What is authority allowing establishment of private primary schools in Vietnam? What is application for permission to establish private primary schools in Vietnam?

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Question date: 28/11/2023

What is authority allowing establishment of private primary schools in Vietnam? What is application for permission to establish private primary schools in Vietnam? What is procedure for allowing establishment of private primary schools in Vietnam? 

    • Authority to authorize dissolution of private primary schools in Vietnam

      What is authority allowing establishment of private primary schools? Hello, I have a question that needs advice from you. My name is Thanh Tam, currently an accountant at Y company in HCM City. Let me ask, What are regulations on authority allowing establishment of private primary schools? Which document regulates this issue? Looking forward to receiving advice from you. Thank you very much!

      Answer: Dissolution of a primary school is specified in Clause 2, Article 21 of Decree 46/2017/ND-CP stipulating conditions for investment and operations in the field of education as follows:

      2. The President of the district-level People’s Committee shall be accorded authority to grant a decision on dissolution of a primary school, or permission for dissolution of a private primary school.

      Above is the advice of us on the authority to allow dissolution of private primary schools in Vietnam. You should refer to Decree 46/2017/ND-CP for details to clearly understand this regulation.

      Best regards

      What is authority allowing establishment of private primary schools in Vietnam? What is application for permission to establish private primary schools in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

      What is application for permission to establish private primary schools in Vietnam?

      What is application for permission to establish private primary schools in Vietnam? Hello, I have a question that needs advice from you. My name is Khanh Linh, currently a student at University of Law in Ho Chi Minh City, let me ask, what is the current law regulating documents permitting the establishment of private primary schools? Which document regulates this issue? Looking forward to receiving advice from you. Thank you very much!

      Answer: Documents permitting the establishment of a private primary school are specified in Clause 2, Article 16 of Decree 46/2017/ND-CP stipulating conditions for investment and operations in the field of education as follows:

      2. The application package shall be composed of the following:

      a) The request form for establishment of a primary school;

      b) The proposal for establishment of a primary school;

      c) The CV and the copy of the legitimate degree or certificate of the recommended rector;

      d) The written opinion of relevant authority on establishment or permission for establishment of the school;

      dd) The statement of explanation for acceptance of opinions from relevant authorities and the complementary report prepared under the direction of the district-level People’s Committee (if any).

      Above is the advice of us on documents permitting the establishment of private primary schools in Vietnam. You should refer to Decree 46/2017/ND-CP for details to clearly understand this regulation.

      What is procedure for allowing establishment of private primary schools in Vietnam?

      What is procedure for allowing establishment of private primary schools in Vietnam? Hello, I have a question that needs advice from the Editorial Board. My name is Thanh Hoa, currently living in Can Gio, let me ask, what is the current law regulating the procedure for allowing the establishment of a private primary school? Which document regulates this issue? Looking forward to receiving advice from you.

      Answer: The order to carry out procedures to allow the establishment of private primary schools is specified in Clause 3, Article 16 of Decree 46/2017/ND-CP stipulating conditions for investment and operations in the field of education. as follows:

      3. Implementation procedures:

      a) The commune-level People’s Committee (if the applicant is a public primary school), or the organization or individual (if the applicant is a private primary school) shall send 01 set of documents referred to in Clause 2 of this Article, whether directly or by post, to the Subdepartment of Education and Training;

      b) The Subdepartment of Education and Training shall handle submitted application documents. Within the permitted duration of 05 business days of receipt of these documents, if the submitted set of documents has been found illicit, a written notification of contents that require modification must be sent to the respective applicant. Within the maximum period of 20 business days of receipt of all legally required documents, if all stipulated requirements are met, the Subdepartment of Education and Training shall give its opinions in writing and send the written request for approval of establishment or permission for establishment of the school to the district-level People’s Committee;

      c) Within the maximum duration of 20 business days of receipt of all legal application documents, the President of the district-level People’s Committee shall grant the decision on establishment or approval of establishment of the requesting school. In case of refusal to grant that decision, a written notification which clarifies reasons for such refusal must be sent to the Subdepartment of Education and Training, the commune-level People’s Committee and the requesting organization or individual.

      Above is the advice of us on the order of implementing procedures to allow the establishment of private primary schools in Vietnam. You should refer to Decree 46/2017/ND-CP for details to clearly understand this regulation.

      Best regards!

    Above is legal advice provided for customers of LawNet . If you require any further information, please send an email to nhch@lawnet.vn
    "This English translation is for reference purposes only and not a definitive translation of the original Vietnamese texts"

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