How long does it takes for processing of registration requests for eID accounts in Vietnam?

How long does it takes for processing of registration requests for eID accounts in Vietnam? How to activate eID accounts in Vietnam? What are regulations on locking Vietnamese citizen's eID accounts?

Thank you!

How long does it takes for processing of registration requests for eID accounts in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 17 of the Decree 59/2022/NĐ-CP (takes effect from 20/10/2022) stipulating duration of processing of registration requests for eID accounts in Vietnam as follows:

Upon receipt of all valid request documents prescribed herein, the competent Police shall process the registration request for an eID account within the following duration:

1. For any Vietnamese citizen who is holding a chip-based ID card: The maximum duration of completion of processing of the registration requests for level-1 eID accounts and level-2 eID accounts shall be 01 and 03 working days, respectively. For any Vietnamese citizen who does not hold a chip-based ID card:

The maximum duration of completion of processing of the registration requests for eID accounts shall be 07 working days.

2. For foreigners: The maximum duration of completion of processing of the registration requests for level-1 eID accounts shall be 01 working day; for level-2 eID accounts, if the applicant’s portrait photo and fingerprint is available in the national entry/exit database, 03 working days; for level-2 eID accounts, if the applicant’s portrait photo and fingerprint is available in the national entry/exit database, 07 working days.

3. For non-person entities:

a) The maximum duration of completion of processing of the registration requests for eID accounts shall be 01 working day if verifiable information about the requesting entity already exists in the national database or specialized databases.

b) The maximum duration of completion of processing of the registration requests for eID accounts shall be 15 working day if verifiable information about the requesting entity is not available in the national database or specialized databases.

How to activate eID accounts in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 18 of the Decree 59/2022/NĐ-CP (takes effect from 20/10/2022) stipulating activation of eID accounts in Vietnam as follows:

EID holders can activate their eID accounts on the VNelD app within 07 days of receipt of notifications of approval for eID account registration requests. Within 07 days after receipt of the notification, if any eID account is not activated, the eID holder must contact the electronic identification and authentication regulator via the receiver switchboard and address issues related to electronic identification and authentication requirements to activate the eID account pending activation.

What are regulations on locking Vietnamese citizen's eID accounts?

Pursuant to Clause 1 Article 19 of the Decree 59/2022/NĐ-CP (takes effect from 20/10/2022) stipulating locking Vietnamese citizen's eID accounts as follows:

1. Locking Vietnamese citizen's eID accounts

a) The electronic identification and authentication system automatically remembers and locks an eID account if the eID holder makes the request for locking his/her account; the eID holder is in breach of terms of use of the VNeID app; the eID holder's ID card is revoked; the eID holder dies. The system can remember through the eID holder’s declaration made on the VNelD app or input of updated eID information into the electronic identification and authentication according to Article 10 herein.

b) If a procedure-conducting agency, competent regulatory authority or service user requests an eID account to be locked, the account locking request must be sent to the Police to seek their approval for such request.

c) Within 02 working days, the request-receiving Police’s head can approve the locking request in the case specified in point b of clause 1 of this Article, and notify this to the agency or entity making the account locking request and the eID holder. In case of rejection, a written reply with clear reasons for such rejection must be sent.

Best regards!

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