What are regulations on the leadership of the auditing process for reviewing the draft Audit Report by the unit head in Vietnam?

What are regulations on the leadership of the auditing process for reviewing the draft Audit Report by the unit head in Vietnam?

What are regulations on the head of the auditing unit in charge of establishing an appraisal team to organize the appraisal and draft the appraisal report for the draft audit report in Vietnam?

Based on Article 1 Article 11 of the Regulations on the procedures for preparation, appraisal, approval, and issuance of audit reports issued together with Decision 01/2022/QD-KTNN (effective from 02/05/2022), the unit head leading the audit shall establish an appraisal team to organize the appraisal and preparation of the draft audit report according to the following contents:

a) The results of implementing the general audit plan of the Audit Team approved by the State Audit Office regarding objectives, importance, content, scope, limitations, audited entities, and audit deadlines.

b) The results of implementing the directives of the State Audit Office during the audit process (if any).

c) The adequacy and appropriateness of audit evidence as the basis for audit assessments, conclusions, and recommendations.

d) The accuracy, completeness, and correctness of data; the reasonableness, legality of assessments, conclusions, recommendations, and the feasibility of audit recommendations.

dd) Compliance with the requirements for audit reports specified in the State Audit Standards System.

e) Compliance with the audit report structure, content according to the regulations in the audit file form template system; rationality, consistency in report presentation, language, and spelling errors.

g) Compliance with the provisions on audit documentation and records.

What are regulations on the leadership of the auditing process for reviewing the draft Audit Report by the unit head in Vietnam? - image from internet

What are regulations on the head of the unit in charge of the audit organizing the review of the draft audit report by component, location, and review sequence in Vietnam?

Based on Clause 2 of this Article, the head of the unit in charge of the audit organizing the review of the draft audit report by component, location, and review sequence in Vietnam is as follows:

a) Component: The head of the unit or the person authorized by the head of the unit; the Head of the Audit Team and some members of the audit team participate in drafting the audit report; representatives of the General Affairs Department; representatives of the review team, the audit quality control team for the audit, and other components as decided by the head of the unit.

b) Location: Determined by the head of the unit.

c) Review sequence:

- The head of the unit or the person authorized by the head of the unit chairs the review and appoints a meeting secretary.

- The Head of the Audit Team or the person authorized by the Head of the Audit Team presents a summary of the main content of the draft audit report.

- Representatives of the review team present the draft audit report review.

- Representatives of the audit quality control team present the audit quality control report.

- Input from attending delegates.

- Explanation and acceptance of comments by the Head of the Audit Team regarding the contents of the draft audit report review, audit quality control report, and input from attending delegates.

- Concluding opinions and directives from the reviewing authority on the draft audit report.

d) The secretary records the minutes of the review meeting of the draft audit report according to the prescribed template in the audit dossier, ensuring key contents such as the participants of the review meeting, input on the draft audit report, the acceptance of comments by the Head of the Audit Team, and the conclusion of the reviewing authority on the draft audit report.

Best regards!

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