Is it permissible for a short-sighted person to wear glasses when taking photos for issuance of citizen identity card in Vietnam?

Is it permissible for a short-sighted person to wear glasses when taking photos for issuance of citizen identity card in Vietnam? Is the old ID card number printed on citizen identity card in Vietnam? What are regulations on validity period of citizen identity card in Vietnam?

Hello Lawnet. I am 24 years old this year. According to regulations, I have to change my citizen identity card next year. Can I wear glasses when taking photos because I am short-sighted?

Best regards!

Is it permissible for a short-sighted person to wear glasses when taking photos for issuance of citizen identity card in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 5 of the Circular 60/2021/TT-BCA stipulating collection of citizen information when making citizen identity card in Vietnam as follows:

After receiving a request for issuance, replacement or re-issue of a citizen identity card, the citizen information collector shall do the following:

1. Searching for citizen information in the National Population Database to compile dossiers for issuance, exchange and re-issue of citizen identity cards.

a) In case citizen information is already in the National Population Database and there is no change or adjustment, the citizen's information in the National Population Database is used to compile a dossier. primary care, exchange and re-issue of citizen identity cards.

b) In case citizens' information is already in the National Population Database but there is a change or adjustment, the citizen is requested to present legal papers proving the changed content for updating and supplementing. supplementing information in the application for issuance, replacement or re-issuance of the citizen identity card.

c) In case the citizen's information is not included in the national population database, the citizen is requested to present one of the legal papers proving the content of personal information to update the information in the dossier for re-issue of citizen identity cards.

2. Select the type of citizen identification (grant, change, re-issue) and conduct a description of the citizen identity card.

3. Collect citizens' fingerprints according to the following steps:

Acquiring flat fingerprints of 4 right hand pinch fingers (index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger);

Acquisition of flat fingerprints of 4 fingers of the left hand (index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger);

Acquisition of flat fingerprints of 2 pinched thumbs;

Receiving 10 finger rolling fingerprints in order: Right thumb, right index finger, right middle finger, right ring finger, right little finger, left thumb, left index finger, left middle finger, left ring finger, finger left hand.

In case 10 fingerprints from the citizen cannot be collected, describe and enter information about the status of the fingerprint not being collected.

4. Take portraits of citizens

Portrait photos of citizens when carrying out procedures for granting, changing or re-granting a citizen's identity card is a color photo, with a white background, taken from the front, with a bare head, clear face, clear ears, and no glasses; dress, serious and polite manners. In the case of citizens following a religion or ethnicity, they may wear that religious vestment or national costume. If they have a headscarf, they may keep them, but their faces and ears must be clearly visible.

5. Print the receipt of citizen identification information for citizens to check, sign, and clearly write their names; Citizens' information-receiving officers shall check, sign and clearly write their names.

6. Print the form for collecting population information (if any), the form for updating and correcting population information (if any) for citizens to check, sign, and write their full name.

7. Collect fees according to regulations.

8. Revocation of the old people's identity card or citizen identity card in case the citizen carries out procedures to change from the people's identity card to the citizen's identity card or to change the citizen identity card.

9. Issuing appointment papers to return the results of issuance, exchange and re-issue of citizen identity cards to citizens.

10. Right within the working day, the citizen information-receiving officer is responsible for handing over the application for issuance, exchange and re-issuance of the citizen identification card to the file classification department, and the population information collection slip (if any), residential information update and correction slip (if any) to the police of the commune, ward or township or the police of the district, town, provincial city or centrally run city central government in a place where there is no commune-level administrative unit (hereinafter abbreviated as the commune-level police station) where citizens register their permanent residence.

The commune-level police office within 01 working day from the date of receipt of the residential information collection form, the residential information update and correction form, must conduct inspection, verification, and approval and update of the residential information in the National Population Database.

As regulations above, citizens are not allowed to wear glasses when taking photos for issuance of citizen identity card in Vietnam.

Is the old ID card number printed on citizen identity card in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 18 of the Law on Citizen Identification in 2014 stipulating contents stated in citizen identity cards in Vietnam as follows:

1. A citizen identity card has the following information:

a/ On the front side of a card, there are the national emblem of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; the words “Cong hoa xa hoi chu nghia Viet Nam, Doc lap - Tu do - Hanh phuc” (The Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Independence - Freedom - Happiness); the words “Can cuoc cong dan” (Citizen identification); photo, citizen identity card number, family name, middle name and first name, birthdate, gender, nationality, native place, place of permanent residence; and expiry date.

b/ On the back side of a card, there is an encoded place for information storage; fingerprints, characteristics for identification of the card holder; date of card issuance; family name, middle name, first name, title and signature of the card issuer, and a seal bearing the national emblem of the card-issuing agency.

2. The Minister of Public Security shall specify the specifications, other languages, form, size and material of citizen identity cards.

Pursuant to Article 12 of the Circular 59/2021/TT-BCA stipulating verification of ID Card number, Citizen Identity Card Number in Vietnam as follows:

1. QR code on Citizen Identity Cards already contain information on Citizen Identity Card number, ID Card number. Agencies, organizations, and individuals shall examine information on ID Card number, Citizen Identity Card number of citizens by scanning QR Code without requesting citizens to provide written verification of ID Card number, Citizen Identity Card number.

2. In case QR Code on Citizen Identity Card does not contain information on old ID Card number or Citizen Identity Card number, police authorities that receive application for issuance of Citizen Identity Cards are responsible for issuing written verification of old ID Card number or Citizen Identity Card number to citizens when requested.

In case information on old ID Card number, Citizen Identity Card number of citizens is not included on National database on population, request citizens to provide master register or copies of ID Cards or Citizen Identity Cards (if any). Police authorities that receive application for issuance of Citizen Identity Cards shall research and verify via Citizen Identity Card and legal document storage issued by competent agencies that display ID Card number or Citizen Identity Card number to verify information.

In case of sufficient basis, issue written verification of ID Card number or Citizen Identity Card number to citizens; in case of insufficient basis, respond citizens in writing and specify reasons.

3. Deadline for issuance of written verification of ID Card number or Citizen Identity Card number must not exceed 7 working days from the date on which adequate applications are received.

4. Citizens may apply for issuance of written verification of ID Card number, Citizen Identity Card number on National public service portal or public service portal of Ministry of Public Security at any police authorities capable of receiving application for issuance of Citizen Identity Cards when citizens' ID card number and/or Citizen Identity Card number is contained in National database on population.

Results shall be updated and announced on National public service portal, public service portal of Ministry of Public Security, when citizens request for delivery of written verification of ID Card number or Citizen Identity Card number to specific address, citizens shall pay delivery fees as per the law.

As regulations above, the old ID card number is not printed on citizen identity card in Vietnam. However, citizens may find the old ID card number when scanning QR Code on the citizen identity card.

What are regulations on validity period of citizen identity card in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 20 of the Law on Citizen Identification in 2014 stipulating regulations on validity period of citizen identity card in Vietnam as follows:

1. Citizen identity card is a personal paper of a Vietnamese citizen which proves citizen identification of the card holder for conducting transactions in the Vietnamese territory.

2. Citizen identity cards shall be used instead of passports in case Vietnam and a foreign country have signed a treaty or international agreement permitting citizens of the signatories to use citizen identity cards instead of passports in each other’s territory

3. Competent agencies, organizations and individuals may request a citizen to produce his/her citizen identity cards for checking identification and information specified in Article 18 of this Law; use personal identification numbers in citizen identity cards for checking information about the card holders in the national population database and specialized databases in accordance with law.

When a citizen produces his/her citizen identity card at the request of a competent agency, organization or individual, this agency, organization or individual may not request the citizen to produce another paper to prove the information specified in Clauses 1 and 3 of this Article.

4. The State shall protect legitimate rights and interests of holders of citizen identity cards in accordance with law.

Above are regulations on validity period of citizen identity card in Vietnam.

Best regards!

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