If I am a military reserve, do I have to go for pre-enlistment check-up in Vietnam?

If I am a military reserve, do I have to go for pre-enlistment check-up in Vietnam? How much is fine for failure to be present at the location for health examination for military service in Vietnam? What cases are exempted from military service in Vietnam?

Hello, last year I passed the military service but the units had enough troops so I was in the reserve for military service. Please ask, if I am a military reserve, will I be able to have a medical examination for military service next year? How much is fine for failure to be present at the location for health examination for military service?

Please advise. Thankyou.

If I am a military reserve, do I have to go for pre-enlistment check-up in Vietnam?

Clause 1, Article 41 of the 2015 Military Service Law, supplemented by Point c, Clause 1, Article 49 of the 2019 Militia and Self-Defense Law, stipulates postponement of military service as follows:

1. These following citizens shall have conscription postponed:

a) Any citizen whose health is unsatisfactory for active duty military service according to the conclusion of pre-enlistment check-up board;

b) Any citizen being the sole earner who directly takes care of his/her relative who lost working capacity or under working age; any citizen being the sole earner in a family suffering serious damage to humans and properties due to dangerous accidents, disasters, epidemics certified by People’s Committees of communes;

c) Any citizen who is a child of sick soldiers, people infected with dioxin and suffering labor capacity reduction from 61% to 80%;

d) Any citizen whose full brother/sister is a non-commissioned officer/active duty enlisted soldier or a non-commissioned officer/enlisted soldier performing service in People’s Army;

dd) Any citizen who is subject to emigration or evacuation in 03 first years to extremely disadvantaged communes according to the socio-economic development project of the State that is decided by People’s Committees of provinces or higher levels;

e) Any citizen who is official or youth volunteer assigned to extremely disadvantage socio-economic area according to the law provisions;

g) Any citizen who is studying at compulsory education institutions or receiving training of university level at higher education institutions or training of college level at vocational education institutions for a training course of a level.

h) Standing militia

According to this Article, if you are a military reserve, you are not eligible for postponement of military service according to regulations in Vietnam. Therefore, you are still eligible to be called for military service next year if you are still of military service age.

If I am a military reserve, do I have to go for pre-enlistment check-up in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

How much is fine for failure to be present at the location for health examination for military service in Vietnam?

In Article 6 of Decree 120/2013/ND-CP amended by Clause 8, Article 1 of Decree 37/2022/ND-CP, regulations on violations of regulations on inspection and medical examination for performing military service are as follows: 

1. Fine from 10,000,000 VND to 12,000,000 VND for failure to be present at the time or location for the inspection or medical examination stated in the Commander's call for check or have a medical examination for military service by the Commander of the District Military Command according to the provisions of the Law on Military Service without a legitimate reason.

2. A fine from 12,000,000 VND to 15,000,000 VND shall be imposed for intentionally not receiving the call for military service medical examination and examination by the Commander of the District-level Military Command according to the provisions of the Law on Military service without a valid reason.

3. Fine from 15,000,000 VND to 20,000,000 VND for one of the following acts:

a) The person undergoing a medical examination commits fraud and falsifies the results of his or her health classification in order to avoid military service;

b) Giving money, property, or other material benefits worth less than VND 2,000,000 to officials, medical staff or other people to falsify the health classification results of the person being examined or the persons undergoing health examination for conscription in order to avoid military service.

4. Fine from 25,000,000 VND to 35,000,000 VND for failure to comply with orders for medical examination for military service.

Thus, if you are not present at the military service medical examination, you will be fined from 25,000,000 VND to 35,000,000 VND according to the provisions of law in Vietnam.

What cases are exempted from military service in Vietnam?

Clause 2, Article 41 of the 2015 Military Service Law stipulates cases of exemption from military service as follows:

2. These following citizens shall have conscription exempted:

a) Any citizen who is a child of revolutionary martyrs or grade 1 wounded soldiers;

b) Any citizen who is a brother of revolutionary martyrs;

c) Any citizen who is a child of grade 2 wounded soldiers; a child of sick soldiers suffering labor capacity reduction of 81% or above; a child of people infected with dioxin and suffering labor capacity reduction of 81% or above;

d) Any citizen carrying out essential tasks who is not a soldier or a People’s Army;

dd) Any citizen who is official or youth volunteer assigned to extremely disadvantaged socio-economic area according to the law provisions for 24 months or more;

Above are the subjects exempted from military service according to the provisions of law in Vietnam.

Best regards!

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