When will the third exam subject for grade 10 admissions in Vietnam be announced?
When will the third exam subject for grade 10 admissions in Vietnam be announced?
Based on Article 13 of the Regulations on admission to lower secondary and upper secondary schools issued under Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT stipulating the organization of examinations:
Article 13. Organization of examinations
- Exam subjects, exam papers
a) The number of exam subjects, exam papers includes: Mathematics, Literature, and a third subject or exam paper selected by the Department of Education and Training from one of the following two options:
- The third subject is chosen from the subjects assessed with scores in the lower secondary education program, ensuring that the same third subject is not selected for more than 3 consecutive years;
- The third exam paper is a combination of selected subjects assessed with scores in the lower secondary education program.
For upper secondary schools under the Ministry of Education and Training, universities, colleges, research institutes with their own entrance exams, the third subject or exam paper is selected by the Ministry of Education and Training, universities, colleges, research institutes directly managing them.
b) The third subject or exam paper is announced after the end of the first semester but no later than March 31 annually.
c) Exam duration: Literature: 120 minutes; Mathematics: 90 or 120 minutes; the third subject: 60 or 90 minutes; the third exam paper: 90 or 120 minutes.
The third exam subject for Grade 10 admission is selected by the Department of Education and Training and announced after the end of the first semester but no later than March 31 annually.
When will the third exam subject for grade 10 admissions in Vietnam be announced? (Image from the Internet)
Who are the eligible candidates for priority points in grade 10 admissions in Vietnam?
Based on Clause 2, Article 14 of the Regulations on admission to lower secondary and upper secondary schools issued under Circular 30/2024/TT-BGDDT stipulating the categories eligible for priority points:
[1] Group 1 eligible for 2.0 points
- Children of martyrs
- Children of invalids with labor capacity loss of 81% or more
- Children of war invalids with labor capacity loss of 81% or more
- Children of those certified as enjoying policies like invalids with a labor capacity reduction of 81% or more
- Children of those engaged in revolutionary activities who were exposed to chemical toxins
- Children of those who were revolutionary activists before January 1, 1945
- Children of those who were revolutionary activists from January 1, 1945, to the August Revolution in 1945
[2] Group 2 eligible for 1.5 points
- Children of heroes of the armed forces, children of labor heroes, children of Vietnamese Heroic Mothers
- Children of invalids with labor capacity loss below 81%
- Children of war invalids with labor capacity loss below 81%
- Children of those certified as enjoying policies like invalids with a labor capacity reduction below 81%
[3] Group 3 eligible for 1.0 point
- People with either parent being an ethnic minority
- Ethnic minority people
- Students from regions with specially difficult socio-economic conditions
What are the objectives of upper secondary school education in Vietnam?
Based on Article 29 of the Education Law 2019 stipulating the objectives of general education:
Article 29. Objectives of general education
- General education aims to develop learners comprehensively in morality, intellect, physical wellbeing, aesthetics, basic skills, personal capacity development, dynamism and creativity; to shape the personality of Vietnamese socialist people and civic responsibility; to prepare learners to continue studying at university education, vocational education or participate in labor, building and defending the Homeland.
- Primary education aims to establish the initial foundation for student development regarding morality, intellect, physical wellbeing, aesthetics, and capacity; to prepare students to continue studying at lower secondary education.
- Lower secondary education aims to consolidate and develop the results of primary education; ensuring students have foundational general education knowledge, essential minimal technical understanding for upper secondary education or vocational education programs.
- Upper secondary education aims to equip students with civic knowledge; ensuring students consolidate and develop the results of lower secondary education, complete general education and have a common understanding of technical and career orientation; provide conditions to promote personal capacity development for selecting development directions, continue studying university education programs, vocational education, or participate in labor, building and defending the Homeland.
The objective of upper secondary education is to equip students with civic knowledge; ensuring students consolidate, develop the results of lower secondary education, complete general education, and have general understanding of technical and career orientation; providing conditions to promote personal capacity for selecting development directions, continue studying university education programs, vocational education, or participate in labor, building and defending the Homeland.