What are job positions and specialized occupational title structures at public drug rehabilitation facilities in Vietnam?

Please ask: What are job positions and specialized occupational title structures at public drug rehabilitation facilities in Vietnam? - Question from Khanh Phuong (Hai Phong).

What are job positions and specialized occupational title structures at public drug rehabilitation facilities in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 8 of Circular 29/2022/TT-BLDTBXH regulating employment positions and specialized professional title structure of public drug rehabilitation facilities as follows:

List of job positions in public drug rehabilitation facilities

1. Leadership and management job positions:

a) Director;

b) Deputy Director;

c) Head of department;

d) Deputy Head of Department;

d) Area Head, Team Leader, Head of service providing facility.

2. Job positions with specialized professional titles:

a) Main student administrator (Class II student administrator);

b) Student administrator (Class III administrator);

c) Intermediate-level student administrator (Class IV student administrator);

d) Job positions with specialized professional titles in other fields (medicine, pharmacy, social work, psychology, pedagogy, law, economics and other fields suitable to the functions and tasks of the basis).

3. Job positions, shared professional titles:

a) Administration, general, office management;

b) Personnel organization;

c) Financial plan;

d) Clerk, treasurer;

d) Other shared professional positions (if any).

4. Support and service job positions:

a) Driving, protecting the agency;

b) Nutrition and cooking staff;

c) Cleaning staff.

5. Structure of professional titles:

a) The proportion of each group of job positions in the total number of people working at public drug rehabilitation facilities is as follows:


Job position

Ratio (%)


Group of professional titles specializing in student management



Principal student administrator (Administrator Grade II)



Administrator (Administrator Grade III)



Intermediate student manager (Class IV student manager)



Group of specialized professional titles in other fields (medicine, pharmacy, social work, psychology, pedagogy, law, economics and other fields suitable to the functions and tasks of the facility)



Group of shared professional titles



Support and service team (including labor contract)


b) Based on the functions, tasks, organizational structure and list of job positions approved by competent authorities, the drug detoxification facility annually builds job positions and reports to the Department of Labor-Invalids and Social Affairs or the agency assigned to manage by the People's Committee of the province or city and submit it to the competent authority for consideration and decision according to the provisions of law.

Thus, specialized professional titles of public drug rehabilitation facilities include the following positions and structures:


Job position

Ratio (%)


Group of professional titles specializing in student management



Principal student administrator (Administrator Grade II)



Administrator (Administrator Grade III)



Intermediate student manager (Class IV student manager)



Group of specialized professional titles in other fields (medicine, pharmacy, social work, psychology, pedagogy, law, economics and other fields suitable to the functions and tasks of the facility)



What are general standards of professional ethics for officers specializing in student management in Vietnam?

According to Article 14 of Circular 29/2022/TT-BLDTBXH regulating general standards of professional ethics for officers specializing in student management as follows:

- Enthusiastic about work, respectful, open, united, sympathetic and sharing with colleagues in professional activities; Always properly and fully perform the obligations of public employees in professional activities; Protect the legal and legitimate rights and interests of addicts, colleagues and the community.

- Dedicate to work, placing counseling, education, and helping drug addicts change their behavior, personality, quit addiction, and integrate into the community as the most important goals in professional activities; respect, encourage, and support drug addicts; Do not take advantage of professional relationships for personal gain to affect drug addicts' recovery.

- Regularly study to improve professional qualifications and skills in drug addiction treatment; Comply with the rules and regulations of the detoxification facility and the industry.

Are results of the exam or consideration for promotion to the professional title of a student management officer reserved in Vietnam?

Article 18 of Circular 29/2022/TT-BLDTBXH stipulates the results of exams or consideration for promotion of professional titles of officers specialized in student management as follows:

Basis and principles for organizing exams or considering promotions for officers specialized in student management

1. Appointment of officers specialized in cadet management to participate in examinations or consideration for promotion to professional titles must be based on job position, professional title standards and in accordance with the structure of public employees according to professional titles of a public service unit that has been approved by a competent authority.

2. Cadets specialized in student management may register to take exams or be considered for promotion to professional titles when the public service unit has a need and meets the standards and conditions prescribed by law.

3. The organization of examinations or consideration for promotion of professional titles of officers specialized in student administration must ensure the principles of equality, openness, transparency, objectivity and legality.

4. Results of exams or promotions for the professional title of trainee management officer are not reserved for future exams or promotions.

According to this Article, the results of exams or promotions for the professional title of student management officer are not reserved for the next exams or promotions in Vietnam.

Best regards!

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