Officially promulgate regulations on updating, using and exploiting data and information of the National Database on cadres, civil servants and public employees in Vietnam

What are principles of updating, using, and exploiting data and information of the National Database on cadres, civil servants and public employees in Vietnam? - Question from Ms. Van (Ha Tinh).

Officially promulgate regulations on updating, using and exploiting data and information of the National Database on cadres, civil servants and public employees in Vietnam

On May 4, 2023, the Minister of Home Affairs issued Circular 06/2023/TT-BNV on Regulations on updating, using and exploiting data and information of the National Database of cadres, civil servants and public employees in state agencies.

Circular 06/2023/TT-BNV includes 3 Chapters with 16 Articles and 01 Appendix.

Circular 06/2023/TT-BNV takes effect from 05/05/2023.

What behaviors are not allowed to do when updating, using and exploiting data and information of the National Database?

In Article 5 of the Regulation on updating and exploiting data and information of the database on cadres, civil servants and public employees in state agencies promulgated together with Circular 06/2023/TT-BNV stipulating about the acts not to do when updating, using, exploiting data and information of the National Database on cadres, civil servants and public employees as follows:

Actions not to do

According to the provisions in Article 8 of Decree No. 47/2020/ND-CP dated April 9, 2020 of the Government on management, connection and sharing of digital data of state agencies, other acts as prescribed of relevant legislation.

In Article 8 of Decree 47/2020/ND-CP, the following acts are prohibited:

Actions not to do

1. Obstructing the connection activities, the lawful right to exploit and use data of agencies, organizations and individuals according to the provisions of law.

2. Buying, selling, exchanging and sharing data against the law.

3. Violating regulations on intellectual property rights and the right to protect personal information when connecting and sharing data.

4. Falsifying data in the process of transferring data from the data provider to the data mining agency.

5. Destroying information infrastructure, disrupting data connection and sharing.

Thus, when updating, using and exploiting data and information of the National Database, officials, civil servants and public employees must not do the following acts:

- Obstructing the connection activities, the lawful right to exploit and use data of agencies, organizations and individuals according to the provisions of law.

- Buying, selling, exchanging and sharing data against the law.

- Violation of regulations on intellectual property rights, the right to protect personal information when connecting and sharing data.

- Falsifying data in the process of transferring data from the data provider to the data mining agency.

- Destroying information infrastructure, disrupting the connection and sharing of data.

What are principles of updating, using, and exploiting data and information of the National Database on cadres, civil servants and public employees in Vietnam?

In Article 4 of the Regulation on updating and exploiting data and information of databases on cadres, civil servants and public employees in state agencies promulgated together with Circular 06/2023/TT-BNV, the Updating, using and exploiting data of the database on cadres, civil servants and public employees shall comply with the following principles:

- Construction and management of national databases, databases of ministries, branches and localities:

+ It is the responsibility of the Ministry of Home Affairs, ministries, branches, localities, officials, civil servants and public employees;

+ To be carried out in a uniform, synchronous, scientific manner, reflecting fully, accurately and promptly the information of each cadre, civil servant, public employee, employee, since being recruited or signed a contract. labor until they no longer work at state agencies; ensure consistency in direction and administration;

+ Maximize resources, shorten time in collecting, editing and updating information about officials, civil servants, public employees and employees in state agencies.

- National databases, databases of ministries, branches and localities shall be stored, kept confidential, and ensured information security and safety in accordance with law.

- The construction, management, use and exploitation of the database:

+ Comply with the Party's regulations and relevant laws and be consistent with the Vietnam E-Government Architecture Framework;

+ Regulations on management, connection and sharing of digital data of state agencies; regulations on protection of private life, personal secrets, family secrets and other relevant laws.

- Data of cadres, civil servants, public employees and employees must be updated and accurate in accordance with the provisions of law.

- Data of cadres, civil servants, public employees and employees is managed according to the restriction of access and encryption of some information fields to ensure confidentiality and information safety in cadre work.

- The determination of data access restrictions comply with the Party's regulations and the law on cadres, civil servants and public employees.

- The person who has been approved in writing by the competent authority managing cadres, civil servants and public employees to access, research, use and exploit data on the National Database, the National Database of a ministry, branch or locality as prescribed by law, except for information about that individual or otherwise provided for by law.

- Do not provide information in the form of documents for information that has been exploited through the form of data connection and sharing between information systems.

- It is not required to re-declare information and data already in the national database or in the database of a ministry, branch or locality, except in the case of updating or using it for identification purposes. verify and verify data.

Best regards!

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