What are penalties for running a yellow light in 2025 in Vietnam? What is the meaning of the yellow light signal in Vietnam?
What are penalties for running a yellow light in 2025 in Vietnam?
Article 7 of Decree 168/2024/ND-CP stipulates penalties for running a yellow light in 2025 for motorcycles as follows:
Article 7. Penalties and Point Deduction from Driver License for Operators of Motorcycles, Mopeds, Similar Types of Motorcycles, and Vehicles Violating Road Traffic Rules
- A fine from 4,000,000 VND to 6,000,000 VND will be imposed on individuals committing the following violations:
c) Failing to comply with traffic signal lights;
- A fine from 10,000,000 VND to 14,000,000 VND will be imposed on individuals committing the following violations:
b) Violating the provisions at one of the points, clauses of this Article resulting in a traffic accident: point a, point d, point dd, point g, point h, point i, point k of clause 1; point c, point dd, point g of clause 2; point b, point e, point g, point h, point k of clause 3; point dd of clause 4; point c, point d of clause 6; point c, point d, point dd of clause 7; point a, point b, point h, point k of clause 9 of this Article.
- Besides being subject to penalties, individuals committing violations will also have points deducted from their driver license as follows:
b) Performing actions specified at point dd of clause 4; point a of clause 6; point c, point d, point dd of clause 7; point a of clause 8 of this Article will result in a deduction of 4 points from the driver license;
d) Performing actions specified at point b of clause 8, clause 10 of this Article will result in a deduction of 10 points from the driver license.
Article 6 of Decree 168/2024/ND-CP defines penalties for running a yellow light for cars as follows:
Article 6. Penalties and Point Deduction from driver license for Operators of Cars, Motor-powered Four-wheelers, Cargo-carrying Four-wheelers, and Vehicles Similar to Cars Violating Road Traffic Rules
- A fine from 18,000,000 VND to 20,000,000 VND will be imposed on individuals committing the following violations:
b) Failing to comply with traffic signal lights;
- A fine from 20,000,000 VND to 22,000,000 VND will be imposed on individuals committing the following violations:
b) Violating the provisions at one of the points, clauses of this Article resulting in a traffic accident: point a, point b, point c, point d, point dd of clause 1; point c of clause 2; point b, point g, point h, point n, point o, point p of clause 3; point a, point c, point d of clause 4; point c, point d, point e, point h, point n, point o, point q of clause 5; point b of clause 7; point b, point c, point d of clause 9 of this Article.
- Besides being subject to penalties, individuals committing violations will also have points deducted from their driver license as follows:
d) Performing actions specified at point a of clause 9, clause 10, point dd of clause 11 of this Article will result in a deduction of 10 points from the driver license.
Thus, fines for running a yellow light are as follows:
*For motorcycles:
Motorcycles running a yellow light will be fined from 4,000,000 VND to 6,000,000 VND, with a deduction of 4 points from the driver license.
In cases where running a yellow light results in a traffic accident, the fine is from 10,000,000 VND to 14,000,000 VND, with a deduction of 10 points from the driver license.
*For cars:
Cars running a yellow light will be fined from 18,000,000 VND to 20,000,000 VND.
In cases where running a yellow light results in a traffic accident, the fine ranges from 20,000,000 VND to 22,000,000 VND, with a deduction of 10 points from the driver license.
What are penalties for running a yellow light in 2025 in Vietnam? What is the meaning of the yellow light signal in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
What is the meaning of the yellow light signal in Vietnam?
Clause 4, Article 11 of the Road Traffic Order and Safety Law 2024 provides regulations on observing road signals as follows:
Article 11. Observance of Road Signals
- Traffic signal lights have three colors: green, yellow, red; with or without time display. Road traffic participants must comply as follows:
a) Green signal means go; in the case of pedestrians, wheelchairs of the disabled crossing the road, motor vehicle operators must slow down or stop to yield to pedestrians and wheelchair users;
b) Yellow signal means stop before the stop line; if the vehicle is in the stop line or has passed it when the yellow signal appears, they are allowed to continue; when the yellow signal blinks, the vehicle operator can proceed but must watch out, slow down, or stop to yield to pedestrians, wheelchair users, or other vehicles crossing;
c) Red signal means stop.
Thus, the yellow signal means you must stop before the stop line; if the vehicle is in the stop line or has passed it when the yellow signal is on, they may proceed.
When the yellow signal blinks, vehicle operators may proceed but must observe, slow down, or stop to yield to pedestrians, wheelchair users, or other vehicles crossing.
What is the priority order for observing road signals in Vietnam?
Clause 2, Article 11 of the Road Traffic Order and Safety Law 2024 defines the priority order for observing road signals as follows:
(1) Directions from the traffic controller;
(2) Traffic signal lights;
(3) Road signs;
(4) Road markings and other indications on the road surface;
(5) Markers, protective walls, barriers, reflective studs, reflective signs,
Km markers, H markers;
(6) Audible road traffic signal devices.