Will Communist Party members of Vietnam, who go to fortune-telling, be disciplined? How will Communist Party members of Vietnam, who have the act of sexual harassment, be disciplined?

Will Communist Party members of Vietnam, who go to fortune-telling, be disciplined? How will Communist Party members of Vietnam, who have the act of sexual harassment, be disciplined? What are tasks of Communist Party members of Vietnam?

Hello Lawnet. My husband is a Party member. He is currently a teacher of a high school. Due to our personal needs, he often invites me to see fortune-telling to know the future. Will Communist Party members of Vietnam, who go to fortune-telling, be disciplined?

Thank you!

Will Communist Party members of Vietnam, who go to fortune-telling, be disciplined?

Pursuant to Article 55 of the Regulation 69-QĐ/TW in 2022 stipulating disciplining Communist Party members of Vietnam who violate regulations on belief and religion as follows:

1. Communist Party members who violate one of the following circumstances, causing less serious consequences, shall be disciplined in the form of reprimand:

a) Knowing without measures to educate, prevent or fail to report to allow spouses or children living together in the family to join a religious organization that has not yet been granted operation registration by a competent state agency, recognized religious organizations; illegal preaching.

b) Superstition and superstition: Organize ceremony to pray for promotion; fortune-telling, playing cards, asking the master to cast spells to exorcise evil spirits and other superstitions and superstitions.

c) There is an act of coercing or preventing other people's lawful freedom of belief or religion activities.

d) Acts of abetting or directly mobilizing organizations and individuals to build belief establishments or religious establishments without permission of competent authorities.

2. If a person has been disciplined according to Clause 1 of this Article but recidivism or first violation causes serious consequences or commits one of the following cases, the discipline shall be in the form of warning or dismissal (if any of the following positions):

a) Arbitrarily following a religion or receiving ordination, appointment, election, or nomination of dignitaries or positions of a religious organization without reporting or consulting the party cell and party organization that directly manages them; or has reported but has not been approved in writing by the competent party organization.

b) Discrimination on grounds of belief or religion in any form.

c) Organizing, mobilizing, enticing, inciting, enticing, threatening or forcing other people to join illegal religions.

d) Supporting or participating in religious organizations that have not been granted religious activity registration or recognition by competent state agencies. Violating citizens' rights to freedom of belief and religion, adversely affecting national unity and fine cultural traditions of the nation.

dd) Covering and abetting superstitious and superstitious activities in festivals; take advantage of beliefs and religions in any form for personal gain.

3. In case of violation of Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article causing very serious consequences or in one of the following cases, the discipline shall be in the form of expulsion:

a) Organizing incitement to divide and unite religions at home and abroad.


Pursuant to current regulations, in case Party members go to fortune-telling, they will be disciplined by the Communist Party of Vietnam. If the violation is serious, they will be disciplined in the form of warning or dismissal (in case they are holding a position). In case of very serious consequences, the discipline shall be in the form of expulsion.

How will Communist Party members of Vietnam, who have the act of sexual harassment, be disciplined?

Pursuant to Article 54 of the Regulation 69-QĐ/TW in 2022 stipulating disciplining Communist Party members of Vietnam who violate regulations on morality and civilized lifestyle as follows:

1. Communist Party members of Vietnam who violate one of the following circumstances, causing less serious consequences, shall be disciplined in the form of reprimand:

a) Organizing weddings, funerals, holidays, New Year's Day, birthdays, birthday celebrations, wedding anniversaries, new home celebrations, promotion, extravagant, wasteful job changes or for self-seeking purposes. bad public opinion in society or against the regulations of agencies, units or localities where they reside.

b) Violating regulations on banning the consumption of alcohol, beer and other stimulants.

c) There is an act of sexual harassment in any form.

d) Acts of disturbing public security and order (disturbing, quarreling, fighting...).

dd) To report dishonestly the results of their cultivation and practice of morality and lifestyle at the request of a competent party organization.

e) Letting the wife (husband) and children live lavishly or wastefully, causing bad public opinion in society or breaking the law.

2. If a person has been disciplined according to Clause 1 of this Article but recidivism or first violation causes serious consequences or commits one of the following cases, the discipline shall be in the form of warning or dismissal (if any of the following positions):

a) Being irresponsible or for personal reasons tolerating or inciting others to violate the law.

b) Committing acts of infringing upon the health, honor and dignity of others; defrauding, appropriating assets and money of organizations and individuals.

c) Failing to carry out inspection and supervision plans for cadres and party members who commit violations in cultivating and practicing morality and lifestyle.

d) Committing acts of violating regulations on professional ethical standards of the industry, agency or unit.

dd) Violating regulations on traffic safety, causing accidents, causing damage to the health and property of others.

3. In case of violation of Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article causing very serious consequences or in one of the following cases, the discipline shall be in the form of expulsion:

a) Being a leader or commander but committing acts of seriously offending the dignity and honor or using corporal punishment towards officials, soldiers and employees under their authority.

b) They are subordinates but commit acts of serious offense to dignity and honor or assault leading officials, managers, commanders and colleagues.

Accordingly, in case a Communist Party members of Vietnam commits acts of sexual harassment causing less serious consequences, the discipline shall be in the form of reprimand, recidivism or the first violation causes serious consequences, the discipline shall be in the form of warning or dismissal (in case they are holding a position), causing very serious consequences, the discipline shall be in the form of expulsion.

What are tasks of Communist Party members of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 2 of the Charter of the Communist Party of Vietnam 2011 stipulating the tasks of Communist Party members of Vietnam as follows:

1. Absolutely loyal to the Party's revolutionary ideals, strictly abide by the political platform, the Party's Charter, the Party's resolutions and directives, and the State's laws; successfully complete the assigned tasks; fully submit to the Party's assignment and maneuvering.

2. Constantly studying, training and improving knowledge, work capacity, political qualities, revolutionary ethics, and healthy lifestyle; fight against individualism, opportunism, partiality, bureaucracy, corruption, waste and other negative manifestations. Comply with the Central Committee's regulations on what party members can't do.

3. Close contact with the people, respect and promote the people's right to mastery; take care of the material and spiritual life and protect the people's legitimate interests; actively participate in mass work, social work at work and at home; propagandize and mobilize families and people to implement the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's laws.

4. Participating in the formulation and protection of the Party's lines, policies and organization; obey discipline, maintain unity and unity in the Party; regularly self-criticize and critique, be honest with the Party; do party member development work; party activities and pay party fees in accordance with regulations.

Thus, Communist Party members of Vietnam will have the above tasks.

Best regards!

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