What are penalties for driving in the wrong direction on a highway in Vietnam?
What are penalties for driving in the wrong direction on a highway in Vietnam?
According to point d clause 11 Article 6 of Decree 168/2024/ND-CP, the violation of driving against the traffic direction on a highway is stipulated as follows:
Article 6. Penalties, Point Deduction on Driver License for Operators of Cars, Four-Wheeled Vehicles with Motor Engines, and Other Vehicles Similar to Cars Violating Road Traffic Rules
- A fine from 30,000,000 VND to 40,000,000 VND shall be imposed on vehicle operators performing any of the following violations:
d) Operating a vehicle against the traffic direction on a highway, reversing a vehicle on a highway, turning around on a highway, except for prioritized vehicles on emergency duty as regulated.
- In addition to the penalties, the vehicle operator committing the violation shall have points deducted from their driver license as follows:
d) Performing the act stipulated in point (a) clause 9, clause 10, point (d) clause 11 of this Article shall lead to a deduction of 10 points from the driver license.
Therefore, the penalty for driving against the traffic direction on a highway for cars is a fine ranging from 30,000,000 VND to 40,000,000 VND.
Additionally, the violation of driving against the traffic direction on a highway will result in a deduction of 10 points from the driver license.
What are penalties for driving in the wrong direction on a highway in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
What are the traffic rules for highway in Vietnam?
Article 25 of the Road Traffic Order and Safety Law 2024 stipulates the rules for highway traffic as follows:
Article 25. Traffic on Highways
- Drivers, operators of specialized motorcycles on highways must comply with the following road traffic rules:
a) Before entering the highway lane, they must signal and give way to vehicles already on the road, observing the vehicles behind to ensure a safe distance before entering the lane closest to the right. If there is an acceleration lane, they must first drive on that lane before entering the highway lane;
b) When preparing to exit the highway, they must observe guiding signals, gradually move to the lane closest to the right. If there is a deceleration lane, they must use it before exiting the highway;
c) Vehicles are not allowed to run in the emergency stop lane and the road shoulder;
d) Other road traffic rules stipulated in this Chapter.
- Vehicles may only stop or park at designated locations; in cases of technical failures or other force majeure that require stopping or parking, vehicles must stop or park in the emergency stop lane in the same vehicle direction and must signal with emergency lights. If the vehicle cannot move into the emergency stop lane, it must signal with emergency lights and place a warning sign or light behind the vehicle at a minimum distance of 150 meters, and promptly inform the Traffic Police authority tasked with ensuring order and traffic safety on the route or the highway management authority.
- Specialized motorcycles with a design speed lower than the minimum speed regulation for highways, four-wheeled passenger vehicles with motor engines, four-wheeled cargo vehicles with motor engines, motorcycles, mopeds, vehicles similar to motorcycles and mopeds, rudimentary vehicles, and pedestrians are not allowed on highways, except for those involved in highway management and maintenance.
Thus, the rules for participating in traffic on highways are:
- Before entering the highway lane, signal for entry and yield to vehicles already on the road, observe vehicles behind to ensure a safe distance before entering the lane closest to the right, and if an acceleration lane is available, drive on it before entering the highway lane;
- When preparing to exit the highway, observe guiding signals, gradually move to the lane closest to the right, and if a deceleration lane is present, use it before exiting the highway;
- Vehicles are not allowed to run in the emergency stop lane and the road shoulder;
- Other road traffic rules.
What are regulations on arrangement of the emergency stop lane on highways in Vietnam?
Subsection 2.1 of Section 2 of the National Technical Regulation QCVN 117:2024/BGTVT states as follows:
2.1. General Requirements
2.1.1. Highway infrastructure must ensure stability, durability, and suitability for natural conditions.
2.1.2. Highways must have a minimum scale of 04 lanes (02 lanes per direction) and a continuously arranged emergency stop lane (except in locations: bridge spans of 150.0 m or more, bridges with pillars of 50.0 m or higher, tunnels, sections with arranged acceleration/deceleration lanes or climbing auxiliary lanes).
2.1.3. Structures and items associated with highways include: frontage roads or side roads; traffic management, operation centers; rest stops, vehicle stop and parking points; non-stop electronic toll collection systems on toll roads; vehicle weight control facilities; protective fences and other highway structures.
2.1.4. The cross-section of highways is arranged on the same roadbed or on separate roadbeds for two traffic directions.
Thus, highways are arranged with a continuous emergency stop lane (except at locations: bridge spans of 150.0 m or more, bridges with pillars of 50.0 m or higher, tunnels, sections with arranged acceleration/deceleration lanes or climbing auxiliary lanes).