Schedule for payment of pensions and social insurance allowances in Vietnam in December 2024

What is the schedule for payment of pensions and social insurance allowances in Vietnam in December 2024? Is it possible to change the method of receiving monthly social insurance benefits in Vietnam?

Schedule for payment of pensions and social insurance allowances in Vietnam in December 2024

Based on Clause 4, Article 7 of the Procedures for Resolving the Entitlement to Social Insurance Policies, Payment of Social Insurance Policies, and Unemployment Insurance Policies issued in accordance with Decision 166/QD-BHXH in 2019, the procedures for resolution and payment are regulated:

Article 7. Resolution and Payment


  1. Monthly Payment of Social Insurance Policies


4.1.4. Organize the monthly payment of pensions and social insurance benefits to beneficiaries through the postal system as per the signed contract.

a) Payment at payment points: From the 2nd to the 10th of the month, payment is organized for at least 6 hours/day at all payment points; payment ends before the 10th at points where the complete list of beneficiaries sent by the Social Insurance agency is covered.

b) Payment at postal transaction points in districts: From the 11th of the month, payment continues at postal transaction points until the 25th of the month.

4.1.5. Prepare List C75-HD, detail monitoring of recovery for each object managed by provincial Social Insurance, and compile a recovery list for the entire province as regulated.

4.1.6. Settle payment costs for the provincial post office after receiving financial invoices.

4.1.7. Based on Notification C12-TS to track revenue and expenditure of health insurance premiums by classification.

4.1.8. Monthly, prepare a comprehensive report on monthly social insurance policy payments in the form No. 4-CBH managed by the provincial Social Insurance and summarized for the entire province as regulated.


Thus, the schedule for pension payment in December 2024 is as follows:

- Payment at payment points: From December 2, 2024, to December 10, 2024, at all payment points

- Payment at postal transaction points in districts: From December 11, 2024, continue to pay at postal transaction points until the end of December 25, 2024.

Schedule  for  Payment  of  Pensions  and  Social  Insurance  Benefits  in  December  2024

Schedule for payment of pensions and social insurance allowances in Vietnam in December 2024​ (Image from the Internet)

When is the monthly social insurance benefit in Vietnam terminated?

Based on Article 75 of the Social Insurance Law 2024 on the suspension, termination, and continuation of monthly pensions and social insurance benefits:

Article 75. Suspension, Termination, and Continuation of Pensions, Monthly Social Insurance Benefits

  1. Suspension of monthly pensions and social insurance benefits for beneficiaries under one of the following conditions:

a) Illegal emigration;

b) Declared missing by the Court;

c) When beneficiary information cannot be verified as regulated in point c, clause 2, Article 11 of this Law.

  1. Termination of monthly pensions and social insurance benefits for beneficiaries under one of the following conditions:

a) Death or declared deceased by the Court;

b) Refusal of monthly pensions and social insurance benefits in writing;

c) Conclusion by a competent authority that social insurance benefits are non-conformable with the law.


According to the above regulations, the termination of monthly social insurance benefits occurs in the following cases:

- Death or declared deceased by the Court

- Refusal of monthly pensions and social insurance benefits in writing

- Conclusion by a competent authority that social insurance benefits are non-conformable with the law

Is it possible to change the method of receiving monthly social insurance benefits in Vietnam?

Based on Article 82 of the Social Insurance Law 2024 on changing the method of receiving or place of receiving monthly pensions and social insurance benefits:

Article 82. Change of Method, Place of Receiving Pensions, Monthly Social Insurance Benefits

  1. Beneficiaries of monthly pensions, social insurance benefits wishing to change the method or place of receiving due to relocation within the country must send a written request to the social insurance agency currently paying the benefits.
  1. Within 5 working days from the receipt of the written request stipulated in clause 1 of this Article, the social insurance agency must resolve; if unresolved, they must respond in writing with clear reasons.

According to the above regulations, those currently receiving monthly social insurance benefits wishing to change the method of receiving must send a written request to the social insurance agency currently paying the benefits.

Note: The Social Insurance Law 2024 comes into effect on July 1, 2025.

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