What is the maximum duration of temporary residence at one place in Vietnam in 2025?
What is the maximum duration of temporary residence at one place in Vietnam in 2025?
Based on Article 27 of the 2020 Residence Law, the conditions for temporary residence registration are as follows:
Article 27. Conditions for temporary residence registration
- A citizen residing at a legal place outside the administrative unit at the communal level where they have permanent residence registration for work, study, or other purposes for 30 days or more must register for temporary residence.
- The maximum temporary residence period is 2 years and may be extended multiple times.
- Citizens are not allowed to register for new temporary residence at a location specified in Article 23 of this Law.
According to the above regulations, the maximum temporary residence period at one place is 2 years and may be extended multiple times.
What is the maximum duration of temporary residence at one place in Vietnam in 2025? (Image from the Internet)
What documents are required for temporary residence registration in Vietnam?
Based on Article 28 of the 2020 Residence Law stipulating the dossier, procedure for temporary residence registration, and extension:
Article 28. Dossier, procedure for temporary residence registration, and extension
- The dossier for temporary residence registration includes:
a) Declaration for changing residence information; for the minor registering for temporary residence, the declaration must clearly state the consent of the father, mother, or guardian, except where consent has been given in writing;
b) Documents and materials proving legal residence.
- The person registering for temporary residence submits the registration dossier to the residence registration agency where they intend to temporarily reside.
Upon receipt of the temporary residence registration dossier, the residence registration agency checks and issues a receipt for the dossier to the registrant; in case the dossier is incomplete, it guides the person to supplement the dossier.
The dossier for temporary residence registration includes the following documents:
[1] Declaration for changing residence information
Note: For minors registering for temporary residence, the declaration must clearly state the consent of the father, mother, or guardian, except where consent has been given in writing.
[2] Documents and materials proving legal residence, as follows:
- One of the following documents:
+ Documents and materials certifying land use rights, ownership of assets attached to the land issued by competent authorities in accordance with land and housing laws over the periods.
+ Construction permit for residential housing or temporary construction permit for housing in cases requiring a construction permit as per construction laws.
+ Documents of buying and selling state-owned housing or documents related to pricing, liquidation of state-owned housing attached to homestead land as per the law.
+ Contract of purchasing housing or documents proving the handing over or receiving of housing from real estate businesses for sale.
+ Documents of purchasing, lease purchasing, receiving as a gift, inheritance, capital contribution, or exchanging housing in accordance with land and housing laws.
+ Documents regarding awarding housing such as gratitude, charity, solidarity housing, or granting housing, homestead land to individuals or households.
+ Court or competent state authority's documents resolving homeownership with legal effect.
+ Documents or materials proving mortgage, pledge of ownership of legal residence.
+ Certification from the commune-level People's Committee about stable use of housing, homestead land that is without dispute, and not at a location where new permanent residence cannot be registered.
+ Documents or materials proving the registration, inspection of owned vehicles, confirmation of regular parking location except where registration of regular parking is not required.
+ Contract, document on renting, borrowing, or staying at someone's place officially notarized or certified by the law.
+ One of various other types of documents or materials considered for issuing certificates of land use rights, ownership of other assets attached to the land as per land and housing laws over the periods.
Note: Except for documents proving legal residence as written agreements for renting, borrowing, or staying at legal residences of agencies, organizations, or individuals, such documents do not require notarization or certification.
- Written commitment from the citizen about having residence rights, no dispute over these rights and living stably, long-term at that residence if none of the above documents or materials is available.
- Documents or materials from the legal lodging facility owner allowing individuals to register for temporary residence at the facility.
- Documents from agencies or organizations managing industrial zones, export processing zones, economic zones granting permission for employees to register temporary residence at housing under ownership or management as regulated by law.
- Documents from agencies or organizations managing construction works, construction sites, dormitories, craft villages, production and business establishments permitting employees to register temporary residence at housing under ownership or management as regulated by law.
What is the latest temporary residence registration form for 2025 in Vietnam?
Based on the Appendix issued with Circular 66/2023/TT-BCA regulating the temporary residence registration form:
Download the latest temporary residence registration form for 2025.