What is the template of the Appraisal Report of Construction Design Following Basic Design in Vietnam according to Decree 175?
What is the template of the Appraisal Report of Construction Design Following Basic Design in Vietnam according to Decree 175?
Based on Form No. 08 - Annex 1 issued with Decree 175/2024/ND-CP, the template of the Appraisal Report of Construction Design Following Basic Design in Vietnam is regulated as follows:
Download the template of the Appraisal Report of Construction Design Following Basic Design in Vietnam according to Decree 175
What is the template of the Appraisal Report of Construction Design Following Basic Design in Vietnam according to Decree 175? (Image from Internet)
What are the documents required for the appraisal of construction design following basic design in Vietnam?
According to clause 2, Article 45 of Decree 175/ND-CP, the documents required for the appraisal of construction design following basic design at the competent authority on construction in Vietnam are regulated as follows:
Article 45. Appraisal Report of Construction Design Following Basic Design at the Competent Authority on Construction
- The dossier for submitting appraisal must ensure legal validity, consistent with the proposed appraisal content. The dossier is considered valid when it meets the contents specified in clause 2 of this Article, is correctly formatted, presented in Vietnamese as the main language, checked, verified by the applicant, and the legal person is responsible for the accuracy of the submitted dossier before the law.
- The dossier for submitting appraisal of construction design following basic design includes:
a) The submission letter for appraisal as regulated in Form No. 08 Annex I of this Decree;
b) Accompanying legal documents, including: decision approving the construction investment project along with the approved construction investment feasibility study report; document notifying the appraisal results from the competent authority on construction accompanied by the stamped verified base design drawings; the appraisal report results of construction design by the consulting contractor verified by the investor (if required); design appraisal document on fire prevention and firefighting (if required by law on fire prevention and firefighting) and other relevant documents.
Thus, the dossier for submitting appraisal of construction design following basic design includes:
- Submission letter for appraisal of construction design following basic design
- Accompanying legal documents, comprising:
+ Decision approving the construction investment project along with the approved construction investment feasibility study report
+ Document notifying the appraisal results from the competent authority on construction and stamped verified base design drawings
+ Appraisal report results of construction design by the consulting contractor verified by the investor (if required)
+ Design appraisal document on fire prevention and firefighting (if required by law on fire prevention and firefighting) and other relevant documents.
- Construction survey documentation approved by the investor; construction design dossier of the construction design step for submission appraisal
- Construction capability certificate numbers for surveying contractors, design preparation contractors, appraisal contractors; practice certificate numbers for construction activity positions of the head survey manager; head, chief designers; head, chief appraisers; construction operation permit for foreign contractors (if any)
- For projects using public investment capital, state capital outside public investment, in addition to the above dossiers, the submission dossier must include construction estimates; relevant information, data regarding prices, price lists, quotes, price appraisal results (if any) to determine the construction estimates
- For projects with administrative violations on construction that have been fined and remedial measures require appraisal, appraisal adjustments, construction permits, or construction permit adjustments, the submission dossier must also include:
+ Investor’s report on project implementation process, actual construction status until the time of submission for appraisal
+ Minutes, administrative violation fine decision by the competent authority
+ Assessment report by the construction assessment organization evaluating the load-bearing capacity of the partially constructed work
- For refurbishment and renovation projects, the submission dossier must also include:
+ Current status survey documents
+ Assessment report by the construction assessment organization evaluating the load-bearing capacity of the work
What are the key contents of the construction design following basic design in Vietnam?
According to Article 80 of the Construction Law 2014, the key contents of the construction design following basic design include:
- Architectural plan.
- Technological plan (if any).
- Utilization function.
- Duration of use and operational, maintenance procedure of the construction.
- Structural plan, main material types.
- Technical instructions.
- Fire and explosion prevention plan.
- Energy-saving, efficient usage plan.
- Environmental protection measures, climate change response.
- Consistent construction estimates with the construction design step.