What are regulations on exemption from all exam subjects in the High School Graduation Examination from 2025 in Vietnam?
What are regulations on exemption from all exam subjects in the High School Graduation Examination from 2025 in Vietnam?
Based on Article 39 of the High School Graduation Examination Regulations issued together with Circular 24/2024/TT-BGDDT, the provisions for exemption in the high school graduation exam are as follows:
Article 39. Exemption in the High School Graduation Exam
- Exemption from all subjects in the high school graduation exam:
a) Individuals summoned to participate in the national team selection exam for international or regional Olympics in cultural subjects are exempted from all exams of the high school graduation, if they meet the following conditions:
- Summoned in the second semester of grade 12;
- Annual conduct grade of grade 12 achieves good level, academic performance for the entire grade 12 reaches a fairly good level or above;
- Listed in the exemption list of the Ministry of Education and Training.
b) Individuals in teams participating in international or regional Olympic competitions in science and technology, culture and arts are exempted from all exams of the high school graduation, if they meet the following conditions:
- Summoned in the second semester of grade 12;
- Both annual conduct and academic performance of grade 12 achieve a satisfactory level or above;
- Listed in the official dispatch proposing exemption and confirming participation in training and exams, conformably sent by the selecting agency to the provincial Department of Education and Training before the graduation exam date.
The subjects and conditions for exemption from all exams in the high school graduation exam from 2025 include:
[1] Individuals summoned to participate in the national team selection exam for the international or regional Olympic cultural subjects
- Summoned in the second semester of grade 12
- Annual conduct grade of grade 12 achieves good level, academic performance for the entire grade 12 reaches a fairly good level or above
- Listed in the exemption list of the Ministry of Education and Training.
[2] Individuals in teams participating in international or regional Olympic competitions in science and technology, culture, and arts
- Summoned in the second semester of grade 12
- Both annual conduct and academic performance of grade 12 achieve a satisfactory level or above
- Listed in the official dispatch proposing exemption and confirming participation in training and exams, conformably sent by the selecting agency to the provincial Department of Education and Training before the graduation exam date
[3] Severely disabled individuals and disabled individuals
- Completed the high school program
- Eligible to take the exam
- Certificate of disability issued by a competent authority
[4] Disabled individuals who cannot meet the general education program
- Verified by the principal of the high school where registered for study on the implementation results of the individual education plan each year at the high school level
- Certificate of disability issued by a competent authority
[5] Individuals who participated in the resistance against chemical poisoning and have a labor capacity decrease of 61% or more; Biological children of individuals affected by chemical poisoning, with a labor capacity decrease of 61% or more
- Completed the high school program
- Eligible to take the exam
- Certificate of chemical poisoning and labor capacity decrease of 61% or more issued by a competent authority.
What are regulations on exemption from all exam subjects in the High School Graduation Examination from 2025 in Vietnam? (Image from Internet)
What subjects are included in the 2025 high school graduation examination in Vietnam?
Based on Article 3 of the High School Graduation Examination Regulations issued together with Circular 24/2024/TT-BGDDT, the examination subjects are regulated as follows:
Article 3. Examination Subjects
The examination is organized into 03 sessions: 01 session for the Literature exam, 01 session for the Math exam, and 01 session for the elective subjects consisting of 02 subjects chosen from: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Economic and Legal Education, Informatics, Industrial Technology (shortened to Industrial Technology), Agricultural Technology (shortened to Agricultural Technology), Foreign Languages (English, Russian, French, Chinese, German, Japanese, and Korean).
According to the above regulations, candidates will take 2 mandatory subjects (Literature and Math) and choose 02 subjects from the following list:
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- History
- Geography
- Economic and Legal Education
- Informatics
- Industrial Technology (shortened to Industrial Technology)
- Agricultural Technology (shortened to Agricultural Technology)
- Foreign Languages (English, Russian, French, Chinese, German, Japanese, and Korean)
What are the conditions for recognizing high school graduation in 2025 in Vietnam?
Based on Article 45 of the High School Graduation Examination Regulations issued together with Circular 24/2024/TT-BGDDT, the conditions for recognizing high school graduation are as follows:
Article 45. Recognition of High School Graduation
- Candidates who meet the examination conditions, are not disciplined with exam result cancellation, all exam subjects score above 1.0 on a scale of 10, and have a graduation score (ĐXTN) of 5.0 (five) or higher are recognized as graduated from high school.
- Candidates who meet the examination conditions and are exempted from all exams in the high school graduation evaluation according to clause 1 of Article 39 of these regulations are recognized as graduated from high school.
Candidates are recognized for high school graduation when satisfying the following conditions:
- Eligible to take the exam
- Not disciplined with exam result cancellation
- All exam subjects score above 1.0 on a scale of 10
- Have a graduation score (ĐXTN) of 5.0 (five) or higher
In addition, candidates who meet the examination conditions and are exempted from all exams in the high school graduation evaluation as per the regulations are recognized as graduated from high school.