What are the criteria for an individual to be awarded a certificate of commendation from the Prime Minister in Vietnam?

What are the criteria for an individual to be awarded a certificate of commendation from the Prime Minister in Vietnam? What are the criteria for a group to be awarded a certificate of commendation from the Prime Minister in Vietnam? What are the criteria for farmers to be awarded a certificate of commendation from the Prime Minister in Vietnam?

What are the criteria for an individual to be awarded a certificate of commendation from the Prime Minister in Vietnam?

According to Clause 1 Article 38 of Decree 91/2017/ND-CP, the regulations are as follows:

1. "Certificate of commendation from the Prime Minister" is awarded to exemplary individuals who have effectively implemented the Party's guidelines, policies, and state laws and meet one of the following criteria:

a) Outstanding achievements recognized in competitive movements organized by the Central Council for Emulation and Commendation or by ministries, branches, provinces, and central organizations during a period of at least 3 years.

b) Multiple achievements or significant achievements with broad impact within ministries, agencies, provinces, and central organizations.

c) Have been awarded certificates of commendation at the ministry, agency, provincial, or central organization level and have continuously and excellently fulfilled their duties for at least 5 subsequent years, during which they have had 5 recognized and effectively applied initiatives at the grassroots level or have shown intelligence, bravery, and creativity in combat or service. Additionally, they have been awarded commendation certificates at least 5 times during that period.

What are the criteria for an individual to be awarded a certificate of commendation from the Prime Minister in Vietnam? - image from internet

What are the criteria for a group to be awarded a certificate of commendation from the Prime Minister in Vietnam?

According to Clause 3 Article 38 of the above-mentioned Decree, the regulations are as follows:

3. "Certificate of commendation from the Prime Minister" is awarded to exemplary groups that effectively implement the Party's guidelines, policies, state laws, and internal solidarity and meet one of the following criteria:

a) Outstanding achievements recognized in competitive movements organized by the Central Council for Emulation and Commendation or by ministries, branches, provinces, and central organizations during a period of at least 3 years.

b) Achieve sudden accomplishments or achievements with significant impact within ministries, agencies, provinces, and central organizations.

c) Have been awarded certificates of commendation at the ministry, agency, provincial, or central organization level and have continuously and excellently fulfilled their duties for at least 5 subsequent years, during which they have been awarded the Flag of Emulation at the ministry, agency, provincial, or central organization level at least once, or have been awarded certificates of commendation at the ministry, agency, provincial, or central organization level at least twice.

What are the criteria for farmers to be awarded a certificate of commendation from the Prime Minister in Vietnam?

According to Clause 2 of the above-mentioned Decree, the regulations are as follows:

2. "Certificate of commendation from the Prime Minister" is awarded to exemplary workers, farmers, and laborers who effectively implement the Party's guidelines, policies, and state laws and meet one of the following criteria:

a) Achieve multiple accomplishments or sudden achievements in labor and production with significant impact within the district-level area.

b) Workers who have innovative ideas that bring high-value benefits with an impact within the district-level area and contribute to the training, development, and assistance of colleagues to enhance their professional skills.

c) Farmers who have efficient and stable production models for at least 2 years, helping other farmers eliminate hunger, reduce poverty, and create employment opportunities for laborers.

Best regards!

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