Which 07 contents must be disclosed by the commanders of agencies and units regarding the implementation of grassroots democracy in the Vietnam People's Army?

Which 07 contents must be disclosed by the commanders of agencies and units regarding the implementation of grassroots democracy in the Vietnam People's Army? What are methods for disclosure of information on the implementation of grassroots democracy in Vietnam?

Which 07 contents must be disclosed by the commanders of agencies and units regarding the implementation of grassroots democracy in the Vietnam People's Army?

Based on Article 10 of Circular 122/2024/TT-BQP stipulating the contents that agency and unit commanders must publicize:

Article 10. Contents that agency and unit commanders must publicize

With the exception of contents classified as confidential, which are disseminated in accordance with the classification regulation for managing confidential documents, commanders of agencies and units must make public the following contents:

  1. The lines and policies of the Communist Party, state policies, and laws related to the Army and the agency and unit.
  1. Policies and solutions of the Central Military Commission, Ministry of National Defense, the committee, and the command of the agency and unit; the political tasks of the agency and unit; the annual, quarterly, and monthly work plans; regulations, rules, military orders, and professional charters.
  1. Internal regulations, rules, and regulations of the agency and unit. Financial accounting reports according to the hierarchical level. Contents related to personnel affairs, policy resolution, evaluation, classification of the quality of officers, professional soldiers, defense workers, public employees, and laborers; commendations, discipline, retirement, demobilization, discharge for military personnel, defense workers, public employees, and laborers.
  1. Content of asset and income declarations of individuals required by law to declare.


The 7 contents for implementing democracy at the grassroots level in the Vietnam People's Army that must be publicized by agency and unit commanders include:

[1] The lines and policies of the Communist Party, state policies, and laws related to the Army and the agency and unit.

[2] Policies and solutions of the Central Military Commission, Ministry of National Defense, the committee, and the command of the agency and unit; the political tasks of the agency and unit; the annual, quarterly, and monthly work plans; regulations, rules, military orders, and professional charters.

[3] Internal regulations, rules, and guidelines of the agency and unit. Financial accounting reports according to the hierarchical level. Contents related to personnel management, policy resolution, evaluation, classification of the quality of officers, professional soldiers, defense workers, public employees, and laborers; commendations, discipline, retirement, demobilization, discharge for military personnel, defense workers, public employees, and laborers.

[4] Content of asset and income declarations of individuals required by law to declare.

[5] Results of inspections, checks, and resolution of internal reflections, petitions, complaints, and denunciations.

[6] Results of summarizing opinions and explanations, feedback received from military personnel, defense workers, public employees, and laborers on matters they are invited to comment on.

[7] Directives and operational documents from higher-level commanders related to the activities of the agency and unit.

Note: Except for contents classified as confidential, disseminated under the classified document management regulations.

7 Contents for Implementing Democracy at the Grassroots Level in the Vietnam People's Army that Must be Publicized

Which 07 contents must be disclosed by the commanders of agencies and units regarding the implementation of grassroots democracy in the Vietnam People's Army?​ (Image from the Internet)

What are methods for disclosure of information on the implementation of grassroots democracy in the Vietnam People's Army?

Based on Article 11 of Circular 122/2024/TT-BQP stipulating the methods and timing of information disclosure:

Article 11. Methods and timing of information disclosure

  1. Methods of information disclosure:

a) Notify in writing to organizations and all military personnel, defense workers, public employees, and laborers;

b) On the internal information system or posted on the electronic information portal, website, or bulletin board;

c) At military conferences, command briefings at all levels, collective activities of military personnel, defense workers, public employees, and laborers.

  1. Information must be disclosed no later than 5 working days from the date of the decision or document from the committee or command of the agency or unit regarding the content to be disclosed. For units stationed in remote, border, maritime, and island areas, the disclosure time is no later than 10 working days.

Thus, information on implementing democracy at the grassroots level in the Vietnam People's Army is publicized through the following methods:

- Written notification to organizations and all military personnel, defense workers, public employees, and laborers

- On the internal information system or posted on the electronic information portal, website, or bulletin board

- At military conferences, command briefings at all levels, collective activities of military personnel, defense workers, public employees, and laborers

What are prohibited acts in implementing democracy at the grassroots level in the Vietnam People's Army?

Based on Article 8 of Circular 122/2024/TT-BQP stipulating prohibited acts in implementing democracy at the grassroots level in the Vietnam People's Army:

- Prevent or create difficulties for military personnel, defense workers, public employees, and laborers in implementing democracy, leading to complex issues affecting the agency, unit, or enterprise.

- Handle reflections, petitions, complaints, denunciations improperly; suppress, disclose, or leak information about whistleblowers, and individuals providing information about violations related to implementing democracy.

- Exploit the implementation of democracy to infringe on the legal rights and benefits of organizations and individuals; violate military orders, charters, and discipline; cause internal conflict and disrupt military and civilian unity, causing damage to individuals, agencies, units, enterprises, and the Army.

- Use tactics to distort the results of consultation, collective decisions of military personnel, and labor collectives, on issues related to the duties of military personnel, defense workers, public employees, and laborers as stipulated.

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