What are the contents of branch of Vietnamese Communist Party activities? What is the minimum time for branch of Vietnamese Communist Party activities?

What are the contents of branch of Vietnamese Communist Party activities? What is the minimum time for branch of Vietnamese Communist Party activities?

Hello Lawnet. I have some questions: What are the contents of branch of Vietnamese Communist Party activities? What is the minimum time for branch of Vietnamese Communist Party activities?

Thank you!

1. What are the contents of branch of Vietnamese Communist Party activities?

Based on Section 2, Part II of the Guidance 12-HD/BTCTW in 2018 on the content of branch of Vietnamese Communist Party activities, specifically as follows:

2.1. For regular meetings

Based on the Party Constitution, the direction of the upper levels, the situation, characteristics of the branch and the results of implementing political tasks, each month the branch meets to discuss the following main contents:

a) On political and ideological work

- Select current events in the country, the world, and issues in the locality, agency, or unit that are relevant to the situation and appropriate to the functions and responsibilities of the branch for dissemination and discussion.

- Timely inform the policies, documents of the Party, the State, of the upper levels, organizations of the Party, the government, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and socio-political organizations at all levels that need to be disseminated to the branch.

- Assess the ideological situation of party members and people under the leadership of the branch; issues that the branch needs to pay attention to. Timely orient the awareness and thinking of party members.

b) On the implementation of political tasks

- Evaluate the results of the leadership of the implementation of political tasks in the month of the cell and the implementation of the tasks of party members; clearly identify the strengths, weaknesses, shortcomings and causes to propose solutions to address.

- Evaluate the implementation of the Resolution of the 11th Central Committee on some urgent issues on Party building today, the Resolution of the 12th Central Committee on strengthening the building and rectification of the Party, preventing and pushing back the decline in political ideology, morality, lifestyle, manifestations of “self-transformation”, “self-transformation” within the organization associated with the implementation of Directive No. 05-CT/TW of the Politburo on promoting the study, emulation and following the thought, morality and style of Ho Chi Minh.

- Party members, especially leaders, connect and evaluate the implementation of the contents they have committed to under the Resolution of the 12th Central Committee; on what party members should not do and the responsibility to set an example according to the regulations of the Central Committee, the Politburo; on combating corruption and running for positions and combating individualism, bureaucracy, and alienation from the masses.

- Results of leading the government, socio-political organizations.

- Determine the tasks of the cell for the next month and leadership, guidance measures; assign tasks to party members.

Above are regulations on the contents that need to be implemented in a regular branch meeting.

What are the contents of branch of Vietnamese Communist Party activities? What is the minimum time for branch of Vietnamese Communist Party activities? - Source: internet

2. What is the minimum time for branch of Vietnamese Communist Party activities?

According to Subsection 3.3, Section II of the Guidance 12-HD/BTCTW in 2018 on organizing branch activities, the following are the regulations:

- The time of organization of activities is in accordance with the regulations of the competent authority.

- Fully implement the content and order of the branch activity meeting according to the regulations. The presiding method of the presiding person is flexible and effective.

- There is a commendation of outstanding party members in the month; remind, criticize party members who have not completed the assigned tasks, party members who do not fulfill their commitments to cultivate, practice, and strive for the year or have shortcomings in implementing the policies, resolutions, directives, and regulations of the Party and the upper-level authority but have not reached the level of disciplinary action (if any).

- Many party members participate in expressing opinions.

- The time of branch activities: Must be guaranteed from 90 minutes up. If combined with specialized activities with regular branch activities in the same session, it must ensure a minimum time of 120 minutes. For branches with too few party members, the competent authority shall specify the specific time of activities.

- The minutes book of branch activities fully records the course of the meeting and is kept and preserved for a long time as a reference document and traditional education for party members.

Therefore, the time for branch activities must be guaranteed at least 90 minutes. If combined with specialized activities with regular branch activities in the same session, it must ensure a minimum time of 120 minutes.

Best regards!

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