Are accounting records that are changed valid for payment in Vietnam?

Are accounting records that are changed valid for payment in Vietnam? If accounting records do not have sufficient content, can it be signed in Vietnam?

Hello, I'm currently a probationary accountant for a company, I see that my head of accounting department has some accounting records in which some accounting records have been changed. So when I use those changed accounting records to pay some expenses, is it possible? Please advise.

1. Are accounting records that are changed valid for payment in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 18 of the 2015 Accounting Law stipulates making and retention of accounting records as follows:

1. An accounting record shall be made for each economic/financial transaction that occurs during the operation of an accounting unit. Only one accounting record shall be made for each economic/financial transaction.

2. Accounting records must be made in a clear, complete, timely, and accurate manner in accordance with the set form. If an accounting record form is not available, the accounting unit may design its own accounting records as long as they have sufficient contents specified in Article 16 of this Law.

3. Economic/financial transactions on accounting records must not be abbreviated, erased, changed; Text must be written by pen; digits and letters must be written continuously without interruption; blank spaces must be crossed out. Accounting records that are changed are not valid for payment and recording in accounting books. Every incorrect accounting record must be crossed out.

4. An accounting record must have a sufficient number of copies as prescribed. Contents of the copies of an accounting record for an economic/financial transaction must be identical.

5. The persons who make, approve, and other persons that sign the accounting record are responsible for its content.

6. Electronic accounting records must comply with provisions of Article 17, Clause 1 and Clause 2 of this Article. Electronic accounting records shall be printed and retained in accordance with Article 41 of this Law. If electronic records are stored in electronic devices instead of being printed, it is required to ensure safety and security of information and accessibility during the retention period.

Thus, accounting records that are changed are not valid for payment and and recording in accounting books in Vietnam. Therefore, your company when using these changed accounting records will not be paid.

2. If accounting records do not have sufficient content, can it be signed in Vietnam?

According to Article 19 of the 2015 Accounting Law, signing accounting records are as follows:

1. An accounting record must sufficient signatures. Accounting records must be signed with indelible ink. It is prohibited to use red ink or rubber signature stamps on accounting records. Signatures on accounting records appended by the same person must be consistent. The Government shall provide for signatures on accounting records appended by visually impaired people.

2. Accounting records must be signed by competent persons or authorized persons. It is prohibited to sign an accounting record that does not have sufficient content.

3. Accounting records on payment must be signed by the person competent to approve payments and the chief accountant or an authorized person before making such payment. Every copies of an accounting record on payment must be signed.

4. Electronic records must bear electronic signatures. Signatures on electronic records are as valid as signatures on physical records.

According to this Article, it is strictly forbidden to sign sign an accounting record that does not have sufficient content in Vietnam.

Best Regards!

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