What are terms and conditions of government bonds in Vietnam?

What are terms and conditions of government bonds in Vietnam? What are regulations on issuance of government bonds through bidding in Vietnam? What shall be included in the issuance of government bonds through underwriting in Vietnam?

Thank you!

What are terms and conditions of government bonds in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 14 of the Decree 95/2018/NĐ-CP stipulating terms and conditions of government bonds in Vietnam as follows:

1. Term:

a) Standard terms of government bonds are 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, 30 years and 50 years.

b) Other terms of government bonds shall be subject to the Minister of Finance’s decision made in each period.

2. Face value: The face value of government bonds shall be VND 100,000 or its multiple.

3. Currency used in issuance and payment for government bonds is VND. In case government bonds are issued in the domestic market in foreign currencies, the currency used in issuance and payment of government bonds must be freely convertible currencies as regulated in Article 22 herein.

4. Forms:

a) Government bonds are issued in the forms of certificates, book entries or electronic data depending on each method of issuance.

b) The issuer shall decide the form of government bonds in each issue.

5. Interest rate:

a) Interest rate of government bonds shall be fixed interest rate, floating interest rate or discount rate as announced by the State Treasury.

b) The State Treasury shall decide the interest rate of government bonds within the interest rate bracket announced by the Ministry of Finance.

6. Methods for payment of government bonds:

a) Interest shall be paid for every 06 months or 12 months or in a lump sum on the maturity date in which the principal payment is also made. The issuer shall notify the method for payment of bond interest for each issue.

b) The bond principal shall be paid in a lump sum on or before the maturity date according to the issuer’s notification in each issue.

7. Issuance methods: Government bonds are issued through bidding, underwriting and private placement as prescribed in Article 15, Article 16 and Article 17 herein.

What are regulations on issuance of government bonds through bidding in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 15 of the Decree 95/2018/NĐ-CP stipulating issuance of government bonds through bidding in Vietnam as follows:

1. Bidding is a method of offering government bonds whereby potential investors bid on the government bonds by offering their interest rates.

2. Bidding principles:

a) A bidder’s bid information must be kept secret.

b) Bidders shall have their rights and obligations ensured openly and impartially.

3. Bidders: Market makers as defined in Section 4 Chapter II herein. Other entities that are defined in Clause 1 Article 6 herein and purchase government debt instruments through bidding via market makers.

4. Bidding forms:

Bidding for government bonds is conducted in either of the following forms:

a) Competitive bid; or

b) Combination of competitive bid and non-competitive bid. If a bid session is conducted in this form, total amount of bonds offered to non-competitive bidders shall not exceed 30% of total amount of bonds offered in that bid session.

5. Bidding results shall be determined by adopting either the fixed-rate tender method or the variable-rate tender method. Based on the market developments, the Ministry of Finance shall decide adoption of the fixed-rate tender method or the variable-rate tender method in each period.

6. The issuer shall directly organize bidding for government bonds or organize bidding via the Stock Exchange in accordance with regulations of the Ministry of Finance.

What shall be included in the issuance of government bonds through underwriting in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1 Article 16 of the Decree 95/2018/NĐ-CP, underwriting is a method of offering government bonds through an underwriter syndicate, which is comprised of:

a) A lead underwriter and/or co-lead underwriters; and

b) Syndicate participant(s).

Best regards!

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