Will Party members who made a shocking statement on social media be expelled from the Party in Vietnam?

Will Party members who made a shocking statement on social media be expelled from the Party in Vietnam? Do reserve party members have right to vote on the party's governing body in Vietnam? What are duties of party members in Vietnam?

Hi, I have a problem that needs to be answered. My friend is a party member, my friend has been commenting on facebook about an article related to the new policy of the state. My friend's comment revealed secrets and was quite shocking. May I ask, will my friend be expelled from the party with that behavior?

Please advise. Thankyou.


Will Party members who made a shocking statement on social media be expelled from the Party in Vietnam?

In Article 28 of Regulation 69-QD/TW of 2022, violations against regulations on propaganda and speech are as follows:

1. Party members who violate one of the following circumstances, causing less serious consequences, shall be disciplined in the form of reprimand:

a) Propagating, copying, distributing and providing information, documents and artifacts with bad content.

b) Arbitrarily speaking, providing information and documents to the press and other media agencies and organizations, violating the Law on Press, Law on Publication and other regulations of the Party and State on speech, provide information, documents, propagate, publish.

c) Making statements, providing information, documents, schemes and projects that are in the process of being drafted but have not yet been allowed to be disseminated according to regulations by competent agencies.

d) Writing articles, browsing articles, copying and distributing inaccurate articles and information.

dd) Failing to post feedback or corrections as prescribed by law.

e) Taking advantage of the right to reserve opinions, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and social criticism to write articles, answer questions or use information, media, social networks and associations, groups, clubs and forums to spread views contrary to the guidelines and regulations of the Party and laws of the State.

2. If a person who has been disciplined under Clause 1 of this Article re-commits or commits a violation for the first time, causing serious consequences, or violates one of the following circumstances, the discipline shall be in the form of warning or dismissal (if there is a person in charge):

a) Making statements contrary to the guidelines and regulations of the Party and laws of the State; spreading false information.

b) Providing information and documents to organizations and individuals on matters falling under the secrets of the Party, State, organizations and individuals and other secrets according to the provisions of law without permission from competent authorities. permission. Providing unlicensed, untrue and dishonest information to the press and other media agencies and organizations. Providing information and documents to others to speak, write, post false news or articles on media and social networks in order to distort or lower the reputation of collectives or individuals.

c) Providing information and documents to the press about the case, the case is in the process of investigation, which has not yet been allowed to be published or has not yet been tried. Provide and publish detailed information and documents serving the conclusion of the case; cases which are in the stage of examination, supervision, inspection, audit, investigation, prosecution, trial, or judgment enforcement which have not yet reached conclusions or have not yet been allowed to be announced according to regulations.

dd) Providing information and documents that harm the interests of the Party, State, national defense, security, foreign affairs, and social order and safety.

d) Storing , propagating, spreading or inciting others to propagate and distribute information and documents in any form in order to propagate views contrary to the guidelines and lines of the Party and the law of the State.

e) Answering interviews, publishing documents, news and articles on the media and social networks with untruthful, provocative, confusing or impulsive content or accusations of crimes, judgment before trial.

g) Taking advantage of the speech, questioning, answering questions, reflecting, proposing and commenting on draft documents of the Party and State, open letters and memoirs to give opinions, information that damages the reputation of the Party or the State or slanders, slanders, insults, comments or evaluates arbitrarily with bad intentions towards organizations and individuals.

h) Taking advantage of, using forums, media, communication, social networks, personal news sites or groups to smear the honor of organizations and individuals; support hostile forces to incite and destroy the Party and State.

i) Composing, producing, storing and disseminating works and works of literature and art that are unhealthy, contrary to the fine customs and traditions of the Vietnamese nation, are provocative and cause bad influence in society; Distributing articles, speeches, interviews, memoirs, movies, and pictures with illegal content.

k) Writing articles, approving posts, giving untruthful information, not in accordance with regulations; threaten, demand claims on the content of articles, post articles, share information related to localities, agencies, units and individuals for self-seeking purposes.

3. In case of violations specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article, causing very serious consequences or in one of the following cases, the discipline shall be in the form of expulsion:

a) Failing to comply with the discipline of speaking and protecting secrets of the Party and the State, revealing information, spreading documents and objects in contravention of regulations and regimes; Disseminating false information about the Party, adversely affecting political stability, discipline, discipline, unity and unity within the Party and the people, so that the bad guys and hostile forces, reactionary interests used to distort, oppose or lower the prestige of the Party and State.

b) Taking advantage of democracy and human rights to oppose the Party and State; speak, write, illegally store or distribute information, documents, or artifacts with content contrary to the Party's guidelines and regulations, or post on social networks with content that is against the guidelines and regulations regulations of the Party and laws of the State.

c) Participating in or inciting or enticing other people to participate in seminars or conferences, hosting meetings without the permission of competent agencies or organizations, with contents contrary to the guidelines and guidelines of the Party and the law of gorvernment.

d) Taking advantage of the right to express opinions, freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly to propagate against the Party and State, and to negate Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thought.

dd) There is a wrongdoing that has been mentioned and explained by the competent authority but does not accept it, continues to write, speak, distribute memoirs, petitions, letters that defame, slander, attack the Party, State and regime.

Thus, at present, for the speech of Party members, it also depends on the level of behavior to apply disciplinary forms including: reprimand, warning or dismissal, the heaviest expulsion in Vietnam.

Whether or not your friend who is a shock spokesman disclosing confidential information related to the state will be expelled from the party depends on the level of behavior in Vietnam.

Do reserve party members have right to vote on the party's governing body in Vietnam?

According to Article 3 of the Charter of the Communist Party of Vietnam 2011 as follows:

Party members have the right to:

1. To be informed and discuss issues on the political platform, the Party's Charter, the lines, guidelines and policies of the Party; vote on the work of the Party.

2. To stand for, nominate and elect the leading bodies of the Party at all levels according to the regulations of the Central Committee.

3. Criticize and question activities of party organizations and party members at all levels within the organization; report, make recommendations to the responsible agencies and request answers.

4. Presenting opinions when the party organization comments, decides on work or enforces discipline against them.

Reserve members have the above rights, except for the right to vote, stand for election and elect the Party's leadership body.

Therefore, according to the above provisions in Vietnam, reserve party members have same rights as official party members but do not have right to vote on the leadership of the Party.

What are duties of party members in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 2 of the Charter of the Communist Party of Vietnam 2011 stipulates as follows:

Party members have the following duties:

1. Absolutely loyal to the Party's revolutionary ideals, strictly abide by the political platform, the Party's Charter, the Party's resolutions and directives, and the State's laws; successfully complete the assigned tasks; fully submit to the Party's assignment and maneuvering.

2. Constantly studying, training and improving knowledge, work capacity, political qualities, revolutionary ethics, and healthy lifestyle; fight against individualism, opportunism, partiality, bureaucracy, corruption, waste and other negative manifestations. Comply with the Central Committee's regulations on what party members can't do.

3. Close contact with the people, respect and promote the people's right to mastery; take care of the material and spiritual life and protect the people's legitimate interests; actively participate in mass work, social work at work and at home; propagandize and mobilize families and people to implement the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's laws.

4. Participating in the formulation and protection of the Party's lines, policies and organization; obey discipline, maintain unity and unity in the Party; regularly self-criticize and critique, be honest with the Party; do party member development work; party activities and pay party fees in accordance with regulations.

The above are duties of party members to perform in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

Best Regards!

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