What are the conditions for an issuing organization to offer financial products in Vietnam?
Under Clause 1, Article 202 of Decree 155/2020/ND-CP stipulating the conditions for an issuing organization to offer financial products in Vietnam:
1. Conditions for an issuing organization to offer financial products in Vietnam:
a) It is a securities company that is licensed for proprietary trading;
b) Its charter capital and equity is at least 1.000 billion VND according to the latest audited financial statement;
c) It is not being suspended, terminated or undergoing consolidation, merger, dissolution or bankruptcy; it does not incur any administrative penalties for violations against regulations on securities and the Prime Minister in the last 06 months before the application is received by SSC;
d) The latest annual financial statement which is audited by an accredited audit organization with unqualified opinions or qualified opinions that do not affect the eligibility for offering; the issuer has explanatory documents and confirmation from the audit organization about the impacts of the qualified opinions;
dd) The decision of the GMS, Board of Members or the company’s owner to approve the offering of financial products;
e) Obligations to pay for the financial products are fulfilled.