Proposal: Citizen's records are sent through application on electronic devices to residence management software system in Vietnam?

Proposal: Citizen's records are sent through application on electronic devices to residence management software system in Vietnam? 

Proposal: Citizen's records are sent through application on electronic devices to residence management software system in Vietnam?

In Clause 1, Article 3 of the Draft Circular amending Circular 55/2021/TT-BCA; Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA; Circular 57/2021/TT-BCA stipulating the process of residence registration with the proposal of citizens' dossiers sent to the electronic devices as follows:

Amending and supplementing a number of articles of Circular No. 57/2021/TT-BCA dated May 15, 2021 of the Minister of Public Security regulating the process of residence registration

1. To amend and supplement Article 6 as follows:

"1. Citizen records sent from the public service portal or through an application on an electronic device will be transferred to the residence management software.

3. Check the records, compare the information that citizens have declared on the Public Service Portal, the application on electronic devices with the provisions of the law on residence and do the following:”

In Clause 1, Article 6 of Circular 57/2021/TT-BCA herein, the sending method is as follows:

Order of receiving dossiers from the National Public Service Portal, the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security, the Residence Management Public Service Portal

1. Citizens' dossiers sent from the National Public Service Portal, the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security, and the Residence Management Public Service Portal will be transferred to the residence management software system.

2. Immediately after receiving the dossier, the officer receiving the dossier selects the dossier for processing.

3. Check the records, compare the information that citizens have declared on the National Public Service Portal, the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security, the Public Service Portal for Residence Management with the provisions of law on reside and do the following:

a) If the application is valid, the officer will receive it and notify the date of settlement.

b) In case the dossier is eligible but lacks forms, papers or the declaration form is incorrect or incomplete as prescribed by law, the officer shall refuse to receive the dossier, clearly stating the reason for not receiving the dossier. and instructions for supplementing records.

c) If the application is not eligible, the receiving officer shall refuse to accept the application, clearly stating the reason for not receiving it.

Thus, the new draft proposes that citizens' records are not only sent from the Public Service Portal, but also sent via an application on an electronic device to the residence management software system in Vietnam.

Who must sign the residency verification form in Vietnam?

In Clause 2, Article 3 of the Draft Circular amending Circular 55/2021/TT-BCA; Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA; Circular 57/2021/TT-BCA stipulating forms in registration and residence management; Circular 57/2021/TT-BCA proposes the following residence verification form:

2. Point c and d Clause 3 Article 7 shall be amended and supplemented as follows:

“c) The residence registration form must be approved and signed by the head of the residence registration agency.

Unless the content to be verified falls within the functions and tasks of the residence registration agency that is processing the application, the residence information verification form only needs to be signed by the polling officer and the answering officer. (review this content)

d) Within 02 working days, after receiving the Certificate of verification of residence information, the unit receiving the verification request must reply to verify. Particularly if the information to be verified is already in the National Population Database, the verification response must be answered within 1 working day.

For those who do not have a place of permanent or temporary residence who come to declare their residence information, the time limit for verification shall comply with the provisions of Article 19 of the Law on Residence.

e) In case of sending a request for verification to an agency or organization related to residence registration, the residence registration agency must make a written request for verification. In case of direct verification, a written record of the content requested for verification must be made and certified by the agency or organization providing the verification content. "

In Clause 3, Article 7 of Circular 57/2021/TT-BCA herein, principles when performing verification and answering verification of residency are as follows:

Residency Verification


3. Principles when performing verification and answering verification about residency

a) The sending, receiving and replying to the verification of residence shall be done through the residence management software system, in writing by post in the People's Police or appoint an officer to directly conduct the verification. Do not hand over the Residence Information Verification Card to citizens to self-verify.

b) The agency that receives the verification request must check and compare the information to be verified with the citizen information in the residence database, the residence record archive system, and the citizen identity archive. (if deemed necessary), records and books are being managed or coordinated and exchanged with relevant professional units to answer verification.

c) The residence registration form must be approved and signed by the head of the residence registration agency.

d) After receiving the Certificate of verification of residence information, the unit receiving the verification request must reply to verify; In case of having to verify more than one place or many contents, the verification reply must be answered within 03 working days at most. In case of verification for a person without a permanent or temporary place of residence who comes to declare residence information, the time limit for verification shall comply with the provisions of Article 19 of the Law on Residence.

As such, the residence registration form must be approved and signed by the head of the residence registration agency in Vietnam.

In addition, according to the new draft in Vietnam, where the content to be verified falls within the functions and tasks of the residence registration agency that is processing the dossier, the residence information verification form only needs to be signed by the polling officer and the verification respondent..

What is time limit for transferring documents to the residence records archive in Vietnam?

In Clause 5, Article 3 of the Draft Circular amending Circular 55/2021/TT-BCA; Circular 56/2021/TT-BCA; Circular 57/2021/TT-BCA stipulating forms in registration and residence management; Circular 57/2021/TT-BCA proposes the following residence verification form:

5. To amend and supplement Article 13 as follows:

“ Article 13. Transfer of dossiers to the archives of residence records

Within 03 working days from the date of settlement of permanent residence registration, permanent residence deletion, household separation or adjustment of residence information in the residence database, the registrar must transfer records to the archives of residence records for storage and management according to regulations. "

In Article 13 of Circular 57/2021/TT-BCA, it is stipulated that the application is transferred to the residence file archive as follows:

Transfer the file to the residence record library

Within 05 working days from the date of settlement of permanent residence registration, permanent residence deletion, household separation, adjustment of residence information in the residence database, the registration officer must transfer records to the archives of residence records for storage and management according to regulations.

Thus, it is expected that the time limit for transferring the dossier to the residence file archive will be within 3 working days from the date of settlement of permanent residence registration, permanent residence registration deletion, household separation, adjustment of residence information in the database on residency, registration officers in Vietnam.

Best regards!

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