Is it mandatory for companies to organize regular health check-ups for employees in Vietnam?

Is it mandatory for companies to organize regular health check-ups for employees in Vietnam? Do occupational safety and hygiene officers at the company in Vietnam receive subsidies? What are the conditions for working in the company's medical department in Vietnam?

Is it mandatory for companies to organize regular health check-ups for employees in Vietnam?

According to the current law, is it mandatory for companies to organize regular health check-ups for employees in Vietnam?


Pursuant to Clause 1 Article 21 of the Law on Occupational Safety and Hygiene in 2015 stipulating health check-ups and treatment for occupational diseases applicable to employees as follows:

- Annually, an employer shall organize health check-ups at least once a year for employees;

- For employees who work in heavy, hazardous, dangerous or especially heavy, hazardous, dangerous occupations, employees with disabilities, minors, and elderly employees are required to undergo health check-ups at least once every 6 months.

Therefore, regular health check-ups for employees is a mandatory issue for companies to implement. In fact, depending on the company's welfare policy, it can flexibly organize more than the number of times specified above.

Is it mandatory for companies to organize regular health check-ups for employees in Vietnam? - Source: Internet

Do occupational safety and hygiene officers at the company in Vietnam receive subsidies?

I have a question. Do occupational safety and hygiene officers at the company in Vietnam receive subsidies?


Pursuant to Clause 5 Article 74 of the Law on Occupational Safety and Hygiene in 2015, each occupational safety and hygiene officer has rights to:

- Receive sufficient information about measures for occupational safety and hygiene assurance at the workplace conducted by the employer;

- Take time to perform tasks of an occupational safety and hygiene officer with full salary and receive responsibility benefit.

The responsibility benefit levels shall be jointly agreed by the employer and the Executive board of internal trade union and mentioned in the Operation regulation of the network of occupational safety and hygiene officers;

- Request employees in the group to stop working to conduct measures for assurance of occupational safety and hygiene, avoid hazards of direct breakdowns or occupational accidents and take responsibility for their decision;

- Take part in refresher courses in professional competence and operation methods.

Therefore, occupational safety and health officers are entitled to receive a responsibility allowance. The amount of the responsibility allowance is agreed upon by the employer and the local union board and is recorded in the operating regulations of the occupational safety and health network.

What are the conditions for working in the company's medical department in Vietnam?

I have a medical degree, but I do not have a practicing certificate. If I get a first aid certificate, am I qualified to work in the medical department of a company?


Pursuant to Clause 4 Article 73 of the Law on Occupational Safety and Hygiene in 2015, the health officer must have qualifications in health and a certificate of training in occupational health.

Pursuant to Clause 3 Article 37 of the Decree 39/2016/NĐ-CP, the persons performing the medical activities at companies must meet all following conditions:

- Have medical qualifications including: doctor, doctor of preventive medicine, bachelor of nursing, physician, intermediate-level nurse and midwife;

- Have occupational health certificate.

Best regards!

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