How much are maximum supported costs for small enterprises participating in business administration training courses in Vietnam?

How much are maximum supported costs for small enterprises participating in business administration training courses in Vietnam? Is there any supported cost for small enterprises buying solutions for digitalization for business automation in Vietnam? What are counseling contents for SMEs in Vietnam?

Hello, my established enterprise is identified as a small enterprise, now we are looking to improve the efficiency of corporate governance and would like to make an application to support the cost of participating in training courses. I don't know how much support we will get? Will the State support the buying solutions for digitalization to improve business activities in small enterprises? Please advise.

How much are maximum supported costs for small enterprises participating in business administration training courses in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 14 of Decree 80/2021/ND-CP stipulating assistance in development of human resource for SM as follows:

1. Assistance in direct training in entrepreneurship and business administration

a) Reimbursement of 100% of the total cost of a training course in entrepreneurship and up to 70% cost of a training course in business administration for SMEs;

b) Exemption of tuition fees for employees of SMEs in extremely disadvantaged areas, women-owned SMEs, SMEs with high female employments and SMEs that are social enterprises who participate in business administration courses.

2. Assistance in online training in entrepreneurship and business administration

a) Exemption of fees for access and participation in existing lectures on the online training systems of the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the People’s Committees of provinces. SMEs may access these online training systems at appropriate times. An online training includes an online training administration platform, online training platform and online lectures.

The funding for the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the People’s Committees of provinces to develop, maintain and upgrade the online training system; carry out surveys into the demand for online training; publicize, advertise the online training systems to SMEs shall be part of the annual budget for provision of assistance for SMEs of the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the People’s Committees of provinces and other lawful sources of funding (if any).

b) Exemption of fees for participation in online training courses, direct interaction with SMEs via existing teaching tools on smart devices of participants (Zoom Cloud Meeting, Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom and other tools).

3. Assistance in direct training at SMEs in the field of production and processing

a) Reimbursement of up to 70% of total cost of a training course at each SME but not exceeding 01 course/year/enterprise;

b) Reimbursement of 100% of total cost of a training course at women-owned SMEs, SMEs with high female employments and SMEs that are social enterprises but not exceeding 01 course/year/enterprise;

4. Assistance in vocational training

Assist in covering the cost of training employees of SMEs when they participate in fundamental vocational training courses or any training course that lasts not more than 03 months. Other costs shall be negotiated by the SMEs and their employees. Employees who participate in the 

Thus, if your enterprise is a small enterprise, the State will support up to 70% of the total cost of a business administration training course in Vietnam. 

For the case that your enterprise in extremely disadvantaged areas, women-owned small enterprises, small enterprises with high female employments and small enterprises that are social enterprises, tuition fees for employees participating in the business administration course in Vietnam.

Is there any supported cost for small enterprises buying solutions for digitalization for business automation in Vietnam?

According to Article 11 of Decree 80/2021/ND-CP, technological assistance for SMEs is as follows:

1. Reimbursement of up to 50% of the value of the advisory contract for digitalization of the enterprise in terms of business processes, administration processes, manufacturing processes, technological processes and conversion of business model but not exceeding 50 million VND/contract/year for each small enterprise and not exceeding 100 million VND/contract/year for each medium enterprise.

2. Reimbursement of up to 50% of the cost of leasing, buying solutions for digitalization for automation, improvement of efficiency of business processes, administration processes, manufacturing processes, technological processes in the enterprise and conversion of business model but not exceeding 20 million VND/year for each micro-enterprise; not exceeding 50 million VND/year for each small enterprise and not exceeding 100 million VND/year for each medium enterprise.

3. Reimbursement of up to 50% of the value of the advisory contract for establishment of intellectual property rights; management and development of products and services with protected intellectual property rights but not exceeding 100 million VND/contract/year/enterprise.

4. Reimbursement of up to 50% of the value of the advisory contract for technology transfer that is appropriate for the enterprise but not exceeding 100 million VND/contract/year/enterprise.

5. Ministries, ministerial agencies, governmental agencies, the People’s Committees of provinces shall execute investment projects for provision of assistance for SMEs via construction of new incubation facilities, technical facilities, co-working spaces; purchase, install equipment, laboratories, information technology systems for incubation facilities, technical facilities, co-working spaces to assist SMEs.

According to this Article, your small business when buying solutions for digitalization for business automation, improve capacity, and efficiency in administration and business activities, will receive up to 50% of the cost but not exceeding 50 million VND/year for each small enterprise in Vietnam.

What are counseling contents for SMEs in Vietnam?

In Clause 2, Article 13 of Decree 80/2021/ND-CP, counseling for SMEs is as follows:

2. Counseling contents

SMEs will receive counseling about personnel, finance, manufacturing, sale, market, internal administration and other contents relevant to their business operation (except counseling about administrative procedures and legal advice according to relevant laws) as follows:

a) 100% of the value of the advisory contract but not exceeding 50 million VND/year/enterprise for micro-enterprises, not exceeding 70 million VND/year/enterprise for women-owned micro-enterprises, micro-enterprises with high female employment and micro-enterprises that are social enterprises;

b) Reimbursement of up to 50% of the value of the advisory contract but not exceeding 100 million VND/year/enterprise for small enterprises, not exceeding 150 million VND/year/enterprise for women-owned small enterprises, small enterprises with high female employment and small enterprises that are social enterprises;

c) Reimbursement of up to 30% of the value of the advisory contract but not exceeding 150 million VND/year/enterprise for medium enterprises, not exceeding 200 million VND/year/enterprise for women-owned medium enterprises, medium enterprises with high female employment and medium enterprises that are social enterprises.

Thus, SMEs are supported with counseling on the above contents in Vietnam.

Best Regards!

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