What are answers for the English Language subject in the National Excellent Student Examination for the school year 2024 - 2025 in Vietnam?
What are answers for the English Language subject in the National Excellent Student Examination for the school year 2024 - 2025 in Vietnam?
The Ministry of Education and Training has announced the exam questions and answers for 13 subjects in the National Excellent Student Examination. The answers for the English subject in the National Excellent Student Examination for the academic year 2024-2025 are as follows:
Download the answers for the English Language subject in the National Excellent Student Examination for the school year 2024 - 2025 in Vietnam.
What are answers for the English Language subject in the National Excellent Student Examination for the school year 2024 - 2025 in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
What are regulations on additional points if candidates achieve multiple awards in the National Excellent Student Examination in Vietnam?
Based on Article 43 of the Regulations for the upper secondary school Graduation Examination issued with Circular 24/2024/TT-BGDDT stipulating additional points:
Article 43. Additional Points
Learners participating in the following competitions and activities during their time in upper secondary school are awarded additional points for consideration of upper secondary school graduation recognition:
- Achieving individual prizes in excellent student competitions: Winning first, second, or third place in the national competition or first place in a provincial competition is awarded 2.0 points; an encouragement prize in the national competition or second place in a provincial competition is awarded 1.5 points; third place in a provincial competition is awarded 1.0 point;
- Achieving individual and team prizes in laboratory practice competitions in Physics, Chemistry, Biology; cultural performances; sports competitions; defense education festivals; science and technology competitions; international letter writing competitions organized by the Education sector in cooperation with specialized sectors at the provincial level or higher.
a) For individual prizes: Winning first, second, or third place nationally or first place provincially or a Gold medal is awarded 2.0 points; a national encouragement prize or fourth place in a national science and technology competition or second place provincially or a Silver medal is awarded 1.5 points; third place provincially or a Bronze medal is awarded 1.0 point;
b) For team prizes: Points are only awarded for national prizes; the number of players, athletes, actors in the team prize is in accordance with specific regulations set by the Organizing Committee of each competition; the additional point level granted to individuals in the team prize is implemented as per the individual prize stipulations at this point.
- Individuals who win multiple different prizes in various competitions/exams are only entitled to one level of additional points of the highest category prize.
According to the above regulation, individuals in the National Excellent Student Examination who achieve multiple different prizes are only entitled to one level of additional points of the highest category prize.
What is the duration of upper secondary school education in Vietnam?
Based on Article 28 of the Education Law 2019 stipulating education levels and ages of general education:
Article 28. Levels and Ages of General Education
- The levels and ages of general education are stipulated as follows:
a) Primary education is carried out over 5 academic years, from the first grade to the end of the fifth grade. The age of students entering the first grade is 6 years, calculated by the year;
b) Lower secondary education is carried out over 4 academic years, from the sixth grade to the end of the ninth grade. Students entering the sixth grade must have completed primary education. The age of students entering the sixth grade is 11 years, calculated by the year;
c) Upper secondary education is carried out over 3 academic years, from the tenth grade to the end of the twelfth grade. Students entering the tenth grade must have a lower secondary education graduation certificate. The age of students entering the tenth grade is 15 years, calculated by the year.
- Cases where students may study beyond or below the prescribed age at Clause 1 of this Article include:
a) Students study beyond their grade level in cases of early intellectual development;
b) Students study at an age higher than the prescribed one in cases of repeating the year, students in areas with exceptionally difficult socio-economic conditions, students belonging to ethnic minorities, students with disabilities or intellectual underdevelopment, orphans without shelter, students from poor households, students returning from abroad, and other cases prescribed by law.
Thus, upper secondary education is carried out over 3 academic years, from the tenth grade to the end of the twelfth grade.