What documents are included in application for admission to Hanoi Procuracy University in 2023 in Vietnam?

Question: What conditions must candidates applying to Hanoi Procuracy University in 2023 meet in Vietnam? What documents are included in application for admission to Hanoi Procuracy University in 2023 in Vietnam? - Question from Ms. Thuong (Hanoi).

What documents are included in application for admission to Hanoi Procuracy University in 2023 in Vietnam?

In Subsection 4, Section 4 of Official Dispatch 1360/VKSTC-V15 of 2022, it is stipulated that candidates applying to Hanoi Procuracy University must meet the general conditions according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training and Hanoi Procuracy University (including direct admission and priority admission), specifically:

- Be a Vietnamese citizen, a member of the Communist Party of Vietnam or a member of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.

- Have a clear political history, strictly comply with the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's laws; have a father, mother, brother, sister, or spouse who has never violated criminal law to the point of being convicted (except for traffic criminal law violations); not more than 25 years old, as of the year of taking the exam.

- Regarding academic performance and conduct:

+ Candidates register for admission according to methods 1, 2 (considering high school academic results), mode 3 (considering high school academic results and scores of academic IELTS English certificate or TPKH-2 Russian certificate) and method 4 (considering high school academic results and results of national excellent students and provincial excellent students exams) has conditions on academic performance and conduct: Excellent academic performance or better and good conduct in grade 11 and first semester of grade 12.

+ Candidates registering for admission according to method 5 (considering the results of the high school graduation exam) have conditions on academic performance and conduct: For candidates who have graduated from high school, 10th grade academic results and conduct, 11, 12 achieved good grades or better. For candidates who are 12th grade students in the 2022 - 2023 school year, their academic and behavioral results are good or better in grades 10, 11 and the first semester of grade 12.

+ Must be healthy enough to study and work and must meet the following criteria:

Men with a height of 1.60m or more and a weight of 50 kg or more; Women with a height of 1.55m or more and a weight of 45kg or more.

No deformities, disabilities, no lisp, stuttering, no chronic diseases.

Note: In case a candidate lacks less than one centimeter in height or less than 05 kg in weight according to the above regulations but wins first or second prize in national excellent student competitions;

Having won first and second prizes in national and international scientific and technical competitions in the field of Social and Behavioral Sciences, the Director of the Provincial People's Procuracy will send a written report to the leadership of the Supreme People's Procuracy (through the Department of Organization and Personnel) for consideration and decision.


How much is pre-qualification fee and issuance of a pre-qualification fee receipt for candidates registering for Hanoi Procuracy University in 2023 in Vietnam?

In Subsection 3.2, Section 3, Official Dispatch 1360/VKSTC-V15 of 2022, the Supreme People's Procuracy has instructions on receiving applications for pre-qualification and organizing pre-qualification to Hanoi Procuracy University in 2023 as follows:

Receive applications for pre-qualification and organize pre-qualification

3.1. For district-level People's Procuracy, the District-level People's Procuracy Director directs the implementation:

- Receive pre-qualification registration applications from candidates with permanent residence in the area; Application receiving time is from April 25, 2023 to May 25, 2023; The location for receiving documents is at the district People's Procuracy headquarters.

- Check and guide candidates to submit correct and complete documents according to regulations; Preliminary examination of candidate's background.

- Collect the pre-qualification fee of 50,000 VND/candidate and issue a pre-qualification fee receipt to the pre-qualification registrant. The district-level People's Procuracy deducts the collected fee and submits it to the provincial-level People's Procuracy at 30,000 VND/file according to regulations.

- Transfer the application for pre-qualification to the Department of Organization and Personnel of the Provincial People's Procuracy immediately after the deadline for submitting the application for pre-qualification so that the Provincial People's Procuracy can organize the pre-qualification.

Thus, the pre-qualification fee and issuance of a pre-qualification fee receipt for applicants for pre-qualification admission to Hanoi Procuracy University in 2023 is 50,000 VND/candidate. And the district-level People's Procuracy will deduct the collected fee and submit it to the provincial-level People's Procuracy at 30,000 VND/file.

What documents are included in application for admission to Hanoi Procuracy University in 2023 in Vietnam?

In Section 2 of Official Dispatch 1360/VKSTC-V15 of 2022, the Supreme People's Procuracy has instructions on how to register for pre-qualification admission to Hanoi Procuracy University in 2023 with documents including:

- Application for admission or admission (according to the form).

- Self-declared curriculum vitae (according to the form) certified by the People's Committee of the ward, commune or town where permanent residence is registered (declared in 2023); stamp adjacent photos and between resume pages.

- Copy (certified) of ID card or Citizen ID card and copy (certified) of household registration book.

- A copy of academic results (according to the form) for candidates studying in grade 12 of high school or supplementary high school. If candidates have graduated from high school in 2022 or earlier, they must submit a copy of their transcripts and high school diploma or notarized or authenticated temporary graduation certificate.

- Health certificate issued by a health agency at district level or higher, within 6 months from the time of submitting the prequalification application (original).

- 04 portrait photos sized 4x6 cm.

- The envelope must be stamped and clearly state the full name, address, and phone number of the recipient (so that the Provincial People's Procuracy will send notification of the time and location of pre-qualification).

Best regards!

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