Standards and norms for training expenditures in trade union agencies in Vietnam

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Question date: 02/12/2023

What are standards and norms for training expenditures in trade union agencies in Vietnam? I need to learn about this content. Looking forward to your guidance.

    • Standards and norms for short-term training courses (the duration of each course is less than 01 month) in Vietnam

      Pursuant to Point 4.1, Clause 4, Article 4, regulations on standards and norms of spending regimes in Trade Union agencies issued together with Decision 4291/QD-TLD in 2022, standards and norms for short-term training courses (the duration of each course is less than 01 month) are specified as follows:

      4.1. Short-term training courses (the duration of each course is less than 01 month)

      Full-time officials of trade unions who are appointed to participate in short-term training courses in Vietnam shall be paid amounts as follows:

      - Regarding classes held outside the province/district where the head office of the trade union is located, per diem shall be paid to each official appointed to participate in training according to applicable policies; regarding classes held within the province/district where the head office of the trade union is located, each official shall be paid an amount of 50.000 VND/day.

      - If it is required to lease an accommodation at the place of training, each full-time official appointed to participate in training shall be paid the rent according to regulations of Clause 5, Article 6 of this document; In case the official is provided with a free accommodation by the agency or unit where he/she is appointed to work, the rent shall not be paid to the official. If the official has been provided with a free accommodation by the agency or unit where he/she is appointed to work, but still requests the agency or unit that makes appointment to pay him/her the rent, the official shall refund the rent paid to the agency or unit and incur a disciplinary action according to regulations of law on officials and public employees.

      - Tuition fees and expenses on documents and textbooks of the training program (if any) shall be paid according to receipts or financial invoices of the agency organizing courses.

      Standards and norms for training expenditures in trade union agencies in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

      Standards and norms for spending on long-term training courses (the duration of each course is at least 01 month) in Vietnam

      Pursuant to Point 4.2, Clause 4 of Article 4, regulations on standards and norms of spending regimes in Trade Union agencies issued together with Decision 4291/QD-TLD in 2022, standards and norms for spending on long-term training courses (the duration of each course is at least 01 month) are as follows:

      4.2. Long-term training courses (the duration of each course is at least 01 month)

      a) Full-time officials of trade unions who are eligible and appointed to participate in long-term training courses in Vietnam shall be paid amounts as follows:

      - Travel expenses during summer vacations, traditional Tet holidays, for internships and actual practice shall be paid according to applicable policies (for concentrated training); travel expenses for 01 course, internships and actual practice shall be paid according to applicable policies (for in-service training).

      - The subsidy on the accommodation rent during the training period shall be decided by the head of the unit that appoints officials to participate in training, and it shall not exceed 60% of the rent according to applicable policies.

      - Regarding assistance with tuition fees according to regulations of the Government, expenses on materials and textbooks according to the training program, the assistance expenditure shall be decided by the head of unit and specified in regulations on management of finances and assets of the trade union. Beneficiaries include officials who are eligible and appointed by competent trade union agencies to study for Master's or Doctoral degrees at foreign training establishments which organize training in Vietnam or foreign organizations in connection with Vietnamese training establishments).

      b) Each full-time official who participates in training according to his/her own account (including officials who are not eligible for training and officials who participate in training on their own account and have training procedures completed by competent trade union agencies) shall be paid an tuition assistance amount and the amount shall not exceed 50% of the assistance amount specified in Point a, Section 4.2 of this Clause. Officials shall pay themselves for other expenses (except for tuition fees specified in Point a, Section 4.2 of this Clause).

      c) Each full-time official who is preselected to hold a managerial position and appointed to participate in domestic training by the competent trade union agency shall be paid an amount of up to 20 million VND after he/she is granted a Master's degree or an amount of up to 40 million VND after he/she is granted a Doctoral degree.

      d) Each full-time official who participates in domestic training on his/her own account shall be paid an amount of up to 10 million VND after he/she is granted a Master's degree or an amount of up to 20 million VND after he/she is granted a Doctoral degree.

      Standards and norms for other training expenditures in Vietnam

      Pursuant to Point 4.3, Clause 4 of Article 4, regulations on standards and norms of spending regimes in Trade Union agencies issued together with Decision 4291/QD-TLD in 2022, other training expenditures are as follows:

      Expenditure on assisting trade union officials who are female and/or ethnic minorities appointed to participate in training according to policies and regulations of the law on gender equality and ethnic affairs; in this case, the assistance funds shall be included in the trade union financial estimate.

      The Standing Committee of the Presidium of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor shall consider deciding expenditures other than those specified in this document.

      Best regards!

    Above is legal advice provided for customers of LawNet . If you require any further information, please send an email to
    "This English translation is for reference purposes only and not a definitive translation of the original Vietnamese texts"

    • Decision 4291/QD-TLD in 2022 Download
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