What is an archipelago? Which province in Vietnam does the Spratly Islands belong to?
What is an archipelago?
Pursuant to Article 19 of the Vietnam Maritime Law 2012, regulations on islands and archipelagos are as follows:
Article 19. Islands and Archipelagos
- An island is a naturally formed area of land surrounded by water, which remains above water at high tide.
An archipelago is a collection of islands, including parts of islands, adjacent waters, and other related natural components tightly connected.
- Islands and archipelagos under the sovereignty of Vietnam are inseparable parts of Vietnam's territory.
Thus, an archipelago is a collection of islands, including parts of islands, adjacent waters, and other related natural components that are closely interrelated.
What is an archipelago? Which province in Vietnam does the Spratly Islands belong to? (Image from the Internet)
Which province in Vietnam does the Spratly Islands belong to?
Pursuant to Article 1 of Decree 65/2007/ND-CP:
Article 1. Adjust administrative boundaries of district-level town Cam Ranh and district Dien Khanh to establish district Cam Lam; adjust commune-level administrative boundaries to establish communes, commune-level towns in the following districts: Cam Lam, Truong Sa and expand ward Cam Nghia in district-level town Cam Ranh, Khanh Hoa Province as follows:
- Establish district Cam Lam in Khanh Hoa Province on the basis of adjusting 45,726 ha of natural area and 88,045 inhabitants of district-level town Cam Ranh (including the entire natural area and population of the communes: Cam Tan, Cam Hoa, Son Tan, Cam Hai Tay, Cam Duc, Cam Hiep Bac, Cam Hiep Nam, Cam Thanh Bac, Cam An Bac, Cam An Nam, Cam Phuoc Tay, Cam Hai Dong); 17,590 ha of natural area and 15,324 inhabitants of district Dien Khanh (including the entire natural area and population of the communes: Suoi Tan, Suoi Cat).
District Cam Lam has 63,316 ha of natural area and 103,369 inhabitants.
Administrative boundaries of district Cam Lam: East borders the East Sea; West borders district Khanh Vinh and district Khanh Son; South borders district-level town Cam Ranh; North borders Nha Trang city and district Dien Khanh.
According to the above regulation, the Spratly Archipelago belongs to Khanh Hoa Province. The Spratly Archipelago is located in the southern East Sea, within the range from 6o50’N to 12o00’N and from 111o20’E to 117o20’E. In the northwest-southeast direction, it has a width of approximately 400 km and in the northeast-southwest direction, it has a width of about 900 km. The closest point of the archipelago is about 340 nautical miles from Vung Tau and about 250 nautical miles from Cam Ranh.
The Spratly Archipelago consists of more than 150 large and small islands, both emerged and submerged, with land areas of emerged islands totaling approximately 10 km2. Administratively, the Spratly Archipelago is a district of Khanh Hoa Province: Truong Sa district.
What are 13 acts within territorial waters considered detrimental to the peace, defense, and security of Vietnam?
Pursuant to Clause 3 Article 23 of the Vietnam Maritime Law 2012, regulations regarding innocent passage in territorial waters not harming the peace, defense, and security of Vietnam, and maritime order and safety are as follows. Passage of foreign vessels in Vietnamese territorial waters is considered harmful to the peace, defense, and security of Vietnam, maritime order and safety if the vessel engages in any of the following acts:
- Threatening or using force against the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Vietnam
- Threatening or using force against the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of another state; committing acts contrary to the fundamental principles of international law as provided for in the United Nations Charter
- Conducting exercises or practices with any kind of weapons, in any form
- Collecting information detrimental to Vietnam's defense and security
- Propagating content that harms the defense and security of Vietnam
- Launching, receiving, or loading airborne vehicles onto ships
- Launching, receiving, or loading military equipment onto ships
- Loading or unloading goods, currency, or transporting people onto or off ships in violation of Vietnamese laws on customs, taxation, health, or immigration
- Intentionally causing serious marine pollution
- Illegally fishing
- Conducting unlawful research, investigation, or exploration
- Interfering with the operation of communication systems, equipment, or other installations of Vietnam
- Conducting any other activities not directly related to passage