What is the Gregorian calendar date of the 4th day of the Lunar New Year 2025? What is the salary for employees in Vietnam working during the 2025 Lunar New Year?

What is the Gregorian calendar date of the 4th day of the Lunar New Year 2025? What is the salary for employees in Vietnam working during the 2025 Lunar New Year? How many major public holidays are stipulated by law in Vietnam?

What is the Gregorian calendar date of the 4th day of the Lunar New Year 2025?

According to the Perpetual Calendar, the lunar new year of 2025 begins on January 01, 2025, of the lunar calendar (which corresponds to January 29, 2025, in the Gregorian calendar). The 4th day of the Lunar New Year 2025 falls on February 1, 2025 (Saturday).

The Lunar New Year 2025, also known as Tet Nguyen Dan, is the most important celebration in Vietnamese culture and many other Asian countries. It is a time for family reunions, honoring ancestors, and welcoming a new year full of hope.

The Lunar New Year is the most important holiday of the year for Vietnamese people. It is not only a time to welcome the new year but also an occasion to carry out traditional customs and engage in meaningful activities. Below are some common activities during the Lunar New Year:

- Before Lunar New Year, families typically clean their homes to rid themselves of the past year's bad luck. Decorating with apricot blossoms, peach blossoms, red couplets, or kumquat trees symbolizes welcoming prosperity and peace.

- An altar with a tray of five fruits, traditional cakes like banh chung, banh tet, and other traditional dishes is prepared to offer to ancestors as a gesture of gratitude. This is an indispensable ritual during Tet.

- Making banh chung (in the North) or banh tet (in the Central and Southern regions) is a traditional and meaningful activity. Family members gather to chat while preparing ingredients and overseeing the cooking of the cakes.

Tet Nguyen Dan is a time for Vietnamese people to express their gratitude to their ancestors, and to wish for luck, peace, and success in the new year. It is also a time for everyone to rest, relax, and rejuvenate after a year of hard work.

The Lunar New Year 2025 is an opportunity to strengthen family ties, reflect on cultural traditions, and look forward to a new year full of hope. Prepare thoroughly to enjoy meaningful moments with family and loved ones!

The above information is for reference only!

What Date Does the 4th Day of the Lunar New Year 2025 Correspond to in the Gregorian Calendar? If working during the Lunar New Year 2025, what wages do employees receive?

What is the Gregorian calendar date of the 4th day of the Lunar New Year 2025? What is the salary for employees in Vietnam working during the 2025 Lunar New Year?​ (Image from Internet)

What is the salary for employees in Vietnam working during the 2025 Lunar New Year?

According to Article 98 of the Labor Code 2019, regulations regarding overtime pay and night work pay are outlined as follows:

Article 98. Overtime Pay, Night Work Pay

  1. Employees working overtime are paid salaries calculated as a unit price or based on actual salary according to the following:

a) On regular days, at least 150%;

b) On weekly days off, at least 200%;

c) On holidays, Tet, and paid leave days, at least 300% not including the holiday, Tet, or paid leave wages for employees who are paid on a daily basis.

  1. Employees working at night are paid an additional amount of at least 30% of the wage calculated by the unit price or the actual salary for regular working days.
  1. Employees working overtime at night, in addition to being paid according to clauses 1 and 2 of this Article, are paid an additional 20% of the wage calculated by the unit price or the salary for daytime work on regular working days, weekly days off, or holidays and Tet.
  1. The Government of Vietnam prescribes the specific regulation of this Article.

Thus, according to the above regulation, when working during the Lunar New Year 2025, salaries for employees are calculated as follows:

- 100%: Normal working day

- 300%: Holiday, Lunar New Year

- 30%: Working at night

- 60%: 20% x actual wage for work done during the day on holidays, Lunar New Year (300%).

Hence, the total salary that an employee receives when working overtime at night on holiday is:

- Working during the day: At least 400% of the daily wage.

- Working at night: At least 490% of the daily wage.

How many major public holidays are stipulated by law in Vietnam?

Based on Article 4 of Decree 145/2013/ND-CP on major holidays:

Article 4. Major Holidays

Major national holidays include:

  1. Tet Nguyen Dan (1st day of the Lunar New Year).
  1. The founding day of the Communist Party of Vietnam (February 3, 1930).
  1. The anniversary of the Hung Kings (March 10, Lunar calendar).
  1. Liberation of the South and National Reunification Day (April 30, 1975).
  1. Victory of Dien Bien Phu (May 7, 1954).
  1. Birthday of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890).
  1. August Revolution (August 19, 1945) and National Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (September 2, 1945).

Thus, according to the law, although there are many holidays throughout the year, there are only 8 major holidays including:

[1] Tet Nguyen Dan (1st day of the Lunar New Year).

[2] The founding day of the Communist Party of Vietnam (February 3, 1930).

[3] The anniversary of the Hung Kings (March 10, Lunar calendar).

[4] Liberation of the South and National Reunification Day (April 30, 1975).

[5] Victory of Dien Bien Phu (May 7, 1954).

[6] Birthday of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890).

[7] August Revolution (August 19, 1945).

[8] National Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (September 2, 1945).

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