08:40 | 21/06/2022

What are procedures for approval of non-project aid program or project documents in management and use of aid in Vietnam?

What are procedures for approval of non-project aid program or project documents in management and use of aid in Vietnam? What are procedures for appraisal of non-project aid in management and use of aid in Vietnam? I would like to know some information related to the management and use of aid in Vietnam.

Procedures for approval of non-project aid program or project documents in management and use of aid in Vietnam:

Pursuant to Clause 1, 2 and 4, Article 10 of the 80/2020/NĐ-CP stipulating procedures for approval of non-project aid program or project documents in management and use of aid in Vietnam as follows:

1. Evaluate the validity of the appraisal dossier based on the provisions of Article 8 of this Decree.

2. Seek consultation in writing from relevant agencies:

a) For the aids specified in Clause 1, Article 7 of this Decree, the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall seek the consultation for approval in writing to the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Union of Vietnamese friendship organizations (in case the aid donor is a foreign non-governmental organization) and relevant specialized agencies.

b) For the aids specified in Clauses 2, 3, 4 and 5, Article 7 of this Decree to be implemented at the central level: the managing agency shall seek the consultation for approval in writing to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Union of Vietnamese friendship organizations (in case the aid donor is a foreign non-governmental organization) and relevant professional agencies.

c) For aid subject to the approval specified in Clauses 2, 3 and 4, Article 7 of this Decree, implemented in localities: the Department of Planning and Investment shall send a dossier to the Department of Finance and the Police Department of provinces and departments, agencies and relevant local authorities to seek consultation. In case the aid content exceeds the local management competence, the Planning and Investment Department of province shall report it to the People's Committee of province seek consultation from concerned ministries and branches.

4. For aid for consequence relief, when approving a project or non-project document, the head of the managing agency is not required to seek appraisal from the concerned agencies.

Procedures for appraisal of non-project aid in management and use of aid in Vietnam:

Pursuant to Clause 3, 5 and 6, Article 10 of the 80/2020/NĐ-CP stipulating procedures for appraisal of non-project aid in management and use of aid in Vietnam as follows:

3. Appraisal of aid amounts

Depending on the size, nature and content of the aid, the agency in charge of appraisal shall carry out the appraisal by consolidating opinions or hold an appraisal meeting. The conclusion of the appraising agency is the basis for the competent authority to consider approving the aid.

5. Content of appraisal

a) The conformity of the program's or project's objectives with specific development objectives of ministries, branches, localities, implementing units and program or project beneficiaries;

b) The legal status of aid donors and aid recipients and the legality according to Vietnamese law provisions of concerned organizations and individuals; appropriateness between aid purposes and the functions, tasks and competence of the aid recipient;

c) The aid owner’s ability to receive and implement; Vietnamese party’s ability to contribute counterpart fund;

d) Contents of domestic financial mechanism for aid classified as state budget revenues; rationality in the budget structure of programs or projects for major items of programs or projects;

dd) Commitments, preconditions and other conditions of the parties involved;

e) Efficiency and impact on socio-economy, security, social order, the ability to apply program or project results into practice and the sustainability of the program or project after completion ; effective use of non-project aid.

6. The time limit for appraisal must not exceed 20 days after receiving a duly complete dossier.

Best regards!

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