What are technical requirements for railway station planning in Vietnam?

What are technical requirements for railway station planning in Vietnam? Thank you!

What are technical requirements for railway station planning in Vietnam? - image from internet

Based on Section I Appendix III issued together with Circular 33/2021/TT-BGTVT, technical requirements for railway station planning are as follows:

The national railway station planning is carried out for national railway stations in urban areas, national railway hub stations, and international intermodal stations on the lines in the Railway Network Planning within the same planning period. The content of the planning is specified in the Law amending and supplementing some articles of the 37 laws related to planning, No. 35/2018/QH14 dated November 20, 2018.

- Assessment of the current status of the railway station and the planned area for railway station planning:

+ General situation of the railway station: location, boundaries, area, key control points, network connectivity with railway and road infrastructure.

+ Technical infrastructure facilities: railway tracks, signals, upper-level architecture, station buildings, warehouses, yards, power supply, water supply, drainage, fire prevention and fighting systems, maintenance facilities for locomotives and rolling stock, "station square, information, signals" facilities (at the station and adjacent areas).

+ Transportation situation in the station area: capacity for train arrivals and departures, loading and unloading of passengers and freight.

- Analysis and evaluation of the implementation of relevant strategies, plans, and investment projects.

- Analysis and evaluation of transportation connectivity for the railway station.

- Traffic survey and investigation in the railway station area, forecasting transportation demand.

- Railway station planning options:

+ Scale of the railway station: location, boundaries, area, key control points, economic and technical indicators (station class, functions, etc.).

+ Determination of land area and general layout of station facilities, including railway tracks, signals, upper-level architecture, station buildings, warehouses, yards, power supply, water supply, drainage, fire prevention and fighting systems, communication systems, internal roads, parking lots, etc.

+ Operational and management options for train operations, passenger handling, freight loading and unloading, baggage handling, locomotive and rolling stock preparation, etc.

- Transportation connectivity options with the railway station.

- Land use and electricity usage orientations and requirements (if applicable).

- Capital investment requirements, criteria, and investment priorities.

- Solutions and organization for implementing the railway station planning.

- Maps and drawings:

+ Current status maps and railway station planning maps based on topographic base maps issued by competent authorities (using the VN2000 national coordinate system).

+ Scale of the railway station area at a minimum of 1:5,000.

+ Specialized maps and drawings at a scale of 1:500 showing the current status and overall land use planning, technical infrastructure systems.

Best regards!


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