How many official delegates are eligible to attend a trade union congress in Vietnam?

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Question date: 04/12/2023

How many official delegates are eligible to attend a trade union congress in Vietnam? Mr. Giang (Quang Nam)

    • How many official delegates are eligible to attend a trade union congress in Vietnam?

      According to Subsection 6.5, Section 6 of the Guidance 03/HD-TLĐ in 2020, the number of official delegates attending trade union congresses is as follows:

      (1) Trade union congresses of grassroots trade unions and enterprise trade unions

      - The number of official delegates to the trade union congresses of grassroots trade unions and enterprise trade unions shall not exceed 150.

      - The number of official delegates to the trade union congresses of grassroots trade unions and enterprise trade unions with over 5,000 members shall not exceed 200. (Except for grassroots trade unions and enterprise trade unions that are allowed to hold general congresses of members)

      (2) Trade union congresses of the immediate superior levels

      - The number of official delegates to the trade union congresses of the immediate superior levels shall not exceed 200.

      - In places with over 80,000 members or directly manage over 300 grassroots trade unions, the number of official delegates may be increased but not more than 300.

      (3) Trade union congresses of provinces, cities, and central industry unions

      - With less than 80,000 members: Not more than 250 delegates.

      - With from 80,000 to under 100,000 members: Not more than 300 delegates.

      - With from 100,000 to 300,000 members: Not more than 400 delegates.

      - Over 300,000: Not more than 500 delegates.

      (4) Trade union congresses of general corporations under the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour

      Not more than 300 delegates.


      - The number of official delegates to the Congress of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour shall be decided by the Executive Committee of the General Confederation of Labour.

      - The number of official delegates shall not be less than one half (1/2) of the prescribed number. (Except for trade union congresses of general corporations under the General Confederation of Labour)

      - In case it is necessary to increase the number of official delegates beyond the prescribed number, the consent of the immediately superior trade union must be obtained, but it shall not exceed 10%.

      How many official delegates are eligible to attend a trade union congress in Vietnam? - Source: Internet

      What is the process of organizing trade union congresses at all levels in Vietnam?

      According to Subsection 6.7, Section 6 of the Guidance 03/HD-TLĐ in 2020, the process of organizing trade union congresses at all levels is carried out as follows:

      Step 1: Opening ceremony (National anthem and traditional song of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour)

      Step 2: Election of the presidium, the secretariat, and the credentials committee

      Step 3: Declaration of the reason for convening the congress, introduction of delegates, and opening speech

      Step 4: Adoption of the program and working regulations of the congress

      Step 5: Report on the credentials of delegates

      Step 6: Report on the implementation of the resolutions of the previous congress and the orientation for the next term

      Step 7: Discussion of the documents of the congress

      Step 8: Speeches by representatives of the higher-level trade union, the party committee, the government, and the professional department

      Step 9: Election of the leadership of the trade union organization

      Step 10: Adoption of the resolution of the congress

      Step 11: Closing speech

      Step 12: Closing ceremony

      What are duties and authority of executive committees of trade unions at all levels in Vietnam?

      Pursuant to Clause 7 Article 11 of the Regulations of Trade Unions of Vietnam issued together with the Decision 174/QĐ-TLĐ in 2020 stipulating executive committees of trade unions at all levels in Vietnam as follows:

      Executive committees of trade unions at all levels


      7. Duties and authority of executive committees of trade unions at all levels

      a. Represent and defend legitimate rights and interests of trade union members and workers under their corresponding delegated authority.

      b. Implement the resolution of the congress of the trade union at the same level.

      c. Implement guidelines, resolutions and regulations of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the superior trade union.

      d. Direct, inspect and provide guidance on activities of inferior trade unions.


      As regulations above, executive committees of trade unions at all levels in Vietnam have following duties and authority:

      - Represent and defend legitimate rights and interests of trade union members and workers under their corresponding delegated authority.

      - Implement the resolution of the congress of the trade union at the same level.

      - Implement guidelines, resolutions and regulations of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the superior trade union.

      - Direct, inspect and provide guidance on activities of inferior trade unions.

      - Make decisions on establishment, merger, split-up, split-off, amalgamation, dissolution, move-up or move-down of the inferior trade union, or recognition of the executive committee of the inferior trade union.

      - Elect the Presidium (for the executive committee of VGCL), the standing board (for the executive committee composed of at least 09 members); elect persons holding the titles to the executive committee, the supervision committee and the title of chief of the supervision committee of the trade union at the same level.

      - Provide trade union officials with training courses and enable them to perform their duties; guide, help and protect trade union officials when their legal and legitimate rights and interests are infringed; The executive committee of the superior trade union shall represent, support and assist the executive committee of the grassroots trade union in conducting collective bargaining sessions and exercising the rights to organize and lead strikes in accordance with law.

      - Conduct question and answer sessions involving trade union officials and members at the executive committee’s meetings.

      - Periodically report on organization and operation of the trade union at the same level to the Party committee at the same level (if any), to the superior trade union, and inform them to the inferior trade union.

      - Conduct financial, property and economic activity management in accordance with the State regulations.

      Best regards!

    Above is legal advice provided for customers of LawNet . If you require any further information, please send an email to
    "This English translation is for reference purposes only and not a definitive translation of the original Vietnamese texts"

    • Guidance in 2020 03/HD-TLĐ Download
    • Decision 174/QĐ-TLĐ in 2020 Download
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