In 2023, what are training qualifications of the Court Clerks in Vietnam?

In 2023, what are training qualifications of the Court Clerks in Vietnam? - Question from Tu Nhu (Binh Duong).

In 2023, what are training qualifications of the Court Clerks in Vietnam?

According to Clause 4, Article 5, Regulations on professional standards, conditions and procedures, examination documents for promotion to the rank of examiner, court clerk issued together with Decision 1718/QD-TANDTC in 2017 regulating the training level of Senior Secretaries is as follows:

Standards for Senior clerk rank


4. Standards of training and retraining qualifications:

a) Have a Bachelor's degree in law or higher;

b) Have an advanced diploma in political theory;

c) Have a foreign language certificate equivalent to level 3 of the Vietnamese foreign language competency framework specified in Circular No. 01/2014/TT-BGDDT dated January 24, 2014 of the Ministry of Education and Training promulgating the competency framework 6-level foreign language proficiency for Vietnam;

d) Have an information technology certificate with qualifications meeting basic information technology skills standards specified in Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BTTTT dated March 11, 2014 of the Ministry of Information and Communications. Standard skills in the use of information technology.

According to Clause 4, Article 6, Regulations on professional standards, conditions and procedures, examination documents for promotion to the rank of examiner, court clerk issued together with Decision 1718/QD-TANDTC in 2017 regulating the training level of the Chief Secretary is as follows:

Standard for the rank of Principal clerk 


4. Standards of training and retraining qualifications:

a) Have a Bachelor's degree in law or higher;

b) Have a foreign language certificate equivalent to level 2 of the Vietnamese foreign language competency framework specified in Circular No. 01/2014/TT-BGDDT dated January 24, 2014 of the Ministry of Education and Training promulgating the competency framework 6-level foreign language proficiency for Vietnam;

c) Having a certificate of informatics with the standard level of basic information technology skills specified in the Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BTTTT dated March 11, 2014 of the Ministry of Information and Communications regulating Standard skills in using information technology.

According to Clause 4, Article 7, Regulations on professional standards, conditions and procedures, examination documents for promotion to the rank of examiner, court clerk issued together with Decision 1718/QD-TANDTC in 2017 regulating the training level of the Secretary is as follows:

Criteria for the rank of clerk 


4. Standards of training and retraining qualifications:

a) Have a Bachelor's degree in law or higher;

b) Have a foreign language certificate equivalent to level 1 of the Vietnamese Foreign Language Competency Framework as prescribed in the Circular No. 01/2014/TT-BGDĐT dated January 24, 2014 of the Ministry of Education and Training promulgating the competency framework. 6-level foreign language proficiency for Vietnam;

c) Have a certificate of informatics with the standard level of basic information technology skills specified in the Circular No. 03/2014/TT-BTTTT dated March 11, 2014 of the Ministry of Information and Communications regulating Standard skills in using information technology.

Based on the above regulations in Vietnam, the standards for training qualifications of Court Clerks in 2023 are prescribed as follows:

Standards for training qualifications of clerks:

- Have a Bachelor's degree in law or higher;

- Have a foreign language certificate equivalent to level 1 of the Vietnamese Foreign Language Competency Framework;

- Have a computer science certificate with a standard level of skills in using basic information technology.

Standards for training qualifications of Principal clerks:

- Have a Bachelor's degree in law or higher;

- Have a foreign language certificate equivalent to level 2 of the Vietnamese foreign language competency framework;

- Have a computer science certificate with a standard level of skills in using basic information technology.

Standards for training qualifications of senior clerks:

- Have a Bachelor's degree in law or higher;

- Have an advanced diploma in political theory;

- Have a foreign language certificate equivalent to level 3 of the Vietnamese foreign language competency framework;

- Have a computer science certificate with a standard level of skills in using basic information technology.

What are regulations on general standard of Court Clerk in 2023 in Vietnam?

According to Article 3 of the Regulations on professional standards, conditions and procedures, examination documents for promotion to the rank of examiner, court clerk issued together with Decision 1718/QD-TANDTC in 2017 stipulating general standards of Court Clerks in 2023 include:

- Have strong political courage and steadfast adherence to Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's ideology;

Firmly grasp and comply with the Party's policies and guidelines, and the State's legal policies;

Loyal to the Fatherland and the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;

Protecting justice and interests of the Fatherland and the People.

- Fulfill the obligations of civil servants according to the provisions of law; seriously comply with the assigned tasks of superiors;

Be exemplary in implementing internal rules and regulations of agencies, units and regulations of the People's Court.

- Dedication, integrity, honesty, objectivity, fairness and exemplary performance of public duties;

Comply with the code of conduct of civil servants of the People's Court, courtesy, culture, and standards in communication and serving the people.

- Have qualities, ethics, healthy lifestyle and activities, humility and solidarity; diligence, frugality, integrity, righteousness, public-mindedness and impartiality;

Do not take advantage of public work to seek personal benefits; No bureaucracy, corruption, waste, negativity.

- Regularly consciously practice quality training, study to improve qualifications and capacity to ensure completion of assigned tasks.

What is salary level of a Court Clerk in 2023 in Vietnam?

Based on the professional and professional salary table for the court and procuracy sectors issued together with Resolution 730/2004/NQ-UBTVQH11, the salary coefficient for Court Clerks is applied as follows:

Court Clerks apply the salary of civil servants type A1 with a salary coefficient of 2.34 - 4.98.

The current base salary is 1,490,000 VND/month (according to Article 3 of Decree 38/2019/ND-CP ). However, the National Assembly has approved an increase in the base salary, which will increase from 1,490,000 VND/month to 1,800,000 VND/month from July 1, 2023.

Thus, the salary schedule for Court Clerks in 2023 is as follows:

Coefficients salary

Salary from now - June 30, 2023 (VND)

Salary from July 1, 2023 (VND)




























Best regards!


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