been published in an electronic press. How much royalties will I receive when I publish it?

How much royalties for works must an electronic press to pay authors in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 7 of Decree 18/2014/ND-CP regulating royalties for works of print and electronic press as follows:

1. The royalty bracket for works of print and electronic press is prescribed below:



Maximum coefficient


News report

Replies to readers










Political commentary




Memoir (per issue)




Literary works









2. The value of a royalty coefficient unit is equal to 10% of the minimum wage level applicable to cadres, civil servants and armed forces (below referred to as minimum wage level).

For press agencies that can self-finance operation expenses, editors-in-chief may base themselves on the quality and genre as well as the royalty bracket, pay royalties higher than the common average level, which, however, must not exceed the maximum coefficient prescribed in the royalty bracket.

3. Royalties shall be calculated as follows:

Royalty = The royalty coefficient x The value of a royalty coefficient unit.

4. Other provisions

a/ Authors of lyrics of musical pieces, words of comic books or subtitles of the media genre are entitled to 20-50% of the royalties for those works;

b/ Authors of translations from foreign languages or ethnic minority languages into Vietnamese or vice versa are entitled to 40-65% of the royalties for works of the corresponding genre in Vietnamese. The royalty levels shall be decided by editors-in-chief;

c/ Authors of works for children or ethnic minority people are entitled to an additional amount as creation incentive equal to 10-20% of the royalties for those works;

d/ Vietnamese authors who write directly in foreign languages, Kinh authors who write directly in ethnic minority languages, and people of one ethnic minority who write directly in the language of another ethnic minority are entitled to an additional amount as creation incentive equal to 30-50% of the royalties for those works;

dd/ Authors of works created under difficult and dangerous conditions are entitled to an additional amount as creation incentive not exceeding the royalties for those works;

e/ For online newspapers, royalties and remuneration for information supplied by readers shall be decided by editors-in-chief, unless otherwise agreed upon;

g/ For interviews, royalties for interviewers and interviewees shall be paid according to regulations of press agencies.

Thus, electronic press that uses the work must pay royalties to the author, royalties calculated according to the royalty coefficient, and benefits according to the above regulations in Vietnam. The author of a Political commentary published in an electronic newspaper will receive royalties with a maximum coefficient of 30.

How much royalties for works must an electronic press to pay authors in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

Where does the money to pay royalty bracket for works on electronic press come from in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Article 8 of Decree 18/2014/ND-CP, regulations on royalty funds are as follows:

1. A royalty fund of a print or electronic press agency may be formed from the following sources:

a/ Revenues from press activities;

b/ Revenues from economic activities of the press agency;

c/ Financial assistance from organizations and individuals at home and abroad;

d/ State budget support (if any).

2. For press agencies that cannot vet self-finance their operation expenses, their managing agencies shall provide funds for them to set up royalty funds on the basis of estimates prepared as follows:

Annual royalty fund = Total royalties payable for newspaper or magazine issues published in a year + Additional royalty amounts as creation incentive + Remuneration.

- Total royalties payable for newspaper or magazine issues published in a year = Total average royalty coefficients per newspaper or magazine issue x The value of a royalty coefficient unit x Number of newspaper or magazine issues in a year.

- Additional royalty amounts as creation incentive must not exceed 30% of total royalties payable for newspaper or magazine issues published in a year.

- Total remuneration must not exceed 50% of total royalties payable for newspaper or magazine issues published in a year.

3. Press agencies that can self-finance operation expenses may decide on their royalty funds on the basis of their revenues and expenditures.

According to this Article, royalties for works published on electronic newspapers are taken from the royalty fund with revenue from the above activities in Vietnam.

Best regards!

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