What are propaganda activities celebrating the 95th anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam in 2025?

What are propaganda activities celebrating the 95th anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam in 2025? What is the highest leading body of the Communist Party of Vietnam?

What are propaganda activities celebrating the 95th anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam in 2025?

Pursuant to Section 4 of Guideline 175-HD/BTGTW 2024 on guidance on propaganda activities commemorating the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the Communist Party of Vietnam in 2025:

- Organizing ceremonies for incense and flower offerings at the Mausoleum of President Ho Chi Minh and commemorating heroes and martyrs on Bac Son Street, Hanoi.

- Hosting a national scientific conference (in January 2025).

- Organizing a live artistic political television program to honor and commend exemplary Party committees, organizations, and members (in January 2025).

- Organizing a special art program celebrating the Communist Party, the Spring, and the renewal of the country (planned for February 2025).

- Hosting an artistic political program titled “Forever Faith in the Communist Party” (in January 2025).

- Organizing a launch ceremony for a campaign both domestically and internationally to collect and donate documents, materials, and artifacts about the Communist Party of Vietnam, President Ho Chi Minh, the General Secretaries of the Communist Party, and notable historical figures of the Communist Party to the Vietnam Communist Party Museum (during the commemoration period).

- Organizing an exhibition of materials, images, and postal stamps with the theme “Proud of the 95-year Glorious Tradition of the Communist Party of Vietnam” (in January 2025).

- Producing a documentary film commemorating the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the Communist Party of Vietnam in multiple ethnic languages for propaganda among ethnic communities, especially minority groups (in January 2025).

- Producing animated films for children's propaganda purposes (in January 2025).

- Organizing information and propaganda activities at the Central and local levels in various forms (through journalism, Internet, social media; publications, propaganda materials; regular activities of political-social organizations; visual promotional activities) depending on the specific conditions of localities and units.

What is the highest leading body of the Communist Party of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 9 of the Charter of the Communist Party of Vietnam 2011:

Article 9.

The Communist Party of Vietnam is organized according to the principle of democratic centralism. The fundamental content of this principle is:

  1. The leading bodies at all levels of the Communist Party are elected, implementing collective leadership and individual accountability.
  1. The highest leading body of the Communist Party is the National Congress of Delegates. The leading body at each level is the conference of delegates or the conference of Party members. Between two congresses, the leading body of the Communist Party is the Central Committee, and at each level, it is the executive committee of the Party organization, known collectively as the Party executive committee.
  1. Party executive committees at all levels are accountable for their activities to the conference of the same level, to superior and subordinate executive committees; they periodically inform their activities to affiliated Party organizations, engaging in self-criticism and criticism.
  1. Party organizations and members must comply with the resolutions of the Communist Party. The minority must comply with the majority, the lower level must comply with the higher level, the individual must comply with the organization, and all organizations throughout the Communist Party must comply with the National Congress of Delegates and the Central Committee.

The highest leading body of the Communist Party of Vietnam is the National Congress of Delegates. The leading body at each level is the conference of delegates or the conference of Party members. Between two congresses, the leading body of the Communist Party is the Central Committee, and at each level, it is the executive committee of the Party organization.

When does the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam convene?

Pursuant to Article 16 of the Charter of the Communist Party of Vietnam 2011:

Article 16.

  1. The Central Committee organizes and directs the implementation of the political platform, the Charter of the Communist Party, the resolutions of the Congress; it decides on guidelines and policies on internal and external affairs, mass mobilization work, and party building work; it prepares for the next term's National Congress of Delegates of the Communist Party or an extraordinary National Congress of Delegates (if necessary).
  1. The Central Committee decides, based on the actual situation, to pilot some new guidelines.
  1. The Central Committee holds regular meetings every six months; extraordinary meetings are held as necessary.

According to the above regulation, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam convenes regularly every six months; extraordinary meetings are held as necessary.

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