Public investment management authority of the Minister and Director of the Department of Planning and Finance of the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam

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Question date: 30/11/2023

What are regulations on public investment management authority of the Minister and Director of the Department of Planning and Finance of the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam? Looking forward to your guidance. 

    • Authority to manage public investment of the Minister of Justice in Vietnam

      Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 9 Regulations on decentralization and authorization of financial management, public assets, procurement of goods and services, investment in information technology application and public investment issued together with Decision 496 /QD-BTP 2022 public investment management authority of the Minister of Justice is as follows:

      a) Approve comprehensive, long-term planning, construction investment plans, and information technology application plans of ministries and branches;

      b) Propose the competent authority to approve or adjust the medium-term public investment plan: assign details of the medium-term public investment plan for the project; approve the Ministry's annual public investment plan;

      c) Propose to competent authorities the annual public investment capital needs; Decide on allocation plans, adjustment plans and assign annual public investment capital plans to projects;

      d) Decide on investment policy:

      - Group B and C projects use public investment capital from the state budget;

      - Group A, B, C projects use capital from legal revenue sources reserved for investment from state agencies under the management of the Ministry of Justice;

      - Group A projects use capital from legal revenue sources reserved for investment from public service units that cover their own regular expenditures under the management of the Ministry of Justice;

      - Group A and B projects use capital from legal revenue sources reserved for investment of public service units that partially cover their own regular expenses and public service units whose regular expenses are guaranteed by the state budget.

      d) Investment decision:

      - Group A projects use public investment capital from the state budget;

      - Group A projects use capital from legal revenue sources reserved for investment from state agencies under the management of the Ministry of Justice.

      e) The Minister authorizes the Deputy Minister in charge of the unit:

      - Investment decision:

      + Group B and C projects using public investment capital from the state budget are managed by the Ministry of Justice, except for projects that have been delegated to the Director General of the General Department of Civil Judgment Enforcement to decide on investment;

      + Group B and C projects use capital from legal revenue sources of state agencies for investment under the management of the Ministry of Justice, except for projects that have been decentralized to the Director General of the General Department of Civil Judgment Enforcement for decision to invest.

      - Decide on the following contents:

      + Approve the contractor selection plan for the project implementation phase and approve the final settlement of group A projects using public investment capital from the state budget decided by the Minister for investment and projects approved by the Minister. Authorize investment decisions;

      + Decide to adjust and supplement investment policy contents but do not increase the total approved investment of the project.

      What is public investment management authority of the Minister and Director of the Department of Planning and Finance of the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

      Public investment management authority of the Director of the Department of Planning and Finance under the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam

      Pursuant to Clause 2 of Article 9 Regulations on decentralization and authorization of financial management, public assets, procurement of goods and services, investment in information technology application and public investment issued together with Decision 496 /QD-BTP 2022, authority to manage public investment of the Director of the Department of Planning and Finance under the Ministry of Justice is as follows:

      a) The Minister authorizes the Director of the Department of Planning and Finance:

      - Report on the results of disbursement of public investment capital periodically and unexpectedly; Report on investment capital settlement according to the Ministry of Justice's annual budget to send to management agencies according to regulations;

      - Periodical reports (monthly, quarterly, annually) and extraordinary reports related to the field of public investment from the Ministry of Justice to management agencies according to the provisions of law.

      b) The Minister delegates to the Director of the Department of Planning and Finance:

      - Issue professional and professional guidance documents in the field of public investment;

      - Notify details of the list and medium-term capital levels assigned by the Minister to each unit and project;

      - Announce investment policies for public investment projects under the investment decision authority of Ministry leaders;

      - Notify the annual public investment capital plan (including capital reconciliation and adjustment) assigned by the Minister to public investment projects decided by the Ministry's leaders;

      - Organize the management, update and exploit information on investment capital plans, adjust investment capital plans on the Budget and Treasury Management Information System (Tabmis) and the National Public Investment System;

      - Monitor, evaluate, supervise, inspect and participate in inspection of the implementation of annual and medium-term public investment plans; implementation status of projects within the scope and fields of management;

      - Resolve and handle issues of changes, adjustments, arising and additions during the implementation of projects whose investment is decided by the Ministry's leaders but do not change the content of the approved investment policy of project.

      Best regards!

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    "This English translation is for reference purposes only and not a definitive translation of the original Vietnamese texts"

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