What is the significance of March 3? What is the lunar calendar date for March 3, 2025?
What is the significance of March 3? What is the lunar calendar date for March 3, 2025?
Pursuant to Article 23 of the Law on Vietnam Border Guard 2020 stipulating the traditional day, international transaction name, and seal of the Border Guard:
Article 23. Traditional day, international transaction name, and seal of the Border Guard
- March 3 each year is the traditional day of the Border Guard, the All-People's Border Defense Day.
- The international transaction name of the Vietnam Border Guard is Vietnam Border Guard.
- The Border Guard uses a seal with the National Emblem in performing the functions, tasks, and powers assigned.
Thus, March 3 each year is the traditional day of the Border Guard, the All-People's Border Defense Day. According to the Eternal Calendar, March 3, 2025, corresponds to February 4, 2025, in the lunar calendar.
What is the significance of March 3? What is the lunar calendar date for March 3, 2025? (Image from the Internet)
What are the duties of the Border Guard in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 14 of the Law on Vietnam Border Guard 2020 stipulating the duties of the Border Guard:
- Collect information, analyze, evaluate, and forecast situations to perform tasks and propose the Ministry of Defense, Communist Party, and State to issue and direct the implementation of policies and laws on border defense.
- Advise the Ministry of Defense on managing and protecting national borders, maintaining security, order, and social safety in border areas, border gates, and build the Border Guard forces.
- Manage and protect national borders, border markers, boundary markers, border lines, border works, and border gates; organize inspections of the implementation of border defense laws.
- Maintain security, order, and social safety; prevent, detect, stop, and combat hostile forces' methods and tactics, prevent crime, law violations, and protect the legal rights and interests of agencies, organizations, and individuals in border areas and border gates according to law.
- Control entry and exit at border gates managed by the Ministry of Defense and control crossings according to the law.
- Conduct international cooperation on border defense, border external relations; resolve border and border gate events according to the law.
- Propagate, disseminate, and educate the law; mobilize people to follow the Communist Party's guidelines, and the State's policies, and laws.
- Be ready to fight, and combat armed conflicts and aggressive wars in border areas.
- Provide advice and be the core force in building a people's border defense foundation, a people's border defense posture in border areas; participate in building provincial and district border defensive zones, and civilian defense.
- Receive and use civil manpower and means to perform tasks according to the law.
- Participate in building the grassroots political system, stabilizing population arrangements, building infrastructure systems, developing socio-economics, and implementing ethnic and religious policies in border areas in connection with building and strengthening national defense and security.
- Participate in preventing, responding to, and overcoming incidents, natural disasters, catastrophes, climate change, and epidemics; search and rescue in border areas.
What is the operational scope of the Border Guard in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 16 of the Law on Vietnam Border Guard 2020 stipulating the operational scope of the Border Guard:
Article 16. Operational scope of the Border Guard
- Operate within border areas and border gates managed by the Ministry of Defense and within inland areas to perform functions, tasks, and powers according to law.
- Operate beyond borders according to international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member and the law of Vietnam in cases of humanitarian, peace, search, rescue, immigration control, ensuring security, order, social safety, preventing crime, law violations.
According to the above regulations, the Border Guard operates within border areas, and border gates managed by the Ministry of Defense, and inland areas to perform functions, tasks, and powers according to law.
They operate beyond borders according to international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member and the law of Vietnam in cases of humanitarian purposes, peace, search, rescue, immigration control, ensuring security, order, social safety, preventing crime, and law violations.