Shall a forestry company, which has total capital of 15 billion VND, be considered a small enterprise in Vietnam?

Shall a forestry company, which has total capital of 15 billion VND, be considered a small enterprise in Vietnam?

Our enterprise is operating in the field of forestry industry. Our total capital is 15 billion VND and we have 52 employees. Are we considered a small enterprise? What are contents of assistance for participating in industry clusters and value chains in Vietnam?

Thank you!

Shall a forestry company, which has total capital of 15 billion VND, be considered a small enterprise in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 2 Article 5 of the Decree 80/2021/NĐ-CP stipulating criteria for identification of small enterprises in Vietnam as follows:

Any small enterprise in the field of agriculture, forestry, aquaculture; industry and construction that has an average annual number of employees who participate in social insurance not exceeding 100 people, total revenue in the year not exceeding 50 billion VND or total capital of the year not exceeding 20 billion VND, except micro-enterprises mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article.

Any small enterprises in the field of commerce and service that has an average annual number of employees who participate in social insurance not exceeding 50 people, total revenue in the year not exceeding 100 billion VND or total capital of the year not exceeding 30 billion VND, except micro-enterprises mentioned in Clause 1 of this Article.

As regulations above, as your company has total capital of 15 billion VND and 52 employees, and is operating in the field of forestry industry, you shall be considered a small enterprise in Vietnam.

What are contents of assistance for participating in industry clusters and value chains in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 25 of the Decree 80/2021/NĐ-CP stipulating contents of assistance for participating in industry clusters and value chains in Vietnam as follows:

- Assistance in training

+ Reimbursement of up to 50% of the cost of organizing advanced training courses in technology and production technology at the enterprise but not exceeding 50 million VND/course/year/enterprise;

+ Reimbursement of up to 50% of the costs of advanced training for employees of the enterprise in order to develop the industry or value chain but not exceeding 10 million VND/employee/year and not exceeding 03 employees/enterprise/year.

- Assistance in improving production and business association capacity

+ Reimbursement of 100% of the value of the advisory contract for comprehensive assessment of SMEs in the industry cluster or value chain but not exceeding 30 million VND/contract/year/enterprise;

+ Reimbursement of 100% of the value of the advisory contract for advanced technical upgrade for SMEs to improve production capacity, meet the requirements for connection and become a supplier of chain leading enterprises but not exceeding 100 million VND/contract/year/enterprise.

- Assistance in information, brand development, connection and market expansion

+ Exemption from the fees for access the information about connection with chain leading enterprises, determination of demands of chain leading enterprises on SME Assistance Portal and websites of Ministries, ministerial agencies, governmental agencies, the People’s Committees of provinces;

+ Exemption from the fees for access the information about the systems of domestic and international standards and technical regulations in the field of the enterprises participating in the industry cluster or value chain on SME Assistance Portal and websites of Ministries, ministerial agencies, governmental agencies, the People’s Committees of provinces;

+ Reimbursement of up to 50% of the value of the advisory contract for registration of seller accounts on international e-commerce platforms but not exceeding 100 million VND/contract/year/enterprise;

+ Reimbursement of up to 50% of the cost of maintenance of accounts on domestic and international e-commerce platforms but not exceeding 50 million VND/year/enterprise and for up to 02 years after the account is successfully registered on the e-commerce platform;

+ Assistance in paying the cost of leasing location, design and construction of booths, transport of products for display, travel, stay of representatives of enterprises participating in trade promotion fairs but not exceeding 50 million VND/year/enterprise for domestic events and not exceeding 70 million VND/year/enterprise for overseas events;

+ Reimbursement of 100% of the value of the advisory contract for establishment, transfer, use and protection of intellectual property rights in the country but not exceeding 50 million VND/contract/year/enterprise;

+ Reimbursement of 100% of the value of the advisory contract for search of information, advertising of products, development of the brands of the industry cluster and value chain but not exceeding 20 million VND/contract/year/enterprise.

- Counseling about technical regulations, standards, measurement, quality

+ Reimbursement of 100% of the value of the advisory contract for development and application of internal standards but not exceeding 10 million VND/contract/year/enterprise; development and application of quality control system but not exceeding 50 million VND/contract/year/enterprise;

+ Reimbursement of up to 50% of the cost of testing sample measurement instruments; cost of inspection, calibration, testing of measurement instruments, measuring standards; cost of issuance of quantity seals of pre-packed goods according to technical measurement requirements but not exceeding 10 million VND/year/enterprise;

+ Reimbursement of 100% of the cost of issuance of certificate of conformity with technical regulations but not exceeding 20 million VND/product/year/enterprise.

- Assistance in completion of procedures for experimental production, inspection, assessment, quality certification

+ Reimbursement of 100% of the cost of testing, inspection, assessment, certification of quality of products; cost of certification of quality control system but not exceeding 30 million/year/enterprise;

+ Reimbursement of up to 50% of the cost of testing new products and services at goods testing units or organizations by facilities, institutes, etc. but not exceeding 30 million VND/year/enterprise;

+ Reimbursement of up to 50% of the cost of using equipment at technical facilities, incubation facilities, co-working spaces but not exceeding 50 million VND/year/enterprise.

Best regards!

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