What are regulations on the basic competency framework of Vietnamese traditional medicine doctors?

What are regulations on the basic competency framework of Vietnamese traditional medicine doctors? What are regulations on the professional and ethical practice capacity in the basic competency standards of Vietnamese traditional medicine doctors? What are regulations on the ability to apply basic knowledge of traditional medicine combined with modern medicine in the basic competency standards of traditional Vietnamese medicine doctors?

Thank you!

What are regulations on the basic competency framework of Vietnamese traditional medicine doctors?

Pursuant to Section III of the Basic Competency Standards of Traditional Medicine Doctors in Vietnam promulgated together with the Decision 3159/QD-BYT in 2022 stipulating the basic competency framework of Vietnamese traditional medicine doctors as follows:

Including 5 areas, 27 standards, 106 criteria.

- Competence to practice professionally and ethically.

- Ability to apply basic knowledge of traditional medicine combined with modern medicine.

- Ability to take care of traditional medicine combined with modern medicine.

- Communication and collaboration ability.

- Capacity of health organization and management.

What are regulations on the professional and ethical practice capacity in the basic competency standards of Vietnamese traditional medicine doctors?

Pursuant to Area 1, Section IV of the Basic Competency Standards of Traditional Medicine Doctors in Vietnam promulgated together with the Decision 3159/QD-BYT in 2022 stipulating the professional and ethical practice capacity in the basic competency standards of Vietnamese traditional medicine doctors as follows:

Traditional medicine doctors practice professionally according to ethical and legal standards and respect for diverse cultural values.



1. Practicing in accordance with the law

1. Having basic knowledge about the Vietnamese legal system, the law on medical examination and treatment and other legal documents related to medical practice.

2. Comply with Vietnam's regulations on the roles and responsibilities of traditional medicine doctors, well implement the rules, culture of communication and behavior of medical staff.

3. Practicing within the licensed pharmacy profession, complying with professional regulations; report violations in their profession or practice to the competent authority and take personal responsibility for those reports.

2. Practice according to professional ethical standards

1. Take personal responsibility for making decisions and interventions to take care of patients' and community's health.

2. Identify risks affecting patient safety in medical examination, treatment and patient care.

3. Respect the patient, keep confidential information related to the patient. Information is only allowed to be disclosed when the patient agrees or to share information to improve the quality of diagnosis, treatment, and care with practitioners in the group directly treating the patient or in other cases. prescribed by law.

4. Promoting the role and professional values ​​of traditional medicine in the health sector and society by committing to implement 12 medical ethics, medical aphorisms, good clinical practice standards and professional standards under the current regulations.

3. Practice in accordance with actual cultural, economic and social conditions

1. Respecting economic conditions, customs, practices, beliefs, religions and cultures of each region and individual.

2. Willingness to adapt to special circumstances to perform or coordinate with colleagues in professional activities.

3. Approach patients and public health issues in a scientific, honest, responsible, sympathetic and selfless manner.

4. Practice based on the principle of fairness, regardless of social sectors.

4. Lifelong learning for personal and professional development

1. Identify actual work needs, personal career development goals, make study/retraining plans, participate in professional development training activities and local social activities, nationally and internationally as a consultant on traditional medicine.

2. Regularly study to improve professional qualifications in traditional medicine and modern medicine, and apply scientific and technological advances to serve the process of professional activities.

3. Actively collect, self-evaluate and use feedback sources on their own work in a systematic, regular, and scientific basis.

4. Inheriting, researching and developing the theoretical basis of traditional medicine combined with modern medicine on drugs, preparation, acupuncture, nursing and traditional medicine treatment in clinical practice and research science and training.

5. Participate in training activities to improve professional knowledge in a number of other specialties to meet the goal of combining traditional medicine with modern medicine; Continuous career development (CPD) improves skills relevant to the job. Support to improve qualifications and professional development for colleagues.

6. Search and process medical information for patient care; access clinical information stored in medical records (paper and electronic), libraries, and online information sources in an appropriate, complete and accurate manner, ensuring confidentiality and legality.

7. Using information technology, using foreign languages ​​(English or Chinese or other foreign languages) in study, scientific research and professional development.

5. Establish a safe and effective practice working environment

1. Comply with occupational safety standards and rules and policies and procedures for isolation and infection control.

2. Comply with regulations on environmental control of medical facilities (noise, air, water sources...); regulations on management and treatment of medical waste and domestic waste.

3. Comply with the safety of fire, earthquake or other emergencies.

What are regulations on the ability to apply basic knowledge of traditional medicine combined with modern medicine in the basic competency standards of traditional Vietnamese medicine doctors?

Pursuant to Area 2, Section IV of the Basic Competency Standards of Traditional Medicine Doctors in Vietnam promulgated together with the Decision 3159/QD-BYT in 2022 stipulating the ability to apply basic knowledge of traditional medicine combined with modern medicine in the basic competency standards of traditional Vietnamese medicine doctors as follows:

Traditional medicine doctors have the ability to apply traditional medical knowledge, combined with modern medical knowledge in basic science, biomedical science, pathology and treatment, social medicine, family medicine to recognize, explain, solve problems and communicate to individuals and communities about health conditions and diseases.



1. Applying knowledge of basic science, biomedical science, pathology and treatment of traditional medicine in combination with modern medicine in the practice of care, treatment and prevention of diseases

1. Explain the structure, function and normal development of human physical and mental through the stages of development in interaction with the natural and social environment according to modern medicine and ancient medicine transmission.

2. Explain the interaction between the structure and function of the body, between the organ systems under normal and pathological conditions, the pathogenesis and the prognostic factors of diseases according to modern medicine and traditional medicine.

3. Applying related social, political and legal science concepts to traditional medicine.

4. Application of basic principles of traditional medical theory (Yin and yang, five elements, internal organs, meridians, crystals, qi, gods, blood, new translation, disease causes...) in diagnosis. diagnosis, treatment, prevention and health promotion.

5. Using basic knowledge in classic works such as Hai Thuong Y Tong Tam Linh, Nam Duoc Than Hieu, Emperor Noi Kinh To Luan - Linh Khu, Thuong Han Luan, Kim Quy Luong ... in diagnosis . diagnosis, treatment, prevention and health promotion.

6. Applying the basic principles of acupuncture on meridians, acupressure points and building acupressure formulas according to the principles of physics - dharma - acupressure points combined with the principles of modern medicine in diagnosis and treatment.

7. Applying knowledge about indications and contraindications when using acupoint stimulation methods.

8. Applying knowledge about nourishing methods, massage, acupressure and other non-drug methods.

9. Applying knowledge of botanicals and medicinal plants, properties of taste, meridians, main functions and pharmacological effects of traditional medicine drugs in treatment, prevention and health promotion.

10. Establish a remedy based on: structure, reduction, function, classification, interaction; dosage form and usage; dosage; side effects; contraindications and cautions.

11. Applying knowledge of traditional medicine drug interactions in the treatment plan (interactions between traditional medicine drugs - chemical drugs, traditional medicine drugs - traditional medicine drugs, traditional medicine drugs - food).

12. Explain the basic principles in indications and contraindications, how to conduct procedures, examination and testing techniques for diagnosis and treatment of common diseases and conditions.

13. Explain the principles and how to solve basic first aid problems by combining traditional medicine with modern medicine.

14. Evaluating the effectiveness of evidence-based medical interventions.

2. Applying public health principles and methods in medical care practice combining modern and traditional medicine

1. Understand principles, models, organizational systems, functions and tasks of the Vietnamese health network, and the relationship between the health sector and related sectors. Identify the importance of combining traditional medicine and modern medicine in the Vietnamese and international health systems.

2. Analysis of basic concepts and principles of epidemiology, health indicators, risk factors, the relationship between disease risk factors and epidemics on the basis of a combination of modern medicine and modern medicine. traditional medicine.

3. Explain principles and applications in disease prevention; prevention strategies, community-based prevention approaches and high-risk factors in prevention and health promotion by modern medicine combined with traditional medicine.

4. Analysis of the role of nutrition, traditional medicine macrobiotics with community health.

5. Having basic knowledge about population and reproductive health; relationship between population - reproductive health and social development.

6. Explain the role and be skilled in applying methods and means of health promotion and education communication; factors affecting health and the process of changing health behavior in disease prevention and health promotion.

3. Application of scientific research in health care practice according to modern medicine and traditional medicine

1. Identify the research fields of traditional medicine, traditional medicine combined with modern medicine in the practice of searching documents.

2. Demonstrate ability to participate in research on traditional medicine, traditional medicine combined with modern medicine on the basis of evidence-based medicine and research ethics.

Best regards!

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