Responsibilities of the Head of the unit assigned authority to manage records of civil servants and public employees of the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam

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Question date: 27/11/2023

Responsibilities of Heads of units assigned authority to manage civil servant and public employee records, Heads of units under the Ministry that directly manage and employ civil servants and public employees of the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam

    • Responsibilities of the Head of the unit assigned the authority to manage records of civil servants and employees of the Ministry of Justice

      According to Article 26 of the Regulation on management of civil servant, public employee and employee records issued with Decision 1818/QD-BTP in 2020, responsibilities of the Head of the unit assigned authority to manage records of civil servants and public employees of the Ministry of Justice are as follows:

      1. Advise and assist the Minister in ensuring facilities, equipment, and technical infrastructure for the stable, smooth, and safe operation of the Ministry of Justice's record management software and meeting technical regulations requirements of the national database on cadres, civil servants and public employees.

      2. Actively coordinate with the Department of Personnel and Organization and agencies that manage civil servant and employee records to advise and propose to the Ministry's leaders measures to improve the efficiency of user account management, ensure strict compliance with regulations on security, safety and security of database information on cadres, civil servants and public employees and increasingly meeting the requirements of innovation and strengthening civil servant management, officials of the Party, the Government and the Ministry of Justice, contributing to maximizing the efficiency of exploiting civil servant and public employee records in the record management software system, limiting direct contact with records.

      3. Implement user account management promptly, closely, and conveniently according to assigned authority. Grant, restrict, expand or cancel access rights to the records management software based on the written request of the public employee records management agency.

      4. Assign civil servants and public employees with appropriate capacity, qualifications and qualities to perform user account management. Regularly check and urge individuals assigned to directly manage user accounts to strictly comply with the provisions of this Regulation and the provisions of law on safety, information security, and network security.

      5. Organize training and foster skills and expertise for civil servants and public employees working in electronic records management and user account management to ensure the operation of the Ministry's record management software Justice is safe and transparent.

      6. Coordinate with the Department of Personnel and Organization in implementing the information and reporting regime on file management of the Ministry of Justice.

      Responsibilities of the Head of the unit assigned authority to manage records of civil servants and public employees of the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

      Responsibilities of Heads of units under the Ministry that directly manage and employ civil servants and employees of the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam

      According to Article 27 of the Regulation on management of civil servant, public employee and employee records issued with Decision 1818/QD-BTP in 2020, responsibilities of the Head of the unit under the Ministry directly managing and employing civil servants and public employees of the Ministry of Justice are as follows:

      1. Manage civil servant and public employee records according to the provisions of this Regulation.

      2. Assign and arrange appropriate civil servants and public employees to directly manage civil servant and public employee records. Create favorable conditions for technical equipment and facilities to serve the management of civil servant and public employee records.

      3. Organize civil servants and public employees to declare, verify, verify and confirm civil servant and public employee records according to the provisions of law and these Regulations. Periodically direct reviews to eliminate redundant, duplicate, and unrelated documents in the records; promptly detect damaged, lost, or erroneous documents and report to competent authorities for supplementation and correction according to regulations.

      4. Notify civil servants and public employees of the verification and verification conclusions of the data in the records self-declared by civil servants and public employees in case the information is inconsistent or inaccurate.

      5. Discipline or coordinate with the Department of Personnel and Organization in requesting competent authorities to consider and discipline organizations or individuals with violations in declaration, management and exploitation of civil servants and public employees.

      6. Comply with the direction, inspection and professional guidance on the management of paper records and electronic records of civil servants and public employees of superior agencies.

      7. Annually, no later than January 31 of the following year or at the request of a competent state agency, report on the management of civil servant and employee records of the previous year according to the provisions of the Circular No. 11/2012/TT-BNV and Circular No. 07/2019/TT-BNV sent to the Ministry (through the Department of Personnel Organization) to monitor, synthesize and report to the Ministry of Home Affairs.

      8. Closely coordinate with the Department of Personnel Organization and Department of Information Technology in the management of civil servant and employee records according to the scope of authority assigned in this Regulation.

      Best regards!

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    "This English translation is for reference purposes only and not a definitive translation of the original Vietnamese texts"

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