Is there a tuition exemption when studying forensic examination in Vietnam?

Is there a tuition exemption when studying forensic examination in Vietnam? I'm in grade 12 this year, about to take the university entrance exam, I want to ask if there is any exemption or reduction policy for forensic examination majors? In case I am not exempt, can I get a discount?

Is there a tuition exemption when studying forensic examination in Vietnam?

According to Article 15 of Decree 81/2021/ND-CP, eligibility for tuition exemption is as follows:

1. Individuals mentioned under Ordinance on benefits for people with meritorious services to the revolution when studying in education institutions affiliated to national education system.

2. Preschool students and students with disabilities.

3. Preschools students and students under 16 years of age lacking any care and individuals from 16 years of age to 22 years of age and studying in formal education, the first degree of higher education and eligible for monthly social benefits according to Clause 1 and Clause 2 Article 5 of Decree No. 20/2021/ND-CP dated March 15, 2021 of the Government on social benefit policies for social protection beneficiaries. Learners in intermediate-education level or college level who are left without both parents and shelter according to Law on Vocational Education.

4. Preschool students, students of formal education, learners in continuous education facilities pursuing formal education program whose parent or parents or grandparents (if living with grandparents) are poor households according to regulations of Prime Minister.

5. Preschool children with 5 years of age living in hamlets with difficulties, communes in category III areas with ethnic minorities and mountainous regions, communes with particularly difficulties in coastal areas and islands according regulations of competent authority.

6. Preschool children with 5 years of age not specified under Clause 5 of this Article shall be exempted from tuition for the school year of 2024 - 2025 (starting from September 1, 2024).

7. Preschool children, students of formal education, and learners in continuous education facilities pursuing formal education program who are foster children or biological children of active servicemen and soldiers according to Clause 2 Article 6 of Decree No. 27/2016/ND-CP dated April 6, 2016 of the Government.

8. Students in lower secondary education in particularly difficult hamlets, communes in category III areas with ethnic minorities in mountainous regions, communes with particular difficulty in coastal areas, and islands according to regulations of competent authority are eligible for exemption from tuition from the school year of 2022 – 2023 (starting from September 1, 2022).

9. Lower secondary education students not specified under Clause 8 of this Article shall be exempted from tuition for the school year of 2025 - 2026 (starting from September 1, 2025).

10. Students pursuing education via special admission (including students pursuing boarding vocational education under special admission method for 3 months or higher) according to regulations of the Government on special admission to higher education institutions and vocational education institutions affiliated to national education system.

11. Students in secondary boarding schools for ethnic minorities, pre-universities:

12. Students in vocation education institutions and higher education institutions, ethnic minorities whose parent, parents, or grandparents (if living with grandparents) in poor households or near-poor households according to regulations of Prime Minister.

13. Students pursuing Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s Thought.

14. Students, higher education students, and researchers specialized in tuberculosis, leprosy, psychology, forensic examination, psychology examination, and autopsy in public medical personnel training facilities as per order of the Government.

15. Ethnic students under Clause 1 Article 2 of Decree No. 57/2017/ND-CP dated May 9, 2017 of the Government.

16. Learners subject to tuition exemption programs or schemes according to regulations of the Government.

17. Graduates of secondary education and pursuing intermediate education.

18. Learners pursuing intermediate-level education, college level education for majors that have difficulty in students but are required by the society according to lists regulated by Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs.

19. Learners studying in specific majors satisfying socio-economic development demands, national defense and security according to Law on Vocational Education. Specific majors regulated by Prime Minister.

Application for tuition exemption in Vietnam

In addition, in Clause 1, Article 19 of Decree No. 81/2021/ND-CP stipulating application for tuition exemption, reduction, studying cost financing, and tuition financing for learners in preschools, formal education institutions, continuous education facilities, vocational education institutions, and higher education institutions are as follows:

1. Application:

a) Application for tuition reduction, exemption, studying cost financing, and tuition financing:

- For individuals eligible for tuition exemption, reduction pursuing preschool education, formal education, continuous education: using Form under Annex II; students studying in private primary education institutions eligible for tuition financing: using Form under Annex VI;

- For individuals eligible for studying cost financing and pursuing preschool, formal education, or continuous education: using Form under Annex III;

- For individuals eligible for tuition reduction, exemption in public vocational education institutions and higher education institutions: using Form under Annex V; for individuals eligible for tuition reduction, exemption in private vocational education institutions and higher education institutions: using Form under Annex VIII.

b) Verified true copies or copies with master register for comparison or copies from the master registers of documents proving eligibility for tuition reduction, exemption, and studying cost financing for:

- Confirmation of entities regulating persons having rendered meritorious services for individuals under Clause 1 Article 15 hereof;

- Confirmation of disabilities issued by People’s Committees of communes or decisions on social benefits of Chairpersons of People’s Committees of districts for individuals under Clause 2 Article 15 hereof;

- Decisions on social benefits of Chairpersons of People’s Committees of districts for individuals under Clause 3 Article 15 hereof;

- Confirmation of poor households issued by People’s Committees of communes for individuals under Clause 4 Article 15 hereof;

- Confirmation of eligibility for tuition exemption according to Decree No. 27/2016/ND-CP dated April 6, 2016 of the Government and guiding documents of Ministry of National Defense for individuals under Clause 7 Article 15 hereof;

- Birth certificate and confirmation of poor households or near-poor households issued by People’s Committees of communes for individuals under Clause 12 Article 15 hereof;

- Birth certificate and permanent residence family register or confirmation of police authority regarding permanent residence registration (in case of lost family register) for individuals under Clause 5, Clause 8, Clause 15 Article 15 and Point c Clause 1 and Clause 3 Article 16 hereof. From the school year of 2024 - 2025 (starting from September 1, 2024), for individuals under Clause 5 and Clause 6 Article 15 hereof and from the school year of 2025 - 2026 (starting from September 1, 2025) for individuals under Clause 8 and Clause 9 Article 15 hereof are only required to submit birth certificate;

- Lower secondary education degree or provisional confirmation of graduation for individuals under Clause 17 of Article 15 hereof;

- Monthly benefit number of either parent who suffers from occupational accidents or diseases granted by social security organizations for individuals under Point a Clause 2 Article 16 hereof;

- Confirmation of near-poor households issued by People’s Committees of communes for individuals under Clause 2 Article 16 hereof.

c) For preschool children, students in formal education institutions, and learners in continuous education facilities pursuing formal education program eligible for both tuition exemption, reduction and studying cost financing, only produce 1 set of application consisting of documents above together with form under Annex IV hereof.

d) Learners eligible for tuition reduction, exemption, and studying cost financing are only required to produce 1 set of application for the whole studying period. For learners living in poor households or near-poor households, at the beginning of each semester, submit additional confirmation of poor households or near-poor households to serve as the basis for considering tuition reduction, exemption, and studying cost financing for the subsequent semester.

dd) In case students obtain Citizen Identity Cards and are issued with personal identification number and information on permanent residence and can extract said information by connecting and sharing population data with education and training facilities, Sub-departments of Education and Training, Departments of Education and Training, Sub-departments of Labor – War Invalids, and Social Affairs, Sub-departments of Finance, Departments of Finance, their parents (or guardians) are not required to submit “Birth certificate” and “Permanent residence family register”.

Best Regards!

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